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Board exam

Function of cerebellum is Balance and posture
The direction of nerve strokes should be Centrifugal
Pre-massage consultations are important to obtain data regarding client health and determining the most effective treatment plan and are not included in clients ;massage time True
The first technique in a Swedish massage is Touch
A body in the supine positions is Face up
Which movements is used to spread oil Efflerage
Which bones connect with the maxilla zygomatic
What type of joint is the radioulner joint Pivot
What elements compost 96% of our bodies O2, Nitrogen, Carbon, Hydrogen
If you have an elderly client whom you think needs help dressing you can remain in the room to help True
The primary function of the lymph node is Filtration
The only bone in the body which does not articulate with any other in the body is the Hyoid
plane divides the body lengthwise into front and back The coronal
What type of tissues are not considered connective tissue Epitehlial
RICE is Rest, Ice, compression, elevation
Describe Squamous cell carcinoma is Scaly red papules
You can give massage to client with arthritic flare-up False
Biceps brachi inserts into the Humerus
Using a work area, equipment or clothing that is unclean or unsanitary is concidered unprofessional conduct True
Most widely used system of massage in US Swedish
Chucking is classified as Friction
What action is wrist performing when turning a doorknob rotation
Soleus is deep to the Gastronemius
Kneading is what type of stroke Petrisage
Massage therapist can refer to nurse or doctor False
Skin is primary organ of elimination True
Active ROM is when the client assist the therapist True
Thrombophlebitis can be massaged False
Skin rolling is an example of which stoke Friction
Manipulation of the articulation of a client is called Joint movement
Which is the only movable joint in the skull Mandible
Pathogenic bacteria are hamless False
Name a sesamoid bone Patella
Joint movements used during a massage are called Swedish gymnastics True
The body can withstand what degree of heat vapors 140
Muscle contraction with no movement in the joint is known as Isometric
What part of the ear controls equlibrium Semicircular canals
What is the term used to define the end of the long bone Epiphysis
Blood vessels in the body that have ducts or vlaves Veins
Very hot water of short duration does what to the heart rate quickens
Massage the abdomen clockwise
Heavy cupping should be used on the lungs False
The powerhouse component of the cell is the Mitochondria
Performing effleurage you need to use the palms of your hands False
What condition is contradicted for hot water bath Diabetes
What cell function requires energy to move a substance up a concentration gradient Active transport
What type of blood enters the lung Oxygen poor
Who is credited for scientific method of Swedish massage and known as Father of physical therapy and developed medical gymnastic Per Henrik Ling
What massage movements produces a stimulation effect Fast Tapotment
Which way should massage movements be in reference to the flow of blood for the heart Towards, centripital
The muscle mainly responsible for producing a particular movement is called Primary movers
The primary function of the muscular system is Posture, heat protection, generation of action potentials
The superior vena cava receives blood from the head neck thorax adn upper limbs True
Stretching and tearing of ligaments Sprian
Over which of the following areas are heavy movements applied Dense Muscles
Primary muscle for respiration Diaphram
Position for a sitz bath Submerge clients hips and pelvis
Prolonged application of cold will produce a depressing effect on the body True
Joint types are not Mostly hinged
Grasping muscular tissue with one or two hands then squeezing, rolling or pinching with firm pressure is called: Petrissage
Chucking, rolling and wringing are examples of Superficial friction
Articulation of the forearm is Pronation/supination
Blood flows from the left ventricle to The rest of the body
The body can with stand bath water in temperatures ranging upward to 110 degrees
Tapotement should be applied to Muscle that cover internal organs
What temperature do you keep the massage room 70-72
The most abundant tissue in the body is Connective tissue
Voluntary muscle is also called Skeletal
Which muscles are part of the rotator cuff Superaspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres minor, subscapularis
How long should client be left in a hot bath 10-15 minutes
Which oil would clog pores Mineral oil
A muscle twitch could be described as a is a sudden jerky contraction
The point where end of muscle is anchored to immovable section of the skeleton origin
After leaving the right ventricle blood flows into to Lungs
The body is a unit constructed of the following smaller units Cells, tissue, organs systems
Disease producing bacteria are called Pathogenic
What part of the body would you never use tapotement on Abdomen
Circular movement around a joint is Friction
Sodium bicarbonate is used in bath water to Relieve itching
The most effective stroke to use on boney prominence is Friction
Deep effleurage should be applied .................. the heart Toward
When a cell is active the function it's performing is called metabolism
What chemical substance provide the energy for cells to work ATP
MS effects what the mylen sheaths
There are more bones in the axial skeleton then the appendicular False Axial 80 Appendicular126
Synovial membranes are found in diarthrotic joints True
Synarthrotic joints are Immovable joints page 114 for types
Blood is supplied to the brain through what artery Carotid
The benefits of proper breathing during a massage are: Increased oxygen input, waste output and relaxation
Deep strokes and kneading techniques can cause an increase in Blood flow
Where do you place pillows on a client in the prone position who is having low back pain Under the abdomen
Functions of the lymph system are filtering, defense against invading bacteria and toxins, carries nourishment from the blood to the body
What is the filtering part of the lymphatic system Node
Where do you place the pillow on a client in the supine position who is having low back pain Under the knees
Which is the most important functionally of the three kinds of vessels in the body The capillaries
Massage technique done by shaking the hands or fingers over the tissue in the varying pressure adn speed is Vibration
Striking movements used on massage are called Tapotement
A massage stroke designed to manipulate soft tissue in such a way that one layer of tissue is moved over or against another is called Petrissage
Compression movements used on massage are called Petrissage
Direct physical effects of massage techniques on tissues they contact are called Mechanical effects
What type of joints would be found in the spine gliding
What are the endangerment siteds Femoral triangle, popliteal fossa, upper lumber etc
Accumulation of serum and pus mixed with epidermal material Crust
What should be used initially with inflammation Cold packs
What is the correct height of a therapist massage table Palm height
What are proteins Amino acids
Change in the body as result of hydrotherapy are classified as Chemical, mechanical, thermal
Joints are classified according to the amount of motion the permit True
What form of tapotment is used on the face Tapping
Minimum age for LMT 18
Crack in the skin penetrating into the derma fissure
Changes to the body as a result of hydrotherapy are classified as Chemical, mechanical, thermal
Rounded knuckle like prominence Condyle
Massaging proximal is appropriate in the sub-acute stage around fractures that have been stabilized to encourage circulation True
What is the best procedure to remove adhesions Cross-fiber friction
Name connective tissue tendon, areolar, fascia
What is epimysium skeletal muscles
Layer of connective tissue tha tclosely overs an individual myscle Epimysium
Father of medicine, and train PCP in massage as healing Hippocrates
The most superficial muscle of the back Trapezius
Muscle on the external surface of the eight lower ribs External oblique
Antagonist to biceps brachi Tricips
Hamstring muscles are semitendinosous, semimembrenosous and biceps femoris
Lymphatic capillaries located in the villa of the small intestine Lacteals
Best technique for the lungs cupping
what part of hand is used to hack Ulnar borders
Functions of the liver coverts glucose to glycogen, stores glycogen, changes lactic acid to glucose
When muscle contracts adn the ends of the muscle do not move on the body part that the muscle affects does not move it is what type of contractions Isometirc
What stroke for people with thinner skin efflerage
Anterior triangle of neck has what structure that cuts off blood flow to the brain Carotid artery
Plantar flexion pointing toes down
Dorsiflection pointing toes up
Sudden quick contraction of a muscle or group of muscle spasm
Place the muscle is anchored to a relatively immovable section of the skeleton is called Place of orgin
Point of muscle is generally attached to the more distal aspect of an appendage Insertion
Isolated and specific action occurs the muscle responsible for that action Agonist
Prime mover contracts there is a muscle that cause the opposite action Antagonsit
Muscle that assist the prime movers Synergist
Carpel and tarsals are what type of bones short bones
Vertebrate are what type of bones irregular
legs, arms, fingers and toes are what type of bones long
Fibrous membrane whose function is to protect the bone and serve as an attachment for tendons and ligaments Periostem
Primary function of the bicep Flex the elbow and turn palms up
Which muscle inserts into the mandible Masseter
Point of the muscle that creates action Insertion
Immediate effect of hot water Vasodilation
Water baths are recommended for what condition relief of nervous tension
Opening of fingers is considered Abduction
Complex chemical and physical process that takes place in living organisms whereby the cells is nourished and carry out their various activities Metabolism
Summary of all cash receipts or invoices Income ledger
Records the money you owe other persons or buisness Accounts payable
Covering of the bone periosteum
.......matter consist of bone cells (osteoctyes), blood vessels, connective tissue and marrow Organic matter
Leukocytes blood cell is know as "eaters or the gobble up particles Phagosytes
Governed by the CNS are voluntary adn appear straiated or striped under the micorscope Skeletal
Best position for a pregnant client Lying on lateral side
Who pays taxes when a practitioner does contract labor Practicioner
Ball like surface of one bone fits into the cup-like depression of another bone Ball and Socket joint
Articular surface of one bone is saddle shaped and the articular surface of other bone is shaped like the legs of a rider sitting on a saddle. Thumb metacarpal and wrist Saddle joint
An oval shaped condyle of one bone fits into the elliptical cavity of another bone carpals and radius Ellipsodial joint
a rounded point surface of one bone articulates within a ring formed by another bone end of radius and ulna, axis and atlas pivot joint
convex surface of one bone fits into the concave surface of another bone ie elbow, knee, interphangeal joint hinge joing
articulating surfaces are flat intertarsal and intercarpel gliding joint
Rotation only joint movement axis/atlas
flexion-extension, adduction-abduction, circumduction-saddle joint movemnet Trapezium and metacarlpal of the thumb
flexion-extension, adduction-abduction, ellipsoidal joint carpals, radius
back and forth side to side joint movement vertebrae and ribs
Flexion and extension only joint movement elbow and knee
flexion-extension, adduction-abduction, circumduction and roataion shoulder and hip
Divides body into upper and lower parts Transverse
Divides right and leftside Sagittal
Joints are immovable ie skull Synarthrotic
Joints limited motion symphysis pubis and sacroiliac joints Amphiarthrotic
Joints are freely moveable Diarthrotic
Endangerment sites Inferior to ear, Anterior/Posterior triangle of neck, axilla, medical brachium, cubital area of elbow, ulnar notch, femoral triangle, popilteal fossa, abdomen, upper lumbar area.
Created by: Protire
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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