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U/A ch 25 urinalysis

95% water and 5%dissolved substances in the composition of urine
Dissolved substances in urine include urea,uric acid, creatinine,ammonia,calcium,magnesium,phosphorus
abnormal substances found in urine glucose. albumin; ketones; blood; bilirubin;pus; casts; bacteria
minimum amount of urine needed for a U/A 10 ml
specimen should be labeled with what information date; time; patient name and dob
steps included to obtain a clean catch urine cleanse genital area; urinate small amount then stop and collect rest of urine in cup.
special urine collection bag is used for pediatric patients
soft, flexible tube inserted through urethra into the bladder to obtain a sterile specimen catheterization
urine specimen that requires no special preparation random urine collection
quantitative tests that measures specific amount of a substance that is excreted over a 24 hour period 24 hour urine
24 hour urine should begin with the first morning urine
urine specimens should be stored in the refrigerator
CLIA requires this to be performed on all waived labs and equipment to assure accurate results quality control
three parts of routine urinalysis physical; chemical and microscopic examination
physical exam of urine includes observations of color; clarity; odor; volume and specific gravity
dark yellow or amber urine may indicate concentrated urine, dehydration
orange urine medication such as pyridium
brown urine aged RBC's
cloudy pink; red hematuria
black urine medications; liver conditions
green; blue/green bilirubin
colorless very dilute
straw to yellow normal
bright yellow vitamin B12
positive prote renal disease; extreme exercise
positive glucose diabetes
positive ketones starvation; uncontrolled diabetes
positive blood kidney stones; menses; hemolytic anemia
positive bilirubin hepatitis or liver disease
positive nitrate UTI; bacteria
positive leukocytes UTI
abnormal specific gravity kidney dysfunction
measures the kidneys concentrating ability specific gravity
common terms to describe clarity clear; hazy; cloudy; turbid
specific gravity of 1.005 dilute urine
specific gravity of 1.030 concentrated urine
examination of urine sediment microscopic exam
steps to obtain urine sediment for exam 10ml of urine in test tube; centrifuge for 5 minutes; pour off the liquid leaving 1ml; agitate the urine and place one drop on slide with one drop of stain and then view
causes of cloudy urine WBC's; RBC's; lipids; bacteria; protein
Created by: clarevoyant1019
Popular Clinical Skills sets




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