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Kingdom Protists

Chapter 8

Kingdom Protista -simple celled organisms -some multicellular -eukaryotic -live in moist areas
Plant- like protists -also known as algae -6 types
Plant like- 1. euglenas -traits of plants and animals -eyespot: sense light and move towards it flagella- helps it move
plant like- 2. diatoms -most common organism in ocean -unicellular -thousands of shapes -also known as golden-brown algae -have silicia- glass- like walls -dead materials fall to the bottom and are later mined up, called diatomaceous earth- mined materials
plant like- 3. dinoflagelletes -red -2 flagellas: causing it to spin -also known as "fire algae" -cause red tides:red tides cause fish kills, red tides give off toxic waste, water looks red in red tides
plant like- 4. green algae -thousands of species -multicellular or unicellular -ex:spyrogyra- unicellular
plant like- 5. red algae -live in deep water -red pigment absorbs limited light in deep water -contain carageenan: food thickener -multicellular
plant like- 6. brown algae -multicellular -ex:kelp:fastest growing water plant -lecithin: food thickener
protozoan -animal like protists -unicellular -based on how they MOVE -4 kinds
protozaons- 1. rhyzopoda -also known as sarcodines -always changing -ex:amoeba -no real shape -pseupod:used to move, captures food -food vacuole-forms around food and digests it, can cause disease such as amoebic dysentary
protozoans- 2. flagellates -ex:trypanosoma -flagella used to move -some have more than one flagella - many r parasites -causes african sleeping sickness: caused by tse-tse flies
protozoans- 3. ciliates -most complex -ex:paramecium -cilia:lil hairs used to move, push H2O into oral groove 4 food -oral groove:captures food -anal pore:waste exits through it
proyozoans- 4. sporozoans -cannot move on their own -ALL are parasites -most feed on blood -can cause disease -ex:malaria:spread by a mosquito
kingdom fungi -most r multicellular -live in moist areas -grouped by how they reproduce -cannot makae own food -most form spores -4 groups
saprophyte -obtains food from dead organisms or waste
parasites -ex:athlete's foot
kngdm fungi- 1. zygote fungi -ex:bread mold -sporangium:spore in zygote fungi -hyphae:thread-like structures that absorb water and nutrients
kngdm fungi- 2. sac fungi -ex:yeast and morels -some r destructive -ex:dutch elm disease -ascus:sac-like thing that spores r produced in -budding:what yeast uses to reproduce
kngdm fungi- 3. club fungi -ex:mushrooms, bracket fung, and puffballs -cap:edible, top -gills:spores -stipe:stem, edible -mycellium:groups of hyphae
kngdm fungi- 4. imperfect fungi -called tht because reproductive cycle is unkown -ex:athlete's foot, ringworm -some can cause disease -they used bread mold to make penecilin: 1st antibiotic -Alexander Fleming: discovered penecilin/antibiotics in 1929
lichen -part fungi, part algae -algae makes the food -fungi provides shape,support,and water:mutualism - often break down rock into soil by releading a weak acid -whenwhen it dies, it adds to the new soil (humus)
pioneer species -1st to live in an area, ex:land surrounding an exploded volcane
Created by: kylorstoop
Popular Science sets




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