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Psych 495 Ch 7 Defs

Definitions from Chapter 07

ideologies sets of attitudes and beliefs that predispose people to view the world in certain ways and respond in ways consistent with those views
authoritarian personality a personality type that is especially susceptible to unthinking obedience; construct developed to explain the scope of the Holocaust
right wing authoritarianism (RWA) set of attitudes that lead people to be prejudiced against groups that authority figures condemn and that are perceived to violate traditional values (used in Psychojeopardy)
social dominance orientation (SDO) extent to which one desires that one's ingroup dominate and be superior to outgroup (used in Psychojeopardy)
group based dominance the belief that one's group should be at the top of the societal ladder and other groups should be on the bottom.
opposition to equality the belief that groups on the bottom of the social hierarchy should stay there
legitimizing myths sets of attitudes and beliefs that people high in SDO can use to justify their dominant position in society
self-enhancement looking down on others might make one feel better about oneself
self-protection if one's self-esteem is threatened, looking down on others might make one feel better about oneself, especially if doing so can directly counteract the threat
values enduring beliefs about relative importance of goals and types of outcomes to avoid
individualism long term American value emphasizing self-reliance, hard work, independence, as virtues and idleness as a vice; Protestant work ethic.
egalitarianism a strong emphasis on the principles of equal opportunity, equal treatment for all people and concern for other's well-being.
value difference hypothesis prejudice is based in part on perception that outgroups' value systems differ from ingroup implying a lack of goodness in ingroups.
value dissimilarity hypothesis one source of prejudice is the belief that members of outgroups do not share the values of the ingroup
symbolic beliefs or symbolic threats perceptions of group differences in values
terror management theory coexistence of self-preservation instinct and knowledge of mortality leads to fear as people try to avoid the unavoidable; cultural institutions that promise immortality are species wide coping mechanism
mortality salience awareness of death's inevitability
attribution-value model minority groups perceived to have characteristics that defy ingroup values, and members of minority are responsible for the perceived undesirable characteristics. (used in Psychojeopardy)
naturalness extent to which group membership is seen as biological
entitativity extent to which: group members are seen as similar to each other; group membership provides useful information.; group membership is exclusive
intrinsic religious orientation people with this orientation truly believe their religion's teachings and try to live their lives according to them.
extrinsic religious orientation people with this orientation use religion as a way to achieve non-religious goals, lightly held or else selectively shaped to fit nonreligious needs
quest orientation a view that religiosity is a search for answers to questions about the meaning of life
religious fundamentalism people with this orientation believe that there is only one set of religious beliefs that contains the truth, is opposed by evil that must be fought, and has not changed since the past.
conventionalism rigid adherence to conventional, middle class values
stereotypy the disposition to think in rigid categories
projectivity the disposition to believe that wild and dangerous things go on in the world; the projection outwards of unconscious emotional impulses
authoritarian submission tendency toward an uncritical obedient attitude toward idealized moral authorities
authoritarianism aggression tendency to be on the lookout for, and to condemn, reject and punish people who violate conventional values
principled conservativism/politics the belief that principles such as fairness, individual merit and minimal government are inherently inconsistent with programs that favor one group over another, especially when they are government run or ordered.
Created by: Z1759032
Popular Psychology sets




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