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Ecology Review

What is Ecology? The study of how living things interact with their environment
What do we call all of the living (or once living) parts of an environment? Biotic Factors
What do we call all the non-living parts of an environment? Abiotic Factors
Birds, trees, grass, worms, fish, bears and deer are all examples of what? Biotic Factors
Soil, Air, Water, Sun,and Temperature are all examples of what? Abiotic Factors
What are the 4 levels of organization in the environment from smallest to largest? Organism, Population, Community, Ecosystem
What is a group of organisms from the same species living in a certain area? Population
Which level contains a community and its abiotic environment? Ecosystem
Which level contains different populations living together? Community
All of the white tailed deer in the forest make up a? Popluation
1 clownfish is an example of an? Organism
All of the black bears, trout and grass in the river make up a? Community
The Blue Jays, White Pine Trees, Sun, Water and rocks in the forest make up am? Ecosystem
What do we call an organism that uses sunlight directly to make its own food? Producers
What do we call organisms that eat producers or other living things for energy? Consumers
What are the 4 types of consumers? Herbivores, Carnivores, Omnivores, Scavengers
Which type of consumer eats only meat, or other animals? Carnivores
Which type of consumer eats both plants and animals? Omnivores
Which type of consumer is an animal that gets its energy from eating dead animals? Scavengers
What type of consumer eats only plants? Herbivores
What do we call organisms that obtain energy by breaking down the remains of dead organisms? Decomposers
What type of consumer is a bird? Omnivore (worms and berries)
What is the niche of fungi, worms and bacteria? Decomposer
What type of consumer is a Lion? Carnivore
What is the niche of a plant? Producer, photosynthesisTo provide oxygen to other organisms, To provide food to other organisms
What type of consumer is a rabbit? Herbivore
What type of consumer is a vulture? Scanvenger
What is a habitat? The place where an organism lives
What is the habitat of a fish? Fish, Lake, Ocean or Stream
What is the role (job) of an organism, or how it gets food, safety and shelter, in its environment? Niche
What is competition? When two organisms fight for the same resource
What are 4 things organisms might compete for? FoodSpaceMateWater
What is a predator? An organism that eats another
What is a prey? The organism that GETS eaten by another
A fox kills a rabbit. Which organism is the prey? Rabbit
What is symbiosis? A long term relationship between two different organisms
What are the tree types of symbiosis? Commensalism, Mutualism, Parasitism
A tape worm living on the skin of a dog gets food for the worm but harm the dog. What type of symbiosis is this? Parasitism (one benefits and one is harmed)
Birds getting food from an alligators mouth while cleaning the alligator’s teeth benefits both living things. What type of symbiosis is this? Mututalism (both benefit!)
A bird building a nest in the tree helps the bird but does not help or harm the tree. What type of symbiosis is this? Commensalism (one benefits the other is neither harmed nor helped)
What is a food chain? A series of animals feeding on plants or other animals and passing on energy
What do the arrows in a food chain or food web show? The direction the energy moves
What do we call the FIRST organism to eat something in a chain or web? primary consumer
What do we call the SECOND organism to eat something in a chain or web? secondary consumer
What do we call the THIRD organism to eat something in a chain or web? tertiery consumer
What does an Energy Pyramid show? The amount of energy avaiable at each level of a food chain
Which level in an Energy Pyrmamid contains the most stored energy to pass on? producers (plants)
What is the process by which plant cells capture sunlight to make food? Photosynthesis
What 3 materials are need by plants for photosynthesis? Water, Energy (Sun), Carbon Dioxide
Where do plants get the energy they need for photosynthesis? Sun
What plant part helps it to get the water it needs for photosynthesis? Roots
What plant part allows gases, such as carbon dioxide, to enter so that the plant can go through photosynthesis? Stomata (tiny openings under leaves)
What plant cell part captures the sunlight? Chlorophyll
Where in the plant cell does photosynthesis take place? Chloroplasts
What 2 products are made by the plant during photosynthesis? Glucose (sugar-food for plant) and Oxygen
What do we call the movement of water throughout our ecosystem? Water Cycle
What process includes rain, snow, sleet and hail? Precipitation
What process changes a Water vapor (a gas) into a liquid to form clouds? Condensation
What is the name of the process in which lots of water is collected in one area (pond, lake, ocean, etc.) Accumulation
What is the name of the process that occurs when the sun heats up the water in lakes, rivers and oceans and changes it into a gas? Evaporation
What do we call the movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout our ecosystem? The oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle
Which level is made up of only one living thing? Organism
Which level is made up of many different types of living things? Community
What do we call all of the biotic and abiotic factors interacting in an area? Ecosystem
What is the niche of the primary consumer in every food chain? Herbivore
Clouds, steam, and dew are examples of? Condensation
Created by: sloanescience
Popular Science sets




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