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Religious Division

Martin Luther First German monk. Opposed sale of indulgences. Wrote 95 theses and nailed to church door. Excommunicated from church, and begins new religion.
Holy Roman Emperor Charles V Excommunicated Luther after writing 95 theses
John Calvin Called pope Geneva. Believed in complete start-over of church. Believed in predestination. His religion became international. Thought of entire community as equal.
Huguenots French Calvinists
Presbyterian Scottish Calvinists (brought by John Knox)
Puritan English Calvinists
Anabaptists Radicals believed that people should be re-baptized based on their choice, priesthood of believers, and partial communism
Ulrich Zwingly A version of Lutheranism that is dulled down
Anglican Church Built by King Henry VIII. Did not have an issue with the church, but after pope denied his divorce from first wife, broke away
Act of Supremacy of 1534 Made King Henry VIII the leader of the Church of Englands
Pope Paul III Began Counter/Catholic reformation by examining Catholic doctrines and practices and focusing on education (doctrines, education, censorship, force)
Council of Trent Meetings between priests that would train priests with specific doctrines, but set up specific divisions between Catholicism and Protestantism
Jesuit Order Led by Ignatius Loyola and helped educate Catholics and bring them back into religion
Index of Forbidden Books List of texts not able to be read by Catholics to help with Counter Reformation
Inquisition A method of searching out for Catholic protestors (heretics), questioning them, and even torturing them
Peace of Augsburg Ended 10 year civil war, and created both Catholic and Lutheran sections of Germany
Protestant countries England (C.o.E), Scandinavia (Lutheran)
Catholic countries Spain, Italy, Austria, Poland, Hungary, and France (except for Huguenots - Calvinist minority)
The Institutes of the Christian religion Written by Calvin, it set out beliefs and doctrines of Calvin's beliefs
Edict of Nantes Placed by Henry of Navarre (King Henry IV - Calvinist) to help popularize himself - let Calvinists free to worship, hold office, and fortify their towns)
Justification by faith Luther's belief that your belief alone in God would help Christians
King Phillip II Wanted to reestablish Catholicism (so married Mary I). Furious both because Elizabeth killed Mary Queen of Scots and rebellion in Netherlands was strengthened by English
Spanish Armada King Phillip's army sent to invade England, failed, and established England as a major world power while declining Spanish power
Elizabeth I (Good Queen Bess, Virgin Queen) During her time, Britain grew in power, arts, and economy. Daughter of Anne Boleyn.
Elizabeth's struggles Catholics thought she was Protestant, Calvinists opposed her being too much like Henry (not Protestant enough), Scots hated halfway measures, and England in debt
Legacy of reformation Separation of relgion. Higher literacy. Modernized world. Increase in religious conflicts and civil wars. Protestants were individually responsible on what to do to reach heaven.
Created by: uriel_magana
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