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World History test14

chapter 14

Renaissance rebirth
Urban society powerful city states
secular worldly
condottiere the leader of a band of mercenaries
humanism an intellectual movement based on the study of classics or the literary works of ancient greece and rome
frescoes a painting done on fresh wet plaster with water based paints
pluralism the holdingof many church offices
absenteeism when church officeholders ignored their duties and paid subordinates to run their offices
predestination the "eternal decree" god had predestined some people to either be saved or to be damned
edict of worms martin luther was outlawed by the holy roman empire
charles V outraged at martin luther, declared the edict of worms
the peace of augsburg 1555 no more warfare, lutherans & catholic split
petrarch the father of italian renaissance humanism. looked for the forgotten latin manuscripts. he wanted humanists to use latin
Dante made an italian vernacular masterpeice "divine comedy" a story of a souls journey to salvation
Chaucer made the canterbury tales, a story of 29 pilgrims journying to the tomb of saint thomas a becket at canterbury, england
Francois Rabelais pantagruel and gargantua. 16th century a story of a giant & hisfather
Masaccio 15th century artist made frescoes his paintings of people were 3d & life like
Donatello made sculptures & statues
Filippo Brunellischi a friend of donatellos. went with to rome architect made a church interior
Jan Van Eyck the first to use oil paint, didnt understand perspective
Albrecht Durer two trips to italy, to absorb theories of proportion
Venice trade empire
Charles VIII french, occupied Naples in 1494
CharlesI of spain, sacked Rome in 1527
Machiavelli wrote the prince-how to aquire and keep political power, wrote harshly about the human & got exiled
Castiglione the Book of Courtier- eplained a perfect noble 3 characteristics of a noble. was italian
Petty Burghers shop keeper, artisan,guild
Michelangelo a great artist, painted a ceiling for pope julius
dowry a sum of money given by the wives family to the husband upon marriage
francesco sforza a condottiere, conquered milan & became duke
cosimo de medici 1434 took over florence kept the republican form of govn't but ran it from behind the scenes
milan richest city, visconti family
florence republic_ major city state run by a small walthy group of merchants who lead successful wars
venice A major republic, wealthy merchant- aristocrats ran the govn't
Created by: calliethecat
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