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Tx Approaches

Neuroanatomy II

The following describes what theoretical foundation: interactive systems control behavior to achieve task goals, adaptive, anticipatory mechanisms, and normal strategies to limit degrees of freedom Systems Control Model
What are the two contemporary tx approaches? Neurodevelopment tx(NDT), and task oriented tx(TOA)
What two populations are commonly treated with NDT? Children with CP and adults with spastic hemiplegia.
NDT is also known as the ______ approach. bobath
What organization maintains NDT? neuro-development treatment association (NDTA)
Normalize and improve quality of mvmt with proprioceptive input (TOA or NDT) NDT
Modify CNS from nml mvmt patterns (TOA or NDT) NDT
Fractionize by breaking up abnormal synergies (TOA or NDT) NDT
Inhibit abnormal tone and reflexes (TOA or NDT) NDT
Do not allow CNS to learn abnormal mvmt patterns (TOA or NDT) NDT
Practice ability to achieve task (TOA or NDT) TOA
Teach motor problem solving (TOA or NDT) TOA
Learn strategies to coordinate efficient, effective behaviors (TOA or NDT) TOA
Develop effective compensations (TOA or NDT) TOA
Use musculoskeletal and environmental constraints (TOA or NDT) TOA
Less hands-on (TOA or NDT) TOA
abnormal mvmt permitted (TOA or NDT) TOA
compensatory mvmt permitted (TOA or NDT) TOA
less time consuming (TOA or NDT) TOA
Hands-on (TOA or NDT) NDT
Abnormal mvmt not permitted (TOA or NDT) NDT
Compensatory mvmt discouraged (TOA or NDT) NDT
More time consuming (TOA or NDT) NDT
What is the desired outcome for NDT? normal mvmt, comparison to individuals without impairments and functional limitations
What is the desired outcome for TOA? goal-directed mvmt, comparison to reference criteria, pt can independently carryout task
What are the ABC's of facilitation? Alignment, Base of support, center of mass
When talking about alignment, we want to make sure that in a sitting position the pt's pelvis is perpendicular to what? the support surface
What is the benefit of a large BOS(base of support) and what is decreased? stability, movement
What is the imaginary point where all mass is perfectly balanced? Center of Mass (COM)
COM needs to ____ and _____ for stability. central and low
COM needs to _____ and ______ for mobility? central and high
Created by: txst spr 2009
Popular Physical Therapy sets




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