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Anatomy Hip

"Hip 2" lecture

What is the angle between the neck and the shaft of the femur in the frontal plane is called? angle of inclination
When is the angle of inclination the largest? at birth
The angle of inclination __________ until adulthood. decreases
What is considered normal for the angle of inclination? 125°(may range from 115°-140°)
If the angle of inclination smaller or larger in women? smaller
The angle between the neck and shaft of femur in horizontal plane is called? the angle of anteversion(torsion)
What is the average angle of anteversion? 10°
How could anteversion manifest in observation or gait ? pigeon toes
How could retroversion manifest in observation or gait ? toe out
The hip joint is designed for ______, while the glenohumoral joint is designed for ______ . stability, mobility
The acetabular labrum is made up of what kind of cartilage? fibrocartilage
The acetabular labrum is attached to what two structures? acetabular rim and transverse ligament
What is the function of the labrum? to make the acetabulum more concave to increase stability.
Give two examples of fibrocartilage in the body?(besides the labrum) meniscus of knee, IV discs of spine
The ligaments of the hip are considered either _________ or _________. intracapsular or capsular
Which ligaments are considered intracapsular? transverse ligament and ligament of the head of the femur (ligamentum teres)
What ligament completes the gap of the acetabular notch? transverse ligament
Ligamentum teres attaches where? acetabular notch/transverse ligament to the fovea of the femur.
Does the ligamentum teres provide much joint stability? no
What is the main purpose of the ligamentum teres? to provide blood supply to femoral head until growth plate closure.(16-20 y/o)
What are the potential consequences of ligament disruption avascular necrosis
Where is the joint capsule the thickest/strongest? anteriorly and superiorly
What kind of membrane lines the capsule? synovial membrane
What are the capsular ligaments? Iliofemoral, Ischiofemoral, and Pubofemoral
The Iliofemoral, Ischiofemoral, and Pubofemoral ligaments all tighten up with what motion? extension
Which ligament is located primarily posterior to joint and wraps around from post. to ant. And tightens up with extension? Ishiofemoral ligament
Which ligament is located anterior and inferior to joint? pubofemoral
Which ligament is located primarily anterior to the joint and is also known as the Y ligament of bigelow? Iliofemoral
All capsular ligaments become taut in what hip motion? extension
The position where, overall, joint surfaces are least congruent, least compression of the joint surfaces, capsule and ligaments are maximally relaxed, space & volume maximal, maximal distraction is possible & greatest movement available is what position? Resting position
What is the clinical significance of the resting position? allows for joint play assessment, its the position of comfort following injury when swelling is present
What is the resting position of the hip(specific positions and degrees)? 30° Flexion, 30° ABD, 30° ER
What is the position where overall, the ligaments are maximally stretched and there is maximal congruency of articular surfaces? closed packed positoin
What is different about the hip's closed packed position? it has a bony closed packed position and a ligamentous closed packed position
What is the bony closed packed position of the hip? 90° Flexion, Slight abduction, Slight ER
What is the ligamentous closed packed position of the hip? Full extension, Abduction, IR
What three motions are primarily limited with a capsular pattern? IR, flexion, abduction
Discuss how swelling differs w/ intracapsular vs capsular ligamentous sprains. Expect more swelling throughout jt in intracapsular sprain vs a minor/superficial/absent swelling w/ capsular sprains.
Created by: txst sum 2009
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