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L.A 2017 Floral Exam

Louisiana Floral Examination Flash Cards - 2017

Tributes of Excellence Distinction, Individuality, and Originality
Distinction The Quality of Unique charm, taste and originality - "That Clear Decision" - which sets a designer apart and to which all persons strive to achieve.
Individuality The expression of a designers personality.
Originality The reflection of creative thinking, imagination, vision and interpretation,
Composition The grouping of various parts that make up a design.
Suitability The state of being appropriate to the circumstances and/or location
Line The visual path the eye follows to produce motion.
Form The shape or contour of the individual components in a composition.
Space The element of design that is the opens areas around the individual components in a composition.
Positive Space The area occupied by materials.
Negative Space Open space with nothing occupying it.
Texture Physical surface qualities of plant materials .
Pattern The composition of the arrangement and size of the leaves, twigs or branches.
Primary Colors Red, Yellow and Blue.
Secondary Colors The mixture of any two Primary Colors.
Tertiary Colors The mixture of a Secondary color and Primary Color.
Neutral Colors {ire Back. White or Gray.
Color Harmony The various usable or pleasing combinations of colors.
Hue Red. Yellow and Green makes hues, regardless of quantity of black or white.
Chroma Pure hue, undiluted with White, Black, or Gray.
Value Lightness or Darkness of a Hue.
Tint Any color which white has been added.
Shade Color which black has been added.
Tone A color grayed by its complement or addition of gray.
Monochromatic Color scheme composed entirely of one hue.
Analogous Three or more hues in sequence.
Complementary Colors Colors opposite on the color wheel.
Slip Complementary Secondary Colors opposite on the color wheel.
Triad The combination of three hues that are equally spaced on the color wheel.
Tetrad Any four colors equally spaced on the color wheel.
Polychromatic Color harmony made up of many different hues.
Achromatic Color harmony made up of neutral colors.
Balance Strong chroma-vivid or darker values in the focal area and weaker values to the outside.
Proportion The more dominate the color, the less it is used.
Interest Dominance and transition will be gained by the percentages, and rhythm will be created by the variation in amounts.
Size The measurement of the amount of space something occupies, much as a design or a composition of a design.
Proportion The relationship of one part to another or of one part to the whole design in size.
Scale The relative ratio of the size of the composition to its surroundings.
Balance The state of equilibrium and is achieved when the components of a design is composted giving a feeling of stability and security.
Symmetrical Balance Formal, manamade and characterize by perfect symmetry. Perfect mirror image on both sides.
Asymmetrical Balance Natural, informal and it is not a mirror image of both sides.
Mechanical Structural balance gained by proper placement of main stems forming design or pattern.
Visual Balance The selection of correct sizes of materials and the use of color and texture.
Dominance Visual organization of a design that emphasizes one or more aspects.
Focal Area/Focal Point Area of greatest visual impart of weight; center of interest that naturally attracts the eye.
Accent Detail added to a design that enhances interest and emphasizes other stronger elements.
Emphasis An area in a composition that is given important to make it stand out.
Rhythm Visual movement throughout a design, usually achieved by mean of repetition or gradation.
Depth Placement of materials at different levels in and around an arrangement.
Repetition Repeating or like elements which in a composition.
Transition The easy visual movement that comes from gradual degrees of change in the composition. Small to large, Light to dark.
Harmony The aesthetic qualities created through the pleasing interaction of a combination of components in a composition.
Unity Oneness of purpose, thought, style and spirit. The organization of components into a harmonious composition.
Contrast The difference between objects when they are placed next to each other.
Variation Basic similarities with minor differences.
Opposition Total contrast that brings about contradiction in design.
Tension A dynamic aesthetic quality expressing action or the force of energy within a design using skillful contrast.
Radial Materials arranged like rays coming from a common center.
Parallel Two or more lines that have the same direction and with continuous equal space in between.
Abstract Non-realistic placement of the stems with no relation to a growth point or water source.
Integrated Steam placement that is weaved together to make up a composition.
Vegetative Design Naturalistic design style which flowers and plant materials are place in the way they grow.
Geometric Design A composition with a definite geometric shape composed of line, mass or line-mass concepts with radial stem placement.
Radiating Lines - Fan Shaped Radial Lines which are placed so that they create a fan shape.
Radiating Lines - Crescent Shaped Radial Lines which are placed so that why create a half circle.
"S" Curve - Hogarth Curve Radial Lines which are placed so that they create an "S" shape.
Triangular Design Secondary geometrical shapes that are triangular in design, they can both symmetrical or asymmetrical.
Symmetrical Triangle A triangle design that has perfect symmetry. Both sides are mirror images.
Symmetrical Cone Triangle A design that is cone in shape, like a pyramid, although may be round in shape.
Asymmetrical Triangle A triangle design that doesn't have perfect symmetry. Both sides do not have a mirror image.
Asymmetrical Triangle - Right Angle A triangle design where its tallest radial stem is placed to the right. The composition creates a 90 degree angle.
Asymmetrical Triangle - Scalene A triangle design whose angles are unequal.
Vertical Design An arrangement in which vertical lines are used.
Horizontal Design An arrangement that is low and spreads outward, good for mantels and dining room tables.
Formalinear Design A asymmetrically balanced design of interesting materials, each of this is few in number and is grouped together. An arrangement that emphasizes forms and lines.
Parallel Design An arrangment in which the individual stems or groups of stems are placed in the same direction and are always the same distance apart.
Free Form Design The self of creative design inspired by unconventional ideas, stems and patterning. Yet adhering to the elements and principles of design.
Interpretive Design The organization of design elements that suggest a given theme, idea, occasion, mood or atmosphere.
Realistic Interpretive Design Designs that are dictated by nature and tradition, though free of geometric pattern and its rules of organization.
Non-Realistic Interpretive Design The unusual use of materials producing form that is striking and bizarre, with no illusion to reality; approaching abstract.
Abstract Design Non-realistic use of natural or man-made materials solely as elements of pure line, forma, color, texture, in space, to create new images. Gives form to vision by expressing emotion through an intellectual process.
Accessories Objects that accent the composition. Items necessary for the completion of harmonizing.
The for major groups of glower types: Line, Mass, Form and Filler.
Line Flowers: Erect, tall spikes of blossoms with florets blooming along the stem. (Stock, Bells of Ireland, Gladiolus)
Mass Flowers: A Single stem with one solid head. Placed toward the focal point, adding frame work of linear materials. (Rose, Carnation, Gerber Daisy)
Form Flowers: Distinctive in shape, used in the focal area. (Orchid, Lily, Anthurium)
Filler Flowers: Either multi branched or feathery, used to "fill in" arrangements (Babies Breath, Spray Aster)
Foliage Forms: Strong characteristic foliage used to add volume to an arrangement.
Line Foliage: Adds strength and vitality, enhances line and adds softness. (Eucalyptus)
Mass Foliage: Gives volume and adds weight to a composition. (Chamadorea wide/narrow)
Form Foliage: Value is added with distinctive shape and brilliant colors. (Philodendron, Strelitzia, Spiral Eucalyptus)
Filler Foliage: Used primarily for background and to "fill in" compositions. (Leather leaf, Tree Fern, Huckleberry)
Production Post-harvesting lasting qualities of cut flowers. the processing and procedures that growers produce cut flowers.
Environmental Factors: Spacing, Light intensity and temperature.
Transpiration: The natural loss of water in plants and flowers.
Floral Food: Food source, added to water it provides and energy source to cut flowers.
34-36 degrees Temperature for Roses, Gardenias and Carnations
38-42 degrees Temperature for Lilies, Gladioli and Chrysanthemums
55-60 degrees Temperature for tropical flowers (Birds of Paradise_
36-40 degress Temperature that accommodates most flowers
Ethylene Gas A gas produced by damaged foliage and diseased tissue on flowers and plants.
Microbial Activity Bacterial organisms produced when plugging the the stem of a cut flower. This severely reduces the intake of water.
What flower is conditioned separately? Daffodils
Floral Foam Most common mechanic, also known as "wet foam". This foam soaks in water holding it to be used as the primary water source for arrangements in containers.
Dry Foam Commonly used for silks and dried flower arrangements.
Styro Foam Used as a foundation for ilk flowers.
Floral Cages Different types of games that hold floor foam and dry foam with a plastic grid.
Grid Lids/Tape Lids Plastic grid lids that snap into place over the container opening, providing a series of small square opening to hold up stems. The same practice can be made with tape.
Pin/Needle Holders Metal mechanic frequently used in Oriental designs.
Chicken Wire A container mechanic made of mesh chicken wire. Cut flowers fit through the holes of the mesh.
Hardware Cloth Another type of wire mesh that may be used and cut to specific lengths. It may be crinkled over the lip of the container to stay in place.
Created by: PoutyBurrito
Popular Agriculture sets




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