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Ch. 6 study guide

(this is for science)

Who are the scientist that study fossils? Why do they study fossils? paleontologist study fossils. They study fossils so they can know the history of the Earth, and the organisms that have inhabited our planet
What is the the difference between uniformitarianism and catastrophism? uniformitarianism is a process that changes our Earth very slowly, catastrophism is a sudden process that can kill millions of organisms.
Which direction do sedimentary rock layers lay? What happens to land during folding They go horizontal (left to right or right to left). during folding, rock layers are bent underneath the surface=
What is the age of faults and intrusions compared to the rocks around them faults and intrusions are always younger than the rocks around them.
What is the difference between intrusion, extrusion, and faults Intrusion: When magma or rock INTRUDES into other rocks extrusion: When magma or rock breaks through the surface Fault: a crack in the earths crust
What type of age dose the law of superposition help determine. the law of superposition helps us decide relative dating
What kind of information dose an unconformity provide an unconformity provides scientist that something happened to the layer
What is the difference between absolute and relative age? absolute is the exact age of a rock (ex: this rock is 123456789 years old) relative is the age compared to rocks around it (ex: this rock is older than this rock)
What is a Fossil? How are they formed (explain steps) a fossil is the remains of an organism. a fossil is formed by first, an organism dying then, it's bones are cover with sediment and then, wola
What kind of information do trace fossils provide scientist? Give eanxample trace fossils provide how big the animal was, if it traveled in groups, or if it ran/ walked fast. an example of a trace fossils is a burrow. Burrows are shelters made by animals that bury in sediment.
What part of an organism becomes a fossils, what happens to the rest of the organism the bones of an organism become a fossil. the rest of the organism decaes
what are index fossils? what are they used for? what is an example? an index fossil is an animal or plant preserved in rock inside of the earth.they are used for dating and correlating the strata in which it is found. ex: ammonites
what is the purpose of the Geologic time scale? the geologic time scale divides our earth into separate sections
list the intervals of time on the geologic time scale form largest to smallest Eon, Era, Period, Epoch
why did mammals begin to thrive because most mammals survived the meteor that killed the dinosaurs and so they were one of the few types of animals alive
What era is the present day apart of? cenozoic
what is the difference between a species going extinct and a mass extinction a species going extinct is when all animals of that species DIE and a mass extinction is when multiple animals, and sometimes multiple species, go extinct.
list the eras starting from the most recent Paleozoic, mesozoic, and cenozic
what do most scientist believe cause the extinction of the dinosaurs most scientist believe that a meteor hit the earth and caused the dinosaurs to go extict
what marked the end of the Mesozoic era and the begging of the cenozoic the meteor that hit the earth
what dose it mean when an organism evolve over time it means that an orginism will adapt to it's environment so i can survive better
Created by: Brandon_is_cool
Popular Science sets




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