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Mineral Desc

Specular Hematite 6 hardness Uneven Fracture Metallic Luster Reddish-Brown Streak Brittle Tenacity Opaque Diaphaneity Oxide Composition group *Used for Iron ore
Milky Quartz 7 hardness Uneven to conchoidal fracture Vitreous/waxy/greasy luster Brittle tenacity Translucent diaphaneity Silicate Composition group *Used for Jewelry, Abrasives, rock former
Muscovite 2-2.5 hardness 1 direction (basal) cleavage Waxy/greasy luster Brittle tenacity Translucent diaphaneity Silicates Composition group *Used for lubricant and insulation
Crystal Garnet 7 hardness Uneven/conchoidal fracture 12 sided crystals (dodecahedral) crystal habit Vitreous to resinous luster Brittle tenacity Opaque diaphaneity Silicate Composition group *Used for jewelry and abrasives
Limonite 1.5 hardness Uneven fracture Dull/earthy luster Yellowish brown streak Brittle tenacity Opaque diaphaneity Oxide Composition group *Used for Iron Ore
Hornblende 5.5 hardness 2 directions @60 & 120 degree cleavage Waxy/dull cleavage Brittle tenacity Opaque diaphaneity Silicate Composition group *Used for rock former
Rose Quartz 7 hardness Uneven/conchoidal fracture Vitreous/waxy/greasy luster Brittle tenacity Translucent diaphaneity Silicate Composition group *Used for Jewelry, Abrasives, rock former
Plagioclase 6-6.5 hardness 2 directions @ 90 degree cleavage Vitreous/waxy/pearly luster Brittle tenacity Translucent/opaque diaphaneity Silicate Composition group *Used for rock former
Hematite 1.5 hardness Uneven fracture Dull/earthy luster Reddish brown streak Brittle tenacity Opaque diaphaneity Oxide Composition group *Used for Iron Ore
Halite 2.5 hardness 3 directions @ 90 degree cleavage Vitreous/greasy luster Brittle tenacity Transparent/translucent diaphaneity Halide Composition group *Used for Salt and preservation
Pyrite 6-6.5 hardness Uneven/conchoidal fracture Cubic crystal habit Metallic luster Greenish-black streak Brittle tenacity Opaque diaphaneity Sulfide Composition group *Used for Sulfuric acid and batteries
Graphite 1-2 hardness Uneven fracture Metallic/sub-metallic luster Black/steel gray streak Sectile tenacity Opaque diaphaneity Native element Composition group *Used for lubricant and pencils
Olivine 6.5-7 hardness Uneven to conchoidal fracture Vitreous luster Brittle tenacity Translucent/opaque Diaphaneity Silicate Composition group *Used for jewelry and rock former
Orthoclase 6 hardness 2 directions @ 90 degrees cleavage Vitreous/waxy/greasy luster Brittle tenacity Opaque diaphaneity Silicate Composition group *Used as a rock former
Garnet 7 hardness Uneven/conchoidal fracture Vitreous/waxy/greasy luster Brittle tenacity Translucent/opaque diaphaneity Silicate Composition group *Used for Jewelry, abrasives and rock former
Amethyst (Quartz) 7 hardness Uneven/conchoidal fracture Vitreous/waxy/greasy luster Brittle tenacity Translucent/Transparent diaphaneity Silicate Composition group *Used for Crystals, industry and rock former
Galena 3.5 hardness 3 directions @ 90 (cubic) degrees cleavage Metallic luster Gray streak Brittle tenacity Opaque diaphaneity Sulfide Composition group *Used for Lead ore
Sulfur 1.5-2.5 hardness Uneven fracture Resinous luster Brittle tenacity Transparent/translucent diaphaneity Native element Composition group *Used for Sulfuric acid, fertilizers, gunpoweder
Fluorite 4 hardness 4 direction cleavage Vitreous/waxy/resinous lsuter Brittle tenacity Transparent/translucent diaphaneity Halide Composition group *Used for Flux in steel making, toothpaste
Sphalerite 3.5-4 hardness 6 direction cleavage Resinous luster Light yellow streak Brittle tenacity Opaque diaphaneity Sulfide Composition group *Used for zinc ore
Dolomite 3.5-4 hardness 3 directions @ 75 degree cleavage Vitreous/pearly.waxy luster Brittle tenacity Transparent/translucent/opaque diaphaneity Carbonate Composition group *Used for rock former
Corundum 9 hardness Uneven fracture Dull luster Brittle tenacity Opaque diaphaneity Oxide Composition group *Used for abrasive, rock former
Smokey quartz 7 hardness Uneven/conchoidal fracture Vitreous/waxy/greasy luster Brittle tenacity Translucent/opaque diaphaneity Silicate Composition group *Used for industry, abrasive, rock former
Copper 2.5-3 hardness Uneven/irregular fracture Metallic luster Copper-red streak Malleable tenacity Opaque diaphaneity Native element Composition group *Used for Wiring, metal alloys, heat exchangers
Quartz crystal 7 hardness Uneven/conchoidal fracture 6-sided crystal w/ triangular termination faces - crystal habit Vitreous luster Brittle tenacity Translucent diaphaneity Silicate Composition group *Used for jewelry, abrasives, rock former
Chalcopyrite 3.5-4 hardness Uneven or irregular fracture Metallic luster Greenish-black streak Brittle tenacity Opaque diaphaneity Sulfide Composition group *Used for copper ore
Calcite 3 hardness 3 directions @ 75 degree (rhombic) cleavage Vitreous/waxy/dull luster Brittle tenacity Transparent/Translucent/Opaque diaphaneity Carbonate Composition group *Used as rock former
Magnetite 6 hardness Uneven fracture Metallic luster Black streak Brittle tenacity Opaque diaphaneity Oxide Composition group *Used as Iron ore
Biotite 2.5-3 hardness 1 direction (basal cleavage) Resinous/sub-resinous luster Elastic tenacity Opaque/transparent diaphaneity Silicate Composition group *Used for lubricant
Augite 6 hardness 2 directions @ 90 degrees cleavage Waxy/dull luster Brittle tenacity opaque diaphaneity Silicate Composition group *Used as rock former
Talc 1 hardness Good in 1 direction (basal) cleavage Pearly or silky cleavage Sectile Tenacity Translucent/opaque diaphaneity Silciate Composition group *Used for powder
Apatite 5 hardness Uneven or irregular fracture Viretous/Sub-resinous/dull luster Brittle tenacity Opaque diaphaneity Phosphate Composition group *Used as fertilizer
Gypsum 2 hardness Good in 1, poor in 2 cleavage Vitreous, pearly or silky luster Flexible tenacity Transparent/opaque diaphaneity Sulfate Composition group *Used as Soil conditioner, sheetrock, plaster of paris
Created by: FaithRaquel2015
Popular Science sets




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