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B-review Anat

Embryologically gave rise to dorsal and ventral mm? Dorsal = epimericVentral = hypomeric
bones from endochondral ossification all BUT clavicle and flat bones of skull...these are intramembranous
gubernaculum in males becomes scrotal lig.
gubernaculum in females become suspensory lig of ovary, ovarian lig., round lig of uterus
embriclogically gives ise to adranal medulla neuro crest cells of ectoderm
Embriologically forms tube structures endoderm
ebriologically forms skin surface ectoderm
embriologically forms adrenal cortex lateral plate mesoderm
embriologically forms kidneys intermediate urogenital mesoderm
responsible for voice production glottis
oblique line of thyroid cart. provides attachment for inferior constrictor of pharynx, sternothyroidthyrohyoid
stenson's duct parotid gland (2nd molar)
wharton's duct submandibular
bartholin's duct sublingual
wirsungs duct main pancratic
santorini duct accessory pancreatic
chief cells secrete pepsinogen
parietal cells aka and secretions oxnytic...HCl, Intrinsic Factor
argentaffin cells seratonin
Found in the Carotid triangle of the anterior neck from lateral to medial internal jugular veincarotidarteryvagus nerve
contents of the subocciital triangle suboccipital nervevertebral artery
aka for suboccipital nerve dorsal primary ramus of C1
nerve that appears inferior to SOT greater occipital nerve
retroperioneal organs kidney, adrenalspancreascolon (ascending/descending), duodenumAorta, IVC
Foramen of winslow Epiglotic foramen...bwteen greater/lesser peritoneal sacs
center organ for mediastinum... heart....other parts are anterior middle superior posteriors
Portion of mediastinum the thymus os located in Anterior and superior
mm found in the atria of heart pectinate
mm walls in ventricles of heart papillary mm
lung lobe with horizontal what level right...T6 or 4th rib anteriorly
rotator cuff mm innervated by suprascapular nerve supraspinatus, infraspinatus
rotator cuff mm innervated by axillary n. teres minor
rotator cuff mm innervated by subscapular n subscapularis
rotator cuff mm inserted on the lesser tub subscpularis
contents of the quadrangular space of the arm posterior humeral circumflex arteryaxillary nerve
contents of the triangular space of the arm circumflex scapular artery
contents of the triangular interval of the arm profunda brachii arteryradial nerve
borders of triangular interval teres major,longheadoftricepsmedialhead of triceps
what is found above and below the transverse scapular ligament above: suprascapular arterybelow: suprascapular nerve
contents of the carpal tunnel 4 flexor digitorum profundus4 flexor digitorum superficiallis1 flexor policus longusmedian nerve
mm to unlock the knee popliteus...medial rot of tibia
what peirces diaphram and at what level T8 inferior vena cava...central tendonT10 esophagus...T12 Aorta...
Crus of the diaphram at what levels? R-L1-3L- L1-2
Arrcuate ligaments of diaphram contain: medial = psoas fascialateral= quadratus fasciaMedian = aorta?
name the 4 fontanels of the skull in order from first to close to last to close lambda...2 monthpterion...3 monthsasterion...1 yrbregma...2 yr
bones form the orbit frontal, maxillary, lacrimal, sphenoidethmoid, zygomatic, palatine
what cranial bones do not articulate with the keystone bone of the skull? sphenoid....nasal, mandible, lacrimal, inferior nasal conchamalleus, stapes, incus
in the vetebral segment, what makes up the neural arch? 2 pedicles and 2 lamina
vertebral level the vertebral artery stops traveling through the transverse foramen does not go through at C7...but the vertebral vein does!
lumbar vertebra superior facets face? concaved and face posteriormedial
lumbar vertebra inferior facets face? convex and face anterolateral
posterior longitudinal ligament of spine is continuous with what other ligament tectorial membrane (clivus to C1)
supraspinatous ligament attaches? tips of spinous processes C7-S1
supraspinatous ligament is continuous with what? ligamentum Nuchae (EOP-C7)
ligament connecting adjecent lamina Ligamentum flavum...elastic fibers...yellow
number of ribs articulating with the manubrium...body of sternum....and sternum m: 4b: 12s: 14
bones form the orbit frontal, maxillary, lacrimal, sphenoidethmoid, zygomatic, palatine
what cranial bones do not articulate with the keystone bone of the skull? sphenoid....nasal, mandible, lacrimal, inferior nasal conchamalleus, stapes, incus
in the vetebral segment, what makes up the neural arch? 2 pedicles and 2 lamina
vertebral level the vertebral artery stops traveling through the transverse foramen does not go through at C7...but the vertebral vein does!
lumbar vertebra superior facets face? concaved and face posteriormedial
lumbar vertebra inferior facets face? convex and face anterolateral
posterior longitudinal ligament of spine is continuous with what other ligament tectorial membrane (clivus to C1)
supraspinatous ligament attaches? tips of spinous processes C7-S1
supraspinatous ligament is continuous with what? ligamentum Nuchae (EOP-C7)
ligament connecting adjecent lamina Ligamentum flavum...elastic fibers...yellow
number of ribs articulating with the manubrium...body of sternum....and sternum m: 4b: 12s: 14
mm attached to the coracoid process pec minorshort head brachiicoracobrachialis
what articulates with the capitulum? capitulum = lateral notch of distal ulnaarticulates with head of radius
contents of the cubital fossa of arm tendon of biceps brachiibrachial arterymedian nerve
proximal row of carpals medial to lateral pisiformtriquetrallunatescaphoid
distal row of carpals medial to latersl hamatecapitatetrapezoidtrapezium
Greater and lesser tubercle on humerusgreater and lesser trochanter on femur lesser is anterior, mediallesser is posterior, medial, inferior
metacarpals articulating with hamate 5 and 4
carpal bone articulating with the 3rd metacarpal capitate
three types of fiberous joints suture...scullsyndesmosis...interosseous membranegomphoses...teeth
type of joint in epiphyseal plates costochondral articfirst rib and manubrium primary cartilaginoussynchondrosis
joint class for IVD'ssymphysis pubismanubriosternal secondary cartilaginoussymphysisamphiarthrosis
type of material in cartilaginous joints (primary and secondary) 1=hyalin bone-hyaline cart-bone2= bone-hyaline-fibrocart-hyaline-bone
classify the elbow joint uniaxialhingeginglymus
classify the atlantoaxial joint uniaxialpivottrochoid
clasify the zygapophyseal joint, SI,sternocostal uniaxialgliding jointplane
classifythe metacarpophalangealjointknee joint biaxialcondyloidellipsoidal
classify the thumb jointsterno clavicular biaxialsaddlesellar joint
classify the shoulder joint multiaxialballand socketspheroid
NT at the Neuromuscular junction and classification of receptor ACH...nicotinic
term for one motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates motor unit
muscle(s) to depress mandible lateral pterygoid digastricplatysma
extrinsic eye muscle innervations SO4 LR6 All else3
brachial plexus travels between what mm and what follows with it anterior and middle scalenephrenic nerve
lateral border of snuff box adductor pollicis longusextensor pollicis brevis
medial border of snuff box extensor pollicis longus
mm attached to lesser trochanter of femur ilicuspsoas
mm with dual innervation of upper extremity subscap (upper and lower subscap)pec major (med and lat pec)brachialis (mc and radial)flexor digitorum profundus (med and ulnar)
mm with dual innervation of lower extremity pectineus (femoral, obturator)adductor magnus (obturator, tibial)biceps femoris (common peroneal, tibial)peroneus (superficial, deep peroneal nerves)
mm attached to mastoid process SCMdigastricsplenius capitislongissimus capitis
mm laterally rotate humerus infraspinatussupraspinatus teres minor deloid
mm medially rotate humerus subscapularis teres major pec major deltoid
location of cephalic vein in arm between triceps and biceps runs over pec minor and major
subclavian artery changes to axillary where? after it passes under clavicle
the axillary artery is split into 3 parts by what landmark? 1=before pec minor2= under pec minor3= once it passes pec minor
cephalic vein empties into what? where? Axillary veinafter it passes over pec minor
basilic vein becomes what?when? axillary vein at lower margin of teres major
mm attached to medial epicondyle of humerus flexor carpi radialis palmaris longus flexor carpi ulnaris flexor digitorum superficialis pronator teres
mm attached to lateral epicondyle of humerus brachioradialus brevis Supinator Extensor carpi rad longus extensor carpi rad brevis extensor carpi ulnaris extensor digitorum communis extensor digiti minimi
mm to flex elbow brachialis biceps brachii brachioradialis pronator teres
mm attached to ASIS tensor fasciae latae sartorius inguinal lig
dually innervated mm of upper extremity digastric (CN5and7)trapssubscapularis pec major brachialis
mm on greater tubricle of humerus lateral to medial supraspinatus infraspinatus teres minor (all lateral rotators)
mm to remove to see suboccipital triangle semispinalis capitis splenius capitis trapezium
nerves to diaphrahm phrenic C3,4,5 "C3,4,5 to keep diaphram alive"
contraction of diaphrahm with ___ thoracic volume and ____ intrathoracic pressure increase decrease
termination of the posterior rectus sheath below this ling most abdominal hernias occur arcuate line
location of the arcuate line 1/2 way between umbilicus and pubis...iliac crest
inguinal ligament is a continuation of what external abdominal oblique
cremaster m continuation of what internal abdominal oblique
erector spinae from medial to lateral spinalis longissimus iliocostalis
mm with tendonous band in it semispinalis capitis rectus abdominus
what suspends spinal cord within dural sac denticulate ligaments
lateral horn of spinal cord carries what type of information and is found at what level of spinal cord? GVET1-L2
number of spinal nerves 31 pair
bell-magendie law dorsal root = sensory infoventral root = motor info
medial and lateral branches of dorsal rami innervate what? medial; superior to T6 sensory inferior to T6 motorLateral; visa versa
what connects spinal nerve to paravertebral ganglia and where is it found? white rami of ANS....only T1-L2
connects paravertebral ganglia to spinal nerve and where is it located gray rami...all throughout spinal cord
cervical plexus is formed by what? ventral rami of spinal nerves (sensory only)
what is the ansa cervicalis located on? and what nerves make it up? c1-3 found over internal jugular vein
what is the phrenic nerve found on? and what nerves make it up? C3-5anterior scalene
nerves of posterior neck from medial to lateral 3rd occipital greater occipital lesser occipital greater auricular
Cords of the brachial plexus are named according to association with what? axillary artery
nerve innervates the short head of biceps femoris common peroneal...not tibial
location of parasympathetic neurons brain stem and sacral segments S2-4
sympathetic stim of T1-4 targets head, heart, lungs
sympathetic stim of T3-6 targets upper limbs
sympathetic stim of T4-9 targets abdominal viscera
sympathetic stim of T8-L1 targets adrenal gland
sympathetic stim of T11-L2 targets urinary bladder, prostate, reproductive organs
no parasympathetic input to sweat glands arrector pili mm sm mm in blood vessels of skin/sk mm upper/lower limbs
parasymp ganglia for CN 3 edinger westphall nucleusin midbrain
parasymp ganglia for CN 7 superior salivatory nuc located in pons
parasymp ganglia for CN 9 inferior salivatory nucleus located in medulla
parasymp ganglia for cN 10 dorsal motor nucleus of vagus beneath floor of fourth ventricle...medulla
Created by: espindler
Popular Chiropractic sets




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