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US Imperialism

the beginning

Three Controlling Factors of American Imperialism 1. Economic competition with other industrial nations 2. political and military competition 3. A belief in ANglo-Saxon Superiority
Imperialism The attempt to create an empire ( a group of nations ruled by one supreme authority) either directly or through political or military dominance
Colonialism when one nation controls another nation and forces its ways such as style of government upon the conquered nation
Expansionalism the expansion of one's country in order to seek personal gains such as increased natural resources or land
Motives for europe taking colonizing africa Gold, God, Glory, Racism
David Livingston British missionary exploring African looking for the source of the Nile. Found Falls of SHongwe and renamed them Victoria Falls. He disapeared and the media picked up his story. Once he is found he doesnt leave.
Henry Stanley New York Times journalist who picked up Livingstone's story. Wrote many books on Africa and shaped everyone's ideas since this is the most detail they had ever heard of the continent.
Berlin Conference 1884. European countries split up Africa.
White Man's Burden written by Rudyard Kipling in 1899. The burden of white men is that since were the best we have to help everybody else who is inferior
Pears Advertisement Soap Ad featuring Dewey. Implying that using this soap is pure and that it lightens white man burden. SHows that this phrase was accepted at the time. racism widespread
The White (?) Man's Burden Politcal cartoon showing that it really is more of a burden for those being colonized than those doing the colonizing
Albert Beveridge believed in imperialism for economic reasons. WE have surplus and if exports exceed imports we will be an economic power.
Admiral Alfred Mahan advocate of expansion for military reasons
What Mahan Called For 1. Strong navy 2. Canal across isthmus of Panama 3. U.S. dominance in Caribbean 4. Control of Samoa and Hawaii
Henry Cabot Lodge Supported Mahan, from MA
What Lodge Called for 1. bigger/stronger navy 2. Annexation of Hawaii 3) Panama Canal 4)Purchase of danish west indies 5) control greenland and cuba 6) dominate caribbean
Theodore Roosevelt NY, supported Mahan/Lodge, nation should be strong and ready to fight. Ass. sec of navy under McKinley
Most Favored Nation After British weakened China and got this right we got it too in 1840's
Spheres of Influence the way the other European nations divided up CHina and controlled the economics of certain regions
Open Door Policy Thought of by U.S. Idea that anyone can trade anywhere in China. THis makes sure everything is equal and theyre not left behind by not having territory there.
The Boxers a chinese rebel group they were mad at economists but killed missionaries since it was easier. they were put down by the europeans and made to repay money to the nations (except US wouldnt accept $)
Why are we so nice? THe phillipines taught us that we do not want colonies
Matthew Perry sent by U.S. to open up trade with Japan. He came with big black ships to intimidate them and got the treaty signed.
Queen Lil New queen in Hawaii who gave natives more power. Was imprisoned during the coup. Could not be restored to power due to disorder and rebellion in the nation.
Sanford B Dole Imposed himself as govenor of Hawaii after they dethroned Lil
Reasons to Annex Hawaii good location, sugar, get rid of duties, mckinley promised it
Causes of Spanish American War Economic interest, location, controlled by spanish, empathy, mckinleys promises, yellow journalism
Joseph Pulitzer A hungarian who came here and started the New York World, part of the yellow press, it instigated American anger towards the spanish in cuba
William Randolf Hearst editor of New York Journal, part of the Yellow Press.
DeLome Letter a trigger of the war, an intercepted letter from Spanish embassador deLome defacing the pres and angering the people
USS Maine battleship that exploded in Havana harbor and AMericans blamed spain and got even more mad
Teller Ammendment Made during the resolution of 1898 after the war saying the US would have no sovereignty over Cuba and they could decide upon their own government.
Created by: 07adelmanl
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