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Ch. 44


anuria absence of urine production
dysuria painful or difficult urination
glucosuria presence of glucose in urine
hematuria presence of blood in the urine
ketonuria presence of ketones in urine
nocturia excessive urination during the night
oliguria decrease in the amount of urine formation
polyuria increase in the amount of urine formed and excreted
proteinuria presence of protein in urine
renal threshold concentration at which a substance in the blood not normally excreted by the kidneys begin to appear in the urine
specific gravity weight of a substance compared with an equal amount of water
turbid degree of cloudiness
describe characteristics of urine 95% water and 5% is made up of organic and inorganic substances
random urine specimen used for routine urinalysis screening; not recommended for cultures
first morning urine specimen yields most concentrated type of specimen and is best for pregnancy tests and routine urinalysis
clean catch midstream urine specimen used for urine cultures and routine urinalysis
24 hour urine testing used for quantitative chemical analysis
catheterized urine specimen best for cultures and maybe used for cytology
suprapubic aspirate specimen involves collecting aspirate from the urinary bladder by introducing a syringe directly into the bladder; sometimes performed on pediatric pts
kidneys filter waste materials from the blood; regulate water, electrolyte, and acid-base content of the blood; excrete urine
ureters carry urine from kidneys to the urinary bladder
urinary bladder receptacle for urine; receives urine from the kidneys via the ureters and discharges urine from the body through the urethra
urethra discharges urine from the bladder to outside the body
normal color of urine pale yellow, amber, straw yellow
abnormal color of urine orange, red, brown, milky
normal specific gravity 1.005-1.03
normal ph 4.5-8.0
cause of an acidic pH acidosis, diabetes mellitus, or starvation
cause of an alkaline pH may indicate a UTI
temporary increase in protein fever, stress, or strenuous exercise
chronic increase in protein renal failure or other renal conditions
presence of ketones starvation, high fat diet, pregnancy, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
high levels of bilirubin liver damage or obstructions, hepatitis, or cirrhosis
high levels of urobilinogen biliary obstruction, cirrhosis, heart failure, or excessive RBC destruction
presence of blood trauma to the kidneys, UTI, and kidney stones
presence of hemoglobin transfusion reaction, hemolytic anemia, arsenic poisoning, or malaria
presence of nitrite bacteria and possible UTI
presence of WBC UTI
orange or brownish color possible liver disease
red or reddish UTI, trauma, or a renal disorder
milky possibly fat globules or a UTI
what are some foods that can change the color of urine carrots (orange), beets (red), blackberries (red)
what are some vitamins that can change the color of urine C (bright yellow or orange) and B (bright yellow or orange)
what are some medications that can change the color of urine antibiotics (yellowish-brown), rifampin (reddish orange), phenazopyridine (reddish orange)
Created by: rewebb
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