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ch 13 clinical skill

ear and eye exams

medical doctor that specializes in treating eye disorders ophthalmologist
licensed to perform visual acuity tests and prescribe corrective lenses optometrist
only able to fill prescriptions for glasses and contacts optician
instrument used to examine the eyes ophthalmoscope
ability to only see things close up myopia (nearsightedness)
ability to only see things far away hyperopia (farsightedness)
farsightedness due to the aging process presbyopia
abnormal curvature of the cornea causing blurry vision astigmatism
used to test distance visual acuity Snellen chart
eye chart used to test children or pt with language barrier tumbling E chart or Landolt C chart
how many feet do you place the patient age 6 and over, away from the snellen chart 20 feet
how many feet away from the snellen chart do you place children 5 and under 10 feet
results of the snellen eye test are written as a fraction
the numerator(top #) represents how many feet the patient was standing away from the chart
the denominator ( bottom #) represents the distance at which patients with normal vision can read the line
how is the snellen test peformed patient is placed 20 feet away from chart, test each eye separately and then both eyes together; with and without glasses
test used for screening near vision acuity Jaeger chart
test used for color vision screening Ishihara method
test used to check for contrast sensitivity Pelli-Robson chart
instrument used to check for glaucoma tonometer
reason for eye instillation treat infection; relieve inflammation; anesthetize the eye, constrict or dilate the pupil
reason for eye irrigation remove foreign particles; relieve inflammation; remove secretions; flush out chemicals
common solutions used for eye irrigation lactated ringers; normal saline; sterile water
always irrigate the eye from the inner canthus to the outer canthus
three main parts of the ear external; middle and inner
medical name for eardrum tympanic membrane
medical name for ear wax cerumen
name for the outer ear aurricle
hearing loss as a result of sound waves not able to reach the middle ear due to some type of obstruction conduction hearing loss
hearing loss due to damage of the inner ear or the auditory nerve nerve hearing loss
instrument used for a gross hearing screen tuning fork
tuning fork test used to determine hearing loss in one ear compared to the other Weber test
tuning fork test used to determine air conduction loss and bone loss rinne test
instrument used to measure hearing acuity at different frequencies audiometer
instrument used to determine if the middle ear is transmitting sound waves tympanometer
reasons for instillation of ear drops infection; relieve pain; to soften ear wax
reasons for ear irrigation to remove foreign bodies; remove ear wax
common solutions for ear irrigation water or saline
ear irrigation solutions should be warmed to 99-100 degrees for comfort
reasons to not irrigate ruptured tympanic membrane; pain; lightheadedness or dizziness
ENT is also referred to as an otorhinolaryngologist
alpha-agonists;b-beta blockers;cholinergics meds used for glaucoma
antibiotic gtt used for bacterial infections in the eye or ear
corticosteroids gtt used to treat inflammation in the eye or ear
vitamin supplements treat macular degeneration
myotic constricts the pupils
mydriatic dilates the pupils
Weber test is normal when pt hears equally in both ears
Conduction loss is indicated with the Weber test when pt hears sound better in the affected ear
sensorineural loss is indicated with the Weber test when pt hears sound better in the unaffected ear
Conduction loss with the Rinne test is indicated when pt hears sound longer during bone conduction compared to air conduction
Sensorineural loss with the Rinne test is indicted when pt hears sound longer during air conduction but not as long as a pt with normal hearing
Created by: clarevoyant1019
Popular Clinical Skills sets




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