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Ch. 48

Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging

angiogram diagnostic radiograph of the blood vessels using a contrast medium
cholecystogram radiograph of the gallbladder
claustrophobia fear of closed spaces
computed tomography computerized procedure that views the target organ or body area from different angles in a three-dimensional view
contrast medium radiopaque substance that enhances an image
digital radiographic imaging radiography using computer imaging instead of conventional film or screen imaging
dosimeter device that monitors the quantity of x-ray exposure to health care workers
intravenous pyelogram radiographic view of the kidneys using contrast medium injected intravenously
ionization process of gaining or losing an electron from an atom
fluoroscopy radiographic imaging that can be viewed as a moving picture
lower gastrointestinal series radiographic examination of the lower intestinal tract during and after introduction of barium, which acts as the contrast medium
magnetic resonance imaging procedure in which a strong magnetic field and radio waves are used to produce images to view body structures
mammography radiographic imaging of the breast to screen for breast cancer
nuclear medicine techniques that use radioactive material for the diagnosis and treatment of patients
open MRI imaging table with more open space than a traditional MRI tube
positron emission tomography procedure in which the brain is viewed using positron emitting radionuclides
radiograph image produced on radiosensitive film by x-rays passed through an object
radiography process of producing an image for diagnosis using a radiographic modality
radiology branch of medicine concerned with radioactive substances including x-rays or other sources of ionizing radiation used to assist in diagnosis and treatment
radiolucent penetrable by x-rays
radiopaque impenetrable to x-rays or other forms of radiation
tomography radiographic technique that selects a level and blurs the level above and below it leaving a clear image of the selected anatomy
tracer radioactive isotope that can identify a specific portion of a molecule to follow its course
transducer device that moves over the skin to record sound waves
ultrasound use of high-frequency sound waves to produce an image of an organ or tissue
upper gastrointestinal series radiographic examination of the esophagus, stomach, and upper small intestine during and after the introduction of barium as a contrast; also called upper GI series or barium swallow
x-ray film special photographic film that blackens on exposure to light
x-ray tube vacuum tube that creates electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength between 0.1 and 100 angstrom units
what are the different types of computer imaging ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, and nuclear medicine
when is an ultrasound used its used to get an image of soft tissues and organs
pt prep for abdominal US npo after midnight
pt prep for pelvic US must drink 4-6 8-oz glasses of water 1 hour before test
pt prep for fetal US none
when is an MRI used to show blood clots, nerve damage, torn ligaments and tendons, and other soft tissues
questions for MRI prep do you have any medical devices with metal in them such as pacemakers, surgical rods or pins, or dental bridges? do you work with small pieces of metal? pregnant? lay still for 30 min? claustrophobia
when are CT scans used to create a 3d image to provide many views of the body
types of nuclear medication PET, internal and external radiation therapy
what is a PET test used for to trace cancer cells as they go through the body
pt prep for PET must fast 6 hours before test
Created by: rewebb
Popular Clinical Skills sets



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