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AP Psych Practice 3

Biological Basis

Neuron The basic cell of the nervous system.
Dendrites They receive incoming signals.
Soma The cell body, including the nucleus.
Axon The threadlike part of the nerve cell, & action potential travels down it.
Myelin sheath The covering that surrounds the axon, & speeds up the signal.
Terminals They send signals to the next neuron.
Synapse A gap between neurons.
Action potential The movement of sodium & potassium ions across a membrane that sends an electrical charge down the axon.
"All or None" law The stimulus must trigger the action potential past its threshold, but does not increase the intensity of the response.
Refractory period The neuron must rest & reset before it can send another action potential.
"SAME" Sensory neurons (receive signals), Afferent neurons (accepts signals), Motor neurons (sends signals), & Efferent neurons (signal exits)
Central nervous system Brain & spinal cord.
Peripheral nervous system The rest of the nervous system.
Somatic nervous system Voluntary movement.
Autonomic nervous system Involuntary movement.
Sympathetic nervous system Activate fight-or-flight response.
Parasympathetic nervous system Rest & digest.
Neurotransmitters The chemicals released in the synaptic gap & received by neurons.
Agonist A drug that mimics a neurotransmitter.
GABA A major inhibitory neurotransmitter.
Glutamate A major excitatory neurotransmitter.
Dopamine Reward-motivated.
Serotonin Mood & emotions.
Acetylcholine (ACh) Memory
Epinephrine & nonepinephrine Sympathetic neurotransmitter arousal.
Endorphines Pain controllers & happiness.
Oxytocin Love & bonding.
Antagonist A drug that blocks a neurotransmitter.
Reuptake Unused neurotransmitters are taken back up into the sending neuron .
Hindbrain The oldest part of the brain.
Cerebellum Movement.
Medulla Vital organs.
Pons Sleep & arousal.
Reticular formation Attention.
Forebrain Higher thought process.
Amygdala Emotions & fear.
Hippocampus Memory.
Thalamus Relay center.
Hypothalamus Reward/pleasure center, eating behaviors.
Broca's area Inability to produce speech.
Wernicke's area Inability to comprehend speech.
Cerebral cortex Outer portion of the brain, higher order thought process.
Occipital lobe Located in the back of the head; vision.
Frontal lobe Decision making, planning, judgement, movement & personality.
Parietal lobe Located on the top of the head; sensation.
Temporal lobe Located on the sides of the head; hearing & face recognition.
Somatosensory cortex Map of our sensory receptors; in parietal lobe.
Motor cortex Map of our motor receptors; in frontal lobe.
Corpus callosum Bundle of nerves that connects 2 hemispheres.
Lateralization Language.
Split-brain experiments Sperry & Gazzanaga; images shown to the right will be processed to the left & vice versa.
Endocrine system Sends hormones throughout the body.
Pituitary Gland Controlled by hypothalamus; release growth hormones.
Adrenal Glands Related to sympathetic nervous system; releases adrenaline.
Created by: taramichelle
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