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Vocab List 14-16

AP lit

countenance 1)face or its expression (n) 2)to tolerate or improve; consent to; give permission (v)
deposition the act of putting something aside, whether you're putting aside a ruler, or putting aside legal testimony to be used later in trial (n)
discursive rambling from topic to topic in speech or writing; changes in subject that are hard to follow; strays form the main point (adj)
epigram short, clever remark; an inscription; famous quotations; witty saying (n)
feign pretend or to imitate; make a pretense of; make believe with the intent to deceive (n)
interpolate 1)alter; falsify; inserting words into text to falsify (v) 2)estimate the value of (v)
laconic brief; style of speaking or writing that uses only a few words, often to express complex thoughts and ideas; to the point (adj)
mien a person's appearance, manner, or demeanor (n)
veracity unwillingness to tell lies; truthfulness (n)
wry 1)sarcastic sense of humor; mocking (adj) 2)bent to one side (adj)
confound 1)to mistake one thing for another; be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly (v) 2)"to damn" (v)
curate 1)a person authorized to conduct religious worship; minister (n) 2)to care for or manage an exhibit, such as an art museum (v)
ethereal characterized by lightness and insubstantial-ability; as impalpable or intangible as air; of heaven or the spirit; of or containing or dissolved in ether (adj)
gambol 1)to play boisterously; frisk; cavort; rollick; romp (v) 2)gay or light-hearted recreational activity for diversion or amusement; recreation (n)
mutability the quality of being changeable; alter-ability; changeability (n)
nascent being born or beginning; emerging; coming into existence (adj)
nonplused filled with bewilderment; perplexed; puzzled (adj)
pedantic academic; scholarly; marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects (adj)
quail to draw back, s with fear or pain; flinch; cringe; recoil (v)
rhetorical oratorical; poetic; given to rhetoric, emphasizing style at the expense of thought (adj)
effusive extravagantly demonstrative; uttered with unrestrained enthusiasm; demonstrative; lively (adj)
fatuous devoid of intelligence; mindless; foolish (adj)
febrile of or relating to or characterized by fever; feverish (adj)
incredulous not disposed or willing to believe; unbelieving; distrustful (adj)
interminable tiresomely long; seemingly without end; endless; eternal (adj)
obliquely to, toward or at one side; at an oblique angle; sideways; aslant (adv)
pernicious exceedingly harmful; working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way; deadly (adj)
sardonic disdainfully or ironically humorous; scornful and mocking; sarcastic (adj)
ultimatum a final peremptory demand; a final demand or threat (n)
writhe to move in a twisting or contorted motion (especially when struggling); squirm; twist (v)
Created by: naomiselj
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