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EMG review

What is normal for phases of a MUP? 2-3 phases
What is the normal duration of a MUP? 3-12 millisec
What is the normal amplitude for a MUP? 300-10,000 micorvolts
If the amplitude of a MUP is >10 millivolts(10,000 micovolts) then the problem may be ________. neuropathic
If the duration of a MUP is > 15 millisec then the problem may be _________. neuropathic
If there are >5 phases then there may be a _______ or _________ problem. neuropathic or mypathic
If the duration of a MUP is <3 millisec then the problem is _______. myopathic
If the amplitude is <300 microvolts then the problem is __________. myopathic
Long phase duration, high amplitude, and polyphasic decribes what type of problem?(neuropathic or myopathic) neuropathic
short phase duration, low amplitude, and polyphasic describes what type of problem? myopathic
Signs of denervation include? increased or absent(if chronic) insertional activity, fibrilations, positive wavs, polyphasic, >15 millisec duration, >10millivolts amp, max contraction decreased
What is the normal value for insertional activity? < 200 msec
At rest the isoelectric line should typically be ________. silent
What are examples of normal spontaneous activity that my result in "noise" during rest? MEPP(miniature endplate potential), and endplate potentials
release of single quanta of Ach at NMJ, Short duration, low amplitude all describe what? MEPP
non-propogated potentials originating in the NMJ, needle in NMJ, longer duration, much higher amplitude describe what? endplate potentials
What are examples of abnormal spontaneous activity at rest? fibrilation potentials, positive sharp waves, myotonic discharges, and fasiculations
Spontaneous contraction of a single muscle fiber, Origin = Axonal denervation/unstable mm membrane, Sound like clicking or manual typewriter....describes what? fibrillation potentials
Axonal degeneration occurs at ___ mm/hour for the first ___ days post nerve injury. 2mm/3days
If fibrillation potential is present how many days must you wait before performing an EMG? 21
Biphasic, positive-negative potential Origin = Axonal loss/unstable mm membrane, Observed in denervated muscles, polymyositis, dermatomyositis, progressive muscular dystrophy and motor neuron diseases, Often found with fibs Sound: thud,plop..describes positive sharp waves
Bursts of discharging potentials that WAX and WANE, Sound: divebomber, chainsaw, Observed only in myotonias!...what is this? myotonic discharge
Origin: spontaneous contraction of a group of muscle fibers representing either an entire MUAP or part of a MUAP, sound: pop, Indicates involvement of motor axons, Site of pathology is unknown, MAY BE FOUND IN NORMAL MUSCLE...what is this describing? fasiculations
Created by: txst spr 2009
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