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US History Unit 2

Colonial American & the American Revolution

Federalism Distribution of power within a government - in the United States: (1) division of power between three branches (2) division of powers between central and state gov’t
Government the group of people that has power to make laws and important decisions for a community, state, or nation
Constitution Document that outlines a system of beliefs and laws by which our nation is governed
Representation The action of speaking or acting on someone else's behalf
Democracy A system of government in which all people are involved in the political process, usually through voting
Amendment Change in a legal document
Revolution Forcibly overthrowing a government
Taxes Mandatory contribution to a government's revenue
Liberty Power to do as one pleases and wants
Compromise An agreement that is reached when each side gives up something
Monarchy Form of government with one person or family at the head, as the only seat of power
Sovereignty Authority over oneself, or self-governing
What are the reasons colonists moved to America? political freedom, economic opportunity
New England Colonies cold winters, rocky soil, forests, short growing seasons, ship building, fur trade, early industry
Middle Colonies less severe winters, fertile soil, short growing season, good harbors, wheat, corn, trade
Southern Colonies mild winters, long growing season, coastal plains, large plantations, indentured servants, slave labor, tobacco, rice
House of Burgesses(1619) tax and make laws, first colonial government-representative based on colonial self-government
Mayflower Compact contract to create colonial government
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut(1639) first written constitution of the New World
New York Charter of Liberties created first colonial goverement, religious freedom to all Christians
Triangular Trade trade between colonies, England and Africa
Middle Passage portion of trade that brought slaves to New World
Magna Carta limits on the King-due process, fair taxes, trials
English Parliament English lawmakers governing with the king
The English Bill of Rights (1689) free speech
Habeas Corpus the right to know charges against you
John Locke Natural Rights-life, liberty, and property
Baron Montesquieu separation of power within government
Jean-Jacques Rousseau government by the people's consent
Voltaire religious freedom
salutary neglect English ignoring of the colonies leads to self-government
Proclamation of 1763 limits colonial expansion west
Mercantilism colonies must trade with England, collect taxes
Created by: Mrs.Ingerick
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