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Lit Terms #3

Brenham English 1 Lit Terms #3

situational irony a contrast between what you expect to happen and what actually does happen
verbal irony a contrast between what is stated and what is actually meant, usually being sarcastic
dramatic irony when the reader or the viewer knows something that a character in the story does not
author's claim another way of saying "main idea"--it's the topic PLUS the author's opinion about the topic
metaphor comparing two things without using 'like' or 'as'
anecdote a short story used to make a point
affluent having an abundance of wealth; rich
discreet respecting privacy or remaining silent about something of a delicate nature
tyranny unrestrained exercise or power
unwieldy not easily handled or managed
billowing to swell out or puff up by the action of wind
insomnia sleeplessness; inability to obtain sleep
impoverished reduced to poverty
uninflammatory not violent; not a strong emotion
warren-like crowded
labyrinthine complicated; complex
The fire station burns down. The teacher fails the test. the marriage counselor gets a divorce. examples of situational irony
The steak was as tender as a leather boot. This is clear as mud. This pillow is as soft as a brick. examples of verbal irony
In "Romeo and Juliet," Romeo thinks that Juliet is dead but the audience knows that she is alive. In "Star Wars," Luke does not know that Darth Vader is his father until Scene 5, but the audience knows it sooner. examples of dramatic irony
Fork in the road. Light of my life. examples of metaphor
Created by: juliehinds
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