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Chapter 7 Test 7th

Chapter 7 Test 7th and 8th

Atmosphere A blanket of gases that surrounds our planet to protect and support life in many ways.
Water Vapor The gaseous form of water.
Ozone A relatively scare type of oxygen molecule in which 3 oxygen atoms or bonded. (O3)
Stratosphere The layer I immediately above the tropopause, stretches from the tropopause to an altitude of about 31 mi.
Mesosphere The layer immediately above the stratopause, the begins to drop more altitude increases, extends 53 mi, least understood layer.
Thermosphere Layer above the mesosphere extends from 53 mi to 300 mi.
Cosmic Rays Extremely powerful radiation that comes from deep space.
Magnetic Field The region in which the magnet effects other objects.
Van Allen Radiation Belt Region where solar wind particles are trapped in a region that looks like a belt or doughnut that is encircling the earths equator.
Albedo The decimal equivalent of solar radiation reflected by an object.
Energy Budget Amount of energy available to heat earths land, water, and air.
Convection Current Currents set into motion by moving currents of hot air or of other fluids.
Up Drafts and Down Drafts Vertical movements of air.
Adiabatic Cooling Occurs because molecules spread out, resulting with fewer collisions.
Adiabatic Heating A gas being compressed the temperature of gas rises as the gas is compressed with no heat lost.
Hadley Cell The convection cell that exists between the equator and latitude 30*
Ferrel Cell High pressure warm air at latitude 30* and 60*it creates a low pressure region creating winds that come from latitude 30* and 60*
Polar Cell When newly warmed air rises to flow back to the poles.
Cyclone Circulating spiral around a low in northern hemisphere. (Rotates counter clockwise).
Anticyclone A wind system around a high in northern hemisphere. (Rotates clockwise).
Doldrums A belt where there are often calms or light breezes.
Trade Winds The surface winds that blow from the high pressure regions of the horse latitudes towards the equator.
Polar Easterlies The high pressure regions created by the constantly sinking air at the poles cause winds to blow away from the poles towards the lower latitudes.
Prevailing Westerlies Blows towards the poles, they "outrun" the earths surface so that they come out of the southwest and northwest.
Rossby Waves Upper troposphere waves.
Sea Breeze Cooler air from over the water blows inland.
Fall Wind Occurs when dense, cold air flows from higher to lower elevations due to gravity's pull.
Chinook Foehns on the east side of the Rocky Mountain.
Santa Ana A very dry and dusty wind that blows in Southern California.
Nitrogen The Most abundant gas in the homosphere.
Troposphere The atmosphere's "weather layer".
3 Types of UV Radiation UVA, UVB, UVC
Mesopause The atmosphere's coldest point.
Exosphere The atmosphere's outermost layer.
PSI at Sea Level 14.7 atmospheric pounds per square inch.
Water Vapor Most important green house gas.
Winds Horizontal movements of air.
Jet Streams Strong, narrow winds in the upper tropopause.
Foehns The general name for a dry wind that travels down a slope.
Why do mountains stay snow capped over the summer ? Because as you go higher the weather gets colder preserving the snow.
Land Breeze A gentle wind that blows from land to sea.
4 Things That Effect Insolation Cloudy Weather by as much as 85%, length of daytime, the angle of the suns rays, and earths distance from the sun.
Created by: LHowell07
Popular Science sets




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