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Alexis Social Studie

Alexis Social Studies for 3rd Quarter Exam

What is a monsoon? It is a very season and the farmers who depend on this season for the crops
What is Mt. Everest? It is the tallest peak in the Himalayas; it is the tallest point in the world and it is found on the Northern border of India
Who was the first to climb Mt. Everest? Sir Edmond Hilliary
Who is Mt. Everest named after? George Everest
What is subsistence farming? It is the process of of growing food mainly for self-consumption
What is Hinduism? The main religion of India
Where is Mesoamerica? a region that extends from southern North America to the central part of America.
What is Olmec? A region that extends from Mesoamerica. They lived along the coast of the Guld of Mexico. They invented Ulama, they where the Mother Civilization and the rubber people, carved large status. It was a theocracy.
Who was Hernado Cortes? HE CONQUERED THE AZTEC EMPIRE DURING THE RULE OF MONTEZUMA II IN 1521 A.D.; Their empire was destroyed.
Who were the Maya? They lived in Central America and Mexico. Had a complex calender and a theocracy.
Who was Francisco Pizzaro? He was a Spanish explorer; he arrived with less than 200 Spanish soldiers and conqured the Incas.
Who were the Incas? They lived in South America; they created teh Americas. The name Inca was the title of their Emperor, over time it became their title.
Who are the Aztec? They were playing ulama and they were the first major empire in Mesoamerica. They believed in human sacrament and based their economy on farming.
What was the Domesday Book? It was used in England to keep track of all the people during the middle ages. It helped the rulers set-up tax systems.
What was the Magna Carta? It was also called "the Great Charter." It contained 63 clauses or articles. Most of the clauses helped Lords and other landlords.
what was a chivalry? a knights code of behavior, according to the code, a true knight had deeep faith, was ready to die for the church, gave generously to all, and sued his strength to stand against inlustice.
what is the manor system? coomon froom the 700s to the 1200s, was a way to manage fuedal lands. manors usally had 4 parts: the manor house, a village, farmland, meadowland, and wasteland.
India is separated by large landmasses so it is called what? subcontinent
along India's nothern border is a mountain range called what? hymalayans
the ocean that surronds the southern part of india is the? indian ocean
around 2500 b.c. civilizations began in india in what valley? indus river valley
the fist empire in india was started by a soldier named Chandregupta Maurya it is called ? the mauryan empire
many hindus believed in one universal bieng called? brahman
buddia believed that all people could achieve what? a state of pure goodness enlightenment
hte land of mesoamerica provided its people with? basalt & obsidian
what forms the southeastern border of the gulf of mexico? carabean
the olmec civlization was a ? theocracry
the maya civlization was made up of a coolection of what? city states
2nd largest river amazon
largest wetland pantanal
largest rainforest amazon r.f.
longest mountain chain andes
the period of time between 500a.d. and 1500 a.d. is known as what? middle- ages
Who were wealthy land owners who swore their loyalty to the King in return for land grants and titles? nobles
Men who devoted their lives to Christianity could become? Monks
Women who devoted their lives to Christianity could become? Nuns
Monks lived where? In monasteries
Nuns lived where? In convents
Who was a group of people untied by a common interest? A guild
Name an italian merchant who traveled the Silk Road and wrote about his travels? Marco Polo
Who took control of Asia and made the Silk Road safe? the Mongols
Where did the Plague start? In the European City of Genoa, Italy
Describe the serf life under Feudalism during the Middle Ages? 1. live on the lords land and farm it. The lord protected you and the serfs would take care of the land.
What 3 rivers flow through India? Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra.
Why were the 3 rivers of India important? Because farmers used the water for irrigation.
Why were Mesoamerica volcanoes important They provided basalt,obsidian, fertile soil for farming.
Why aren't there many rivers in Mesoamerica? The region is filled with limestone which absorbs the water and makes sink holes or cenotes.
What motivated the Crusades? To take back control of Palestine.
What was positive about the Crusades? They increased the trade between Asia and Europe.
How did the Plague effect life in Europe during the Middle Ages? It killed 1/4 to 1/3 of its population. It was carried by rats and fleas.
Created by: marcrobertdillon
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