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Thermal Energy Rev

Thermal Energy Revie

What do we call the measure of the average kinetic energy of the atoms a substance is made up? Temperature
How else can we describe what temperature is a measure of? The speed at which a substances atoms move
On which scale does water freeze at 32 degrees? Farenheit
On which scale does water freeze at 0 degrees? Celsius
On which scale is Absolute Zero a temperature? Kelvin
What tool is used to measure temperature? Thermometer
What is the relationship between temperature and the speed of the atoms? As temperature increases, the atoms move faster
What do we call the process that causes atoms to spread farther apart when heated? Thermal Expansion
Which matter is the exception and will expand when it is cooled? Water
What is absolute zero? The lowest temperature on the Kelvin scale that represents particles with no kinetic energy.
What is the transfer of energy between objects that are at different temperatures called? Heat
What is the direction of heat flow? Warm --> Cool
What is the total kinetic energy of all the particles that make up an object? Thermal Energy
Which has more thermal energy, a cup of water at 70 degrees Celsius or a lake at 70 degree celsius? Lake (more atoms = more thermal energy)
What are 3 things that could happen when heat is added or removed from matter? 1.expand 2.contract3.change state
Why do materials expand when their temperatures increase? Its molecules speed up and move farther apart.
Why do materials contract when their temperatures decrease? Its molecules slow down and move closer together.
What is the transfer of energy through matter or space as electromagnetic waves? Radiation
What is the transfer of energy from one substance to another through direct contact? Conduction
What is the transfer energy by the repeated rising and sinking of fluids called? Convection
When heat is transferred by the actual movement of the warmed matter, it is called . . . ? Convection
Which phase(s) of matter conducts thermal energy the best? Solids
Which phase(s) of matter will allow thermal energy to be transferred by convection? Fluids (liquids and gases)
Which method of heat transfer can move thermal energy through space (where there are no atoms)? Radiation
Which method of heat transfer relies on density? Convection
Why does heated matter rise? Because it is less dense than the surrounding matter.
Why does cooled matter sink? Because it is more dense than the surrounding matter.
What do we call matter that allows thermal energy to easily pass through? Conductors
What do we call matter that allows little or no thermal energy to pass through? Insulators
How is radiation different from conduction and convection? Radiation does not need matter in order to transfer heat, convection and conduction do.
Why does conduction occur easily in solids? The atoms and molecules are close to one another
Is it better to have heating vents at the floor in your house rather than near the ceiling? Explain Near the floor because hot air rises
What does thermal energy depend on? Mass (the NUMBER of atoms)
What does temperature depend on? Speed
What is needed in order for a phase change to occur? Change in Temperature or Heat
What do you call phase changes that absorb heat energy? Endothermic
What do you call phase changes that release heat energy? Exothermic
Which phase changes are always endothermic? Evaporation and Melting
Which phase changes are always exothermic? Freezing and Condensation
During which phase changes do the atoms always move closer together and slow down? Freezing and Condensation
During which phase changes do the atoms always move farther apart and speed up? Melting and Evaporation
What do we call a change in phase from liquid to solid? Freezing
What do we call a change in phase from solid to gas or gas to solid? Sublimation
What do we call a change in phase from gas to liquid? Condensation
What do we call a change in phase from liquid to gas? Evaporation
What do we call a phase change from solid to liquid? Melting
Clouds are an example of...? Condensation
Frost is an example of...? Sublimation
The temperature at which a liquid turns to a solid is called matters...? Freezing Point
The temperature at which a solid turns to a liquid is called matters....? Melting Point
The temperature at which a liquid turns to a gas is called matters...? Boiling Point
What is the freeing and melting point of water? 0 degrees Celsius
What is the boiling point of water? 100 degrees Celsius
Which 2 phase changes occur at the same temperature? 1) Evaporation & Condensation 2) melting & Freezing
Where does boiling happen? At the bottom of the liquid
Where does evaporation happen? At the surface of the liquid
What is meant by states of matter? Form (or phases)
hat are the 3 main states of matter? Solid Liquid Gas
What state of matter has a definite shape AND definite volume? Solid
What state of matter has an indefinite shape AND definite volume? liquid
What state(s) of matter has an indefinite shape AND and indefinite volume? Plasma and Gas
Which state(s) of matter take the shape of their container? Gas and Liquid
Which states of matter have a definite volume? Solid and Liquid
Which state of matter is made up of electrically charged particles? Plasma
Rocks, bones and wood all represent... Solids
Stars, lightening and the northern lights all represent: Plasma
Water, Iced tea and Maple Syrup all represent: Liquids
Helium, oxygen and carbon dioxide all represent: Gases
Which state(s) of matter are made up of atoms that are VERY tightly packed and that vibrate in their fixed position? Solids
Which state(s) of matter are made up of atoms that can flow over and under one another? Liquids and gases
Which state of matter is always found at the lowest temperatures? Solids
Which states of matter is made up of atoms that are the least dense? Gas
Created by: sloanescience
Popular Science sets




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