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Test 100

Massage Board

What should a massage begin with Light Stroking
What movement beings and end a massage effleurage
In a full body massage: What is the least mount of time should effleurage take 10 mins
When appling effleurage: What should the pressure throughout the stroke be even
What is the correct procedure for deep stroking apply with venous flow consider the effects of gravity work with relaxed muscles
What technique is used to distribute lube effeurage
direction of general massage distal to proximal in a centripetal direction
The application of pressure to a reflex point in the hands and feet in order to improve circulation & normalize body function is reflexology
What are the best movements to use after sports effeurage & petrissage
What is the best movement to relieve muscle cramps efferrage & petrissage
What type of massage movement would be best for locating an area of spasm -or- pain in the body effleurage
The best movement for scar tissue friction
What movement stimulates thoracic ducts & nodes friction
What is the best technique to increase lymph flow effleurage
What movement should be used to flush a muscle effleurage
TO massage deep into joint spaces -or- around bony prominence which movement would you use friction
What id the best technique for intercostal muscles friction
Which technique milks the muscles of accumulated waste products from too much exercise petrissage
Which movement aims to passively stretch muscles effleurage
Transverse friction produces increased blood which creates local analegesia
The main purpose of deep transverse friction is to separate muscle fibers
In postural drainage the ideal position for treatment is body tilted with head down
When a client is in the prone position and you are massaging the leg what would you not do dorsiflex with extended knee
a client in a sitting position is in the best position for massaging neck and lower back
When a client is lying in a prone position a towel in placed under the ankle joint to prevent extreme plantar flexion
a vibrator is least appropriate on bony prominences
can friction around varicose veins be helpful yes but not on the vein
In what massage technique should the fingers move tissue under the skin friction
Least important consideration in kneading is direction of movement
what massage technique in indicated for acute atrophic arthritis contraindicated
postural drainage is best accomplished with vibration & tapotement to back
What do you do with an edematous leg elevate
deep friction when indicated should be done on affected area
where on the body is the best place to do chucking and rolling arms and legs
where would you use chucking arms and legs
A client has a repaired meniscus 3 days out of the hospital with light weight bearing. What would the initial exercise treatment be isometric
Passive movement is valuable in early treatment of simple strain
to increase ROM for Colle's fracture (wrist) right out of the cast use active & passsive
Best techniques for tennis elbow moist heat with friction
what technique would your use to treat a colle fracture (wrist) right out of the cast friction
to treat a person with venostasis but no obstruction start proximal
In treating chronic rheumatoid arthritis what technique would you use friction no pain
what treatment is recommended for subdeltoid bursitis sub-acute & chronic heat and exercise
for edema of the limb massage could be proximal first, proximal to distal
what muscle -or- muscle groups would you massage to soften up the contracted muscles due to lordosis erector spinae
In the condition of lordosis, what muscle -or- muscle group would be lengthened Hamstrings
What is the best massage sequence for edema of the knee thigh, leg, thigh
The best technique for a client with a heart condition mild
For carpal tunnel syndrome which aspect of the hand should be massaged volar
in a second degree acute sprain, when should massage be done after acute phase subsides
What is the best techniques for a healed amputation tapotement
Massage would help in recovery of this condition fibromyalgia
What massage technique is indicated for acute rheumatoid arthritis CONTRAINDICATED
Postural drainage is best accomplished with vibration & tapotement to thorax
Which combination of massage techniques is best suited to treat edema effleurage & kneading
What massage technique is appropriate for chronic swelling of the patella effleurage
The best treatment for traumatic periostitis is deep effleurage
what condition is least indicated for effleurage acute polymyositis
In the condition of lower back inflammation which technique would you use effleurage
Cupping has been found most beneficial for bronchiectasis
What would the best treatment be for acute ankle inflammation deep stroking on the calf
What is the best technique for a headache effleurage
What is the best place to start abdominal massage for constipation ascending colon
If vibration is used for a protracted length of time the result is numbness
Which is most not likely to increase after massage muscle size
For chronic rheumatoid arthritis should friction of the joints be painful no
What effect can massage have on chronic tenosynovitis free tissue from adhesion
Is it considered incorrect to do friction on the belly of a muscle in spasm yes
Massage is contraindicated for acute tenosynovitis, kyphosis angularis, jaundice, acute rheumatoid arthritis, lupus
In what clinical situation is chest percussion contraindicated post-operative abdominal surgery
Massage is good at treating torticollis
Massage is most appropriate for local venostasis
With a few exceptions what is the best approach with vascular occlusive disease no massage
Massage is most damaging in what case acute poliomyelitis
If a client comes in with local pain that have been increasing for weeks -or- months the massage practitioner should have the client call their doctor
Do not use a mechanical vibrator on a client who wears a pace maker
What muscle exerts the least influence on the head supraspinatus
What muscle depresses the mandible platysma
Which muscle produces grating of the teeth pterygoid
When trapezius muscle contract the result will be extension of the head
Contraction of the diaphragm is basically for inspiration
Which muscle depresses the ribs internal intercostals
Which muscles elevates the ribs external intercostals
What action does the piriformis preform abducts & laterally rotates
Quadratus lumborum muscle hikes up the hip because of its insertion on rib cage
Which muscle abducts the scapula serratus anterior
What muscle elevates & depresses the scapula trapezius
Which muscle abducts the scapula pectoralis minor
The function of rhomboid major is draws scapula backward & upward
The muscle the opposes the serratus anterior is rhomboids major
What muscle -or- muscle group acts as an antagonist to serratus anterior rhomboids
Which muscle bends the hand to the wrist flexor carpi radialis
When turning a door handle to the right the wrist is supinated if the right handed, pronated if left
With which of these muscles in spasm and the forearm flexed would pronation be difficult brachioradialis
Which muscle adducts medially rotates & extends the shoulder joint latissimus dorsi
Which muscles are adductors pectoralis major & latissimus dorsi
What muscle is a weak abductor of the humerus supraspinatus
What best characterizes the action of latissimus dorsi depresses the shoulder
What muscle moves the arm forward pectoralis major
Which muscle extends the femur gluteus maximus
Which muscle adducts the femur at the hip joint quadratus femoris
Which muscle abducts & medially rotates the femur gluteus medius
Which muscle adducts the femur at the hip pectineus
Which muscle in the thigh is an adductor gracilis
What muscle -or- muscle group acts both an antagonist and a synergist to the rectus femoris sartorius
Which muscle extends the hip gluteus maximus & hamstrings
The strongest flexor at the hip is iliopsoas
Which muscle inserts into the iliotibial band gluteus maximus
Which muscle crosses 2 joints gastrocnemius
Which muscle performs only one action soleus
The muscle that assists in the motion of crossing the leg satorius
Which muscle extends the leg hamstrings
In the prone position, which muscle flexes the legs biceps femoris
The main invertor of the ankle joint is tibialis anterior
What plantarflexes & everts the foot lateral peroneus longus & brevis
What plantarflexes & everts the foot peroneus longus
Which muscle plantarflexes the foot gastrocnemius
Which muscle dorsiflexes the foot tibialis anterior
What muscle produces plantarflexion peroneus longus
What are the actions performed by tibialis anterior dorsiflexes & inversion
What is the action of the peroneal muscles everts the ankle
What muscle is antagonist & synergist to tibialis anterior peroneus tertius
A muscle attaching to the lateral condyle of the femur is popliteus
Which planes divides the body into front & Back cornal
Which planes divides the body into right & left parts sagittal
A type of white fibrous tissue is ligament
Which is not connective tissue myeloid
Is Hyaline cartilage part of the cell no
Which is the most elastic ligament collateral ligament
Excluding fat -or- adipose tissue, how much of the body is water 55%
Which is not in the mediastinum lungs
There are no blood vessels in which layer of skin epidermis
The abdominal cavity contains all but bladder
Tonsils are found in pharynx
Alveoli are located in the lungs
Where is the thenar eminence thumb
The hypothenar eminence is on the palm of the hand
What is the appendix attached to cecum
What is the pink color of the skin due to vessels in dermis
What percentage of body weight is skeletal muscle 45-50%
Which gland is found in the sella turcica pituitary
Which is a true statement concerning the Golgi complex sorts, packages, & delivers proteins
Which of the following is not in the dermis striated muscle
Which is agranular lymphocyte
Motor end plates refer to myoneural junction
The best place to check for cardiac function is carotid pulse
Where do new muscle fibers come from fibroblast
What covers a muscle fiber endomysium
The mentalis muscle is located in the chin
A proprioceptor in a muscle is called spindle
Which is the most vascularized muscle tissue voluntary
Papillary muscles are found in the heart
Which organ contains striated muscle heart
The muscle covering the anterior axilla is pectoralis major
What is the largest muscle in the body gluteus maximus
When you are sitting down in a chair slowly, what muscles are working the most quadriceps
Which muscle forms part of the quadriceps group vastus medialis
Anterior scalenes are found in the neck
What muscle extends the hip gluteus medius
What is not part of the rotator cuff teres major
What is not found in the hands and feet flexor digitorum longus
Sesamoid bones are located in the feet
What is an example of a sesamoid bone patella
The hyoid bone is found in the neck
What structure is in the inner ear semicircular canal, cochlea, vestibule
Where would you find a turbinate nose
Which is not a paranasal sinus mandibular
Lumbricales are located in the hands and feet
The joints between the bodies of the vertebrae of the spine are fibrocartilaginous
Which is a freely movable joint synovial
Which is a ginglymus joint elbow
What joint glides in one direction veretrae
The jaw joint is formed by temporal & mandible
The ankle joint is made up of which bones tibia, fibula, talus
The acromion process is part of scapula
The olecranon articulates with lateral condyles of the humerus
The capitulum of the humerus articulates with radial head
Which 2 bones articulate with the clavicle sternum & scapula
The pectoralis girdle is formed by which bones clavicle and scapula
Which is not part of the breast bone stylis
Which is not part of the sternum styloid process
How many thoracic vertebrae are there 12
Whic is the 1st vertebrae of the spinal column atlas
Of the cervical vertebrae which are most atypical C7, C1, C2
Where is the least movement of the spine T4-T6
The occipital condyles articulate with the atlas
The greatest amount of rotation in the spinal column occurs in the cervical region
What is not part of the acetabulum trochlea
Which part of the tibia is not covered by muscle antereomedial
In raising the humerus over the head, how many joints are involved 3
Which bone is in the proximal row of carpals lunate
Which bone is in the distal row of carpals trapezoid
Where is the medial malleolus distal end of tibia
What is not found in the foot scaphoid
How many pairs of cranial nerves in the body 12
There are how many cervical nerves 8 pairs
Which cervical nerves are autonomic 3,7,9,10
How many pairs of spinal nerves are in the body 31 pairs
How many pairs of nerves in the sacral plexus 5
Which is apart of the central nervous system cerebellum
Which is not part of the central nervous system cranial nerves
Where does the cerbrospinal fluid originate choroid plexus
What is not part of the peripheral nervous system brain & spinal cord
Voluntary nervous system is also called the somatic nervous system
Motor neurons & the muscle fibers they stimulate are called Motor units
What does the central nervous system gray matter consist of nerve cells & bodies
The dorsal root ganglion contains sensory neurons
The axillary nerve innervates deltoids
Injury to the medial elbow would affect which nerve ulnar
What is the movement of gasses from a high to a low concentration called diffusion
What is the movement of fluid through a membrane called osmosis
What is the most predominant mineral in the body calcium
When the pH level of the body increases what is the result body more basic
Meisner's corpuscles are sensitive to light touch
What is the body's 1st reaction to cold adrenaline released
The glomerular capsule is important to the function of the kidney
The body's normal muscular state of contraction is called tonic
Normal muscle tone is maintained by tonic contraction
Upon what does the strength of a muscle depend on number of motor end plates
What determines the strength of muscle contraction number of motor units stimulated
What is the main neurotransmitter involved in muscle contraction ATP
Body reserves of energy are stored in muscle tissue as glycogen
Lactic acid in muscles rises in direct relationship to decrease in oxygen
Oxygen is carried in the blood stream primarily by erythrocyte
The average amount of blood in an adult is 5-6 liters
Blood cells are produced in cancellous bone
What blood vessels go to the spleen celiac
If viscosity of blood decreases then the peripheral resistance decreases
What controls the rhythm of the heart cardiac center
The tricuspid valve is between right atrium & right ventricle
When the left ventricle is in contraction, which pressure is measured systolic
What is the only safe blood transfusion B-AB
The circulatory system does not include acupuncture meridians
In a blood pressure reading of 120/80, the diastolic pressure is 80
The pacemaker of the heart is the sinoatrial node
What is the movement of fluid through the membrane called osmosis
An embolus is a blood clot that breaks away
Which contains deoxygenated blood pulmonary arteries
Which blood vessel brings blood to the left side of the heart pulmonary vein
How many respirations does and adult take per minute 16-18
Where does exchange of oxygen, nutrients & metabolic waste take place capillaries
Inflammation of the wall of a vein is called venulitis
In standing, venous flow is maintained against gravity because of valves
Blood velocity is lowest in capillaries
The left coronary artery originates from ascending aorta
The right atrium receives blood from all parts of the body except the lungs
If you had cold feet what artery is involved dorsalis pedis
The artery that sends blood from the heart to the body aorta
When using a vibrator total lymph flow is unchanged
Inguinal nodes do not drain lymph from the lumbar region
Inguinal nodes drain lymph from the legs
Drainage to inguinal lymph nodes does not come from lower back
Drainage to inguinal lymph nodes does not come from lower back
What is not indicative of lymphatic system pumping mechanism to other parts of the body
Edema confined to am upper extremity is most likely due to lymphatic blockage in axilla
The lymphatic system plays an important role in the production of white blood cells in a process called hemopoiesis
Which is not a granular leukocyte lymphocyte
Amino acids are found in proteins
An enzyme found in the mouth is ptyalin salivary amylase
What part of the blood plasma is involved in fighting disease globulin
Which organ secrets bile liver
The appendix is part of the large intestine
How many hormones does the pituitary gland secrete 9
What gland functions as a temperature regulating gland for the body sudoriferous
Which of the following functions primarily as an exocrine gland salivary
Which gland is not a salivary gland pineal
Which gland in the body regulates temperature sweat gland
What vitamin is manufactured in the colon by bacteria K
The largest gland in the body is liver
Decreased function in the adrenal cortex results in what affected hormones
Which endocrine gland controls the reproductive cycle pituitary
Which best describes the function of epithelial tissue protection
Decreased function of the adrenal cortex can cause weakening of muscles
Increase in the production of insulin by the pancreas results in hypoglycemia
What is the order of travel of a nerve impulse after the synapse dendrite-cell body-axon
The following reacts to the least amount of pain specific motor pathways
The potential energy of a cell membrane of a neuron is -70mv
Potential energy of the cell membrane of a neuron at rest is -70mv
The portion of the neuron that sends information to the cell body is the dendrite
A person with immunity to a disease has a specific antibody
Created by: Strdust82
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