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Morley - Final Exam

Nationalism extreme pride or sense of belonging in your country or way of life
Imperialism stronger nations create empires by dominating weaker nations economically, politically, culturally, or militarily
Social Darwinism (ethnocentrism belief that your group is better than others and that others should be like you; unifies but discriminates
Mother Country a country that has colonies
Direct Rule the colony was directly administered by the colony
Indirect Rule colonies were given a degree autonomy
Partition to divide up
White Man's Burden the belief that the people of Europe were responsible to help the "lesser" people on other areas of the world
The "Scramble" for Africa when European nations "raced" to control as much land as they could in Africa
Interdependence mutually reliant
Mercantilism commercialism; belief in the benefits of commercial trading
Civil Disobedience refusing to abide by certain laws or pay taxes
Militarism glorification of the military
Alliances formal agreement between two or more powers to cooperate and come to one another's defense
Imperialism domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region
Nationalism a strong feeling in and devotion to one's country
Ultimatum final set of demands
Trench Warfare fighting armies would dig trenches to protect themselves from enemy fire
Stalemate a deadlock in which neither is able to defeat each other
Total War the channeling of a nation's entire resources into the war effort
Propaganda spreading of ideas to promote a cause or damage an opposing cause
Self-determination the right of people to choose their own form of government
Reparations payment for war damage
Totalitarianism government in which a one-party dictatorship regulates every aspect of a citizens' lives
Communism a form of socialism belief in the creation of a classless society in which all wealth and property would be owned by the community as a whole
Fascism any centralized, authoritarian government system that isn't communist whose policies glorify the state over the individual and are destructive to basic human rights
Appeasement policy of giving into an aggressor's demands in order to keep the peace
Pacifism opposition to all war
Anschluss union of Austria and germany
Blitzkrieg "lightening war"
Concentration Camps detention centers for civilians considered enemies of the state
Genocide deliberate attempt to destroy an entire religious or ethnic group
Kamikaze Japanese pilots who undertook a suicide mission
Island-hopping a strategy of recapturing some Japanese-held islands while bypassing others
D-Day code name for the day that Allied forces invaded France during WWII, June 6, 1944
Enclosure the process of taking over and consolidating land formerly owned by peasant farmers
Crop Rotation the process of rotating different crops yearly to keep lands fertile
Yield the full amount of an agricultural or industrial product; amount produced
Natural Resources materials provided by the Earth that humans can use to make more complex products
Capital money or wealth used to invest in a business or enterprise to produce other goods
Entrepreneurs persons who assume financial risk in hopes of profiting
Created by: hannahmms
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