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General Diagnosis

Chiropractic boards 2, 3

Acute Glaucoma increase in intra-ocular pressure, narrowing space between iris and cornea obstructs flow of aqueous humor into canal of schlemm, hard, red painful eye, hazy vision in beginning
Adie's pupil aka tonic pupil One dilated pupil, reacts poorly to light, defect in parasympathetic system
Argyll Robertson pupil one pupil constricted, reacts poorly to light but well to accommodation, tertiary syphillis or MS, VDRL positive
Blephatitis inflammation of the eyelid, staph infection, allergy, or seborrhea, swollen, itchy, tender
Cavernous sinus Thrombosis clot formation in cavernous sinus in the brain following spread of infection from the face, swollen eyelids, periorbital edema, diplopia due to damage of CNIII, IV, VI. refer to hospital
Chalazion benign granulomatous lesion in the tarsal/meibomian glad of the eyelid, painless swelling, points inside eyelid
Chronic glaucoma gradual increase in intro-ocular pressure due to excessive production of aqueous humor or obstruction of canal of schlemm, gradual loss of vision, tunnel vision, increase cupping of the optic disc
Diabetic retinopathy damage to retina seen in poorly managed diabetes mellitus, micro aneurysms and flame hemorrhages in retina, blurry vision
Eustachian tube blockage partial deafness retracted tympanic membrane
Hordoleum infected eyelash hair follicle, staph, red painful swelling
Horner's syndrome damage to sympathetic chain or ganglia of the neck, unilateral ptosis, mitosis, anhydrodsis , PANCOAST TUMOR association, carotid artery dissection of brain stem ischemia
Iritis SLE, ulcerative colitis, Chron's disease, sarcoidosis,
macular degeneration age related, central loss of vision, blurred and pigmented, macula is lateral to optic disc
meniere's disease vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss, progressive deafness occurs
myasthenia gravis autoimmune, antibodies to acetylcholine receptors at neuromuscular joints, females with thymic disorder, bilateral ptosis, diplopia, pos tensilon test
otitis externa inflammation of external auditory canal, bacterial or fungal, allergy, swollen ear canal, scant discharge
otitis media inflammation middle ear, viral bacterial, hemophilia influenzae, fever, swollen tympanic mambrane
pingeucula yellow triangular thickening of the bulbar conjunctiva, inner and outer margins of cornea, does not grow on cornea*
Pterygium triangular thickening of bulbar conjunctiva extending from medial corner of the eye towards the cornea with the apex towards pupil, chronic irritation, hot dry climates, may encroach on cornea*
Seborrheic dermatitis pitysporum oval may play a role, dandruff, scaly itchy eyebrows, and eyelids
Acute bronchitis viral, productive cough, white to greenish sputum, fever,
aneurysm arch of the aorta common cause atherosclerosis, tertiary syphilis uncommon, cough , hoarseness, tracheal shift right and tug, widening superior mediastinum with deviated trachea to the right
asthma reversible airway disease, allergens, bronchospasm ad inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, dyspnea and wheezing, CHARCOT LEYDEN CRYSTALS AND CURSCHMANS SPIRALS in sputum FEV < 80%
bronchiectasis chronic dilation of bronchi caused be a long standing infection, chronic cough, sob, mucopurulent sputum, halitosis and clubbing of fingers, saccular dilations of the bronchi
chronic bronchitis irreversible airway disease, inflammation of bronchi, caused by smoking and irritants, dyspnea, cough, cyanosis and bilateral ankle swelling (blue bloater)
dissecting thoracic aorta tear in tunica intima, Marfan's, hypertension or chest trauma, severe tearing chest pain, diminished upper limb pulses and hypotension, widening of superior mediastinum, ER
Emphysema smoking, pollutants, destruction of alveoli, causing overinflation of lungs, dyspnea, barrel chest, pursed lip breathing, pink puffer, flattened diaphragm, large retrosternal and retrocardiac windows
Fallot's tetralogy most common cyanotic congenital heart disease, pulmonary stenosis, right ventricular hypertrophy, overriding aorta and ventricular septal defect, cyanosis at birth, clubbing of hands, left para sternal heave, boot shaped heart
liver failure jaundice, fetor hepaticus (ammonia breath, unprocessed mercaptans), ascites, gynecomastia
lung abscess staph aureus, pus filled cavity in the chest, chills, fever, halitosis, foul smelling sputum
lung cancer common malignant tumor, smoking, weigh loss, chronic cough, hemoptysis, clubbing of the fingers,
pericarditis viral, bacterial, chemical, retrosternal chest pain, relieved by sitting up and forward, ST elevation no pathological Q waves
Pleural effusion excess fluid in pleural cavity, congestive heart failure, pneumonia, tuberculosis, pleural metastasis, presents with dyspnea, DECREASED TACTILE FREMITUS, STONY DULL PERCUSSION, ABSENT BREATH SOUNDS obliteration of costophrenic angle
Pneumonia chills, fever, dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain, productive cough, INCREASED TACTILE FREMITUS, AND CRACKLES
Pneumothorax air in pleural cavity, chest pain, dyspnea, HYPER-RESONANT PERCUSSION NOTE, ABSENT BREATH SOUNDS
Psoriasis silvery scaly plaques, pitting of nails and joints, HLA B27
Pulmonary embolism break away clot from DVT, dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain, and hemoptysis
Raynaud's vasospastic disorder of small arteries, SLE, Scleroderma, vasospasm, cyanosis, and red in response to cold and stress
Rickets Vit D deficiency in children, lethargy, muscle weakness, Frontal bleeding, bow legs,
sarcoidosis non-caseous granulomas, fatigue, dyspnea, hypercalcemia, bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy or diffuse pulmonary fibrosis
tension pneumothorax air in pleural cavity caused by trauma, sudden onset sob, cyanosis with tracheal deviation to the opposite side
tietze syndrome inflammation of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th costochondral joint, localized chest pain with swelling in the costochondral joints. if there is only tenderness its costochondritis
tuberculosis chronic infection mycobacterium tb, Ghon focus and complex with caseous necrosis and granulomas, cough, night sweats, fever, hemoptysis, weight loss, sputum with Ziehl Neelsen staining bacilli which grow best in the Lowenstein Jensen medium
aortic incompetence valvular heart disease, rheumatic fever, Marfan's syndrome, syphilitic aortitis, presents with titubation and diastolic murmur heard best in the 2nd right intercostal space near sternum
aortic stenosis valvular heart disease often caused by rheumatoid fever, angina and systolic murmur heard best in the 2nd right intercostal space parasternally
cardiac tamponade compression of heart by fluid or blood in pericardial sac, distant heart sounds, high jugular venous pressure and hypotension
coarctation of aorta congenital narrowing of aorta just beyond left subclavian artery, hypertension upper limbs, delayed radio femoral pulse
Fallon's tetralogy most common congenital cyanotic heart disease, pulmonary stenosis, right ventricular hypertrophy, overriding septal defect, pansystolic murmur heard best in 3rd left intercostal space parasternally
Hyperthyroidism excess thyroxin, goiter, tachycardia, exopthalmosis, fine tremor of outstretched hands, T3 and T4 high, TSH low (Graves)
mitral incompetence valvular heart disease caused by rheumatic fever, pansystolic murmur 5th left intercostal space in midclavicular line
mitral stenosis valvular heart disease by rheumatic fever, malar flush, and a diastolic murmur 5th left intercostal space in midclavicular line
subacute bacterial endocarditis infection of previously damaged heart valves by strep viridian's, fatigue, anemia, splinter hemorrhages, and finger clubbing
subclavian steal syndrome congenital occlusion of subclavian artery with shunting blood via vertebral arteries, syncope especially with upper body exercise and radio radial delay
Superior vena cava obstruction large mass in superior mediastinum, often seen in lymphoma, edema in the face and distended neck and upper limb veins
acute pancreatitis alcohol abuse, stone in ampulla of vater, severe epigastric pain that radiates through the back, Cullen and Grey Turners signs may be present, serum amylase and lipase elevated
AAA saccular of fusiform dilation of abdominal aorta below renal arteries, atherosclerosis** LBP pulsatile midline mass above umbilicus
appendicitis fecalith obstructing the orface of the appendix, periumbilical pain followed by nausea, vomitting and fever, pain radiates to right iliac fossa, Rovsing's, psoas or obturator sign may be present
cholecystitis fair, fat, fertile females in their 40's, gallstones, upper right quadrant pain radiates to infrascapular region*** murphy's sign, fever, nausea, vomitting
Cirrhosis chronic alcohol abuse or Hep C, liver cell necrosis, fibrosis and regeneration nodules, fatigue, jaundice, enlarged non tender liver and gynecomastia, portal hypertension, ascites, caput medusa, esophageal varices and internal hemorrhoids
crohn's disease chronic inflammatory bowel disease, cobblestone in terminal ileum, skip lesions and non-caseous granulomas, recurrent right lower quadrant pain with diarrhea and fatigue, macrocytic normochromic anemia (vit B12 deficient)
diabetic ketoacidosis poorly controlled diabetes mellitus type 1, overproduction of ketones from beta oxidation of fats, sob, acetone breath, Kussmauls breathing, ketones in urine elevated fasting blood glucose
diverticulitis large intestine, lack of fiber, lower left abdominal pain, blood in stool, fever
ectopic pregnancy pregnancy outside uterus, fallopian tube, gonorrhea, chlamydia infection, Kehr's sign
epidydimo-orchitis infection of epididymus and testis, Neisseria, scrotum pain, and periumbilical pain, dysuria and frequent urination, Prehn's test (elevated scrotum)
generalized peritonitis ruptured bowel or ectopic pregnancy, severe generalized abdominal pain, fever, absent bowel sounds, blumberg's sign,
hepatitis inflammation of liver, A and E orodfecal, B and C blood or sex, fever, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, tender swollen liver, liver enzymes and bilirubin elevated
intestinal obstruction blockage in the bowels, cramping abdominal pain, abdominal distension with hyperactive bowel sounds,
irritable bowel syndrome bouts of abdominal pain relieved by defecation, diarrhea, or constipation
mesenteric vascular occlusion may be associated with atherosclerosis, severe abdominal pain, blood in stool and shock may be late manifestation
nephrotic syndrome chronic disease of kidney, associated diabetes mellitus and SLE, fatigue, bilateral ankle swelling, ascites, muehrcke's lines (curved transverse lines on nails) massive proteinuria, hypoproteinemia and hypercholersterolemia
pelvic inflammatory disease gonorrhea or chlamydia, fever, lower abdominal pain, cervical motion tenderness, mucopurulent cervical discharge
peptic ulcer disease either stomach or duodenum, helicobacter pylori, use of NSAIDS, smoking, alcohol, better or worse with food, melena
portal hypertension complication of cirrhosis blood flow from portal vein to liver is obstructed due to increased fibrosis, caput medusa, esophageal varies and internal hemorrhoids and ascites
prostatitis associated e.coli or chlamydia infection, suprapubic r perineal discomfort, dysuria, frequency of urination and a tender swollen prostate
pyelonephritis inflammation of pelvis, kidney and ureter, e. coli, chills, fever, nausea, vomiting and flank pain, murphy's punch
tertiary syphilis treponema pallidum, 3-15 years to develop after exposure, lightning pains in abdomen, chronic non healing ulcers, ROmbergs sign, Argyll Robertson pupils
testicular cancer most common seminoma, dull ache in scrotum, enlarged irregular testis and possible gynecomastia
torsion of testis uncommon twisting of the testis due to long mesorchium, scrotal pain referred to periumbilical area
ulcerative colitis chronic inflammatory bowel disorder, superficial ulcerations descending and sigmoid colon, left side abdominal pain, fatigue, anemia, recurrent blood diarrhea, microcytic hypochromic anemia due to blood loss
volvulus acute twisting of sigmoid colon, severe abdominal pain, dissension and hyperactive bowel sounds, X-ray coffee bean sign**
bacterial vaginosis over growth of Gardnerella species, fishy, watery vaginal discharge often after sex or menstuation
cancer of penis chronic HPV infection, non healing ulcer of mass on the glans penis or foreskin with spread to involve the inguinal nodes
cancer of vulva neoplastic condition of vulva, chronic HPV, non healing ulcer on vulva, spread to involve inguinal nodes
candidiasis overgrowth of candida albicans, broad spectrum antibiotics and diabetics, itchy, thick cottage cheese
cervical cancer associated with chronic HPV infections, post coital bleeding, non-healing erosion of cervix
chancroid STD Homophilus ducreyi, painful yellow genital ulcers, with swollen tender inguinal lymph nodes
endometriosis endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity, broad ligament on ovary and in pelvis, severe dysmenorrhea, painful nodules in the adnexa, retroverted uterus
epididymo-orchitis inflammation of testes and epididymis, gonorrhea and chlamydia infections, tender swollen testis and epididymis, Prehn's sign possibly present
granuloma inguinale STD caused by calymmatobacterium granulomatis, BEEF RED ulcers, NO swollen inguinal lymph nodes
herpes genitalis STD herpes simplex 2, recurrent multiple vesicles and shallow ulcers
lymphogranuloma venereum STD caused by Chlamydia trachomatis types L1-3, fleeting rash, swollen painful draining inguinal lymph nodes and rectal strictures, sign of the groove may be present
pelvic inflammatory disease inflammatory disease of uterus, fallopian tubes, and surrounding pelvis, gonorhea, chlamydia, fever, lower abdominal pain, cervical motion tenderness, mucopurulent discharge
prostatic cancer slow growing malignancy of prostate gland, hematuria, hard irregular prostate, LBP, fatigue, weight loss, elevated PSA, elevated alkaline phosphatase and mypercalcemia
ovarian cancer over 50, bloating, abdominal discomfort and ascites, enlarged ovary
syphilis STD treponema pallidum, painless hard nodule or ulcer, pos VDRL, FTA abs needed to confirm
testicular cancer uncommon malignancy in testes, most common seminoma, dull ache in scrotum, enlarged irregular testis and gynecomastia
thrombosed external hemorrhoid painful thrombosed tributary of the inferior rectal vein, often associated with constipation, tender swollen nodule at the verge of the anal office below the pectinate line
torsion of the testis twisting of the testis due to a long mesorchium, sudden pain referred to periumbilical region, nausea vomiting, phren's test negative
trichomonas STD protozoan called trichomonad vaginalis, vulvar itching and malodorous frothy yellow green discharge, motile flagellates
uterine fibroids benign smooth muscle tremors of the uterus, related to estrogen stimulation, polymenorrhagia and enlarged uterus, microcytic hypochromic anemia due to prolonged bleeding
angina pectoris reversible damage to myocardium; narrowing coronary artery, severe squeezing retrosternal or pre-cordial chest pain that is precipitated by exertion and relived by rest, Levine's sign
aortic stenosis valvular heart disease often caused by rheumatic fever, angina and systolic murmur bread best in 2nd right intercostal space
fibromyalgia chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain disorder of unknown origin, women, 11 out of 18 tender points, fatigue and unrefreshing sleep
GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter which allows for regurgitation of acid stomach contents into the esophagus, burning retrosternal pain worse after lying down after a heavy meal, associated with cough worse at night or asthma symptoms in adult
herpes zoster HHV type 3-varicella zoster virus which lies dormant in the dorsal root ganglia, unilateral chest pain and a band of hyperesthesia followed by the typical band of vesicles along a dermatome, positive shepelmann's
mitral valve prolapse valvular heart disease, associated with Marfans, atypical chest pain and mid-systolic click heard best in the 5th left intercostal space in the midclavicular line
Myocardial infarction irreversible damage to myocardium due to occlusion of a coronary artery, severe squeezing retrosternal or precordial chest pain, sweating and a feeling of impending doom, levine's sign may be present
Pancoast tumor malignant tumor in apex of the lung, associated with cigarettes, chest pain, shoulder pain, or pain in upper limb, sometimes the patient may also present with Horner's syndrome
pericarditis inflammation of pericardial sac, viral, bacterial or chemical, retrosternal chest pain, relieved by sitting and leaning forward
pleural effusion excess fluid in pleural cavity, congestive heart failure, pneumonia, TB, or pleural metastases, dyspnea, DECREASED TACTILE FREMITUS, STONY DULL PERCUSSION ABSENT BREATH SOUNDS
Prinzmetal angina reversible damage to the myocardium due to spasm of a coronary artery, severe squeezing retrosternal or pre cordial chest pain at rest, leaving's sign may be present
tension pneumothorax air in pleural cavity caused by trauma to the chest, sudden onset of sob following chest injury, increasing cyanosis with tracheal deviation to the opposite side
Reiter's syndrome associated with recent chlamydia, shigella, salmonella, campylobacter infection and HLA B27, conjunctivitis, dysuria, and joint pain
addison's disease failure of adrenal cortex, autoimmune destruction, fatigue, weakness, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, hair loss, amenorrhea, hyper pigmentation of skin, decreased libido, low Na, high K
chronic fatigue syndrome prolonged fatigue, sore throat, tender cervical lymphs, unrefreshing sleep, muscle pain, impaired memory
colon cancer adenocarcinoma, change in bowel habit, weight loss, positive fecal occult blood
cushing's disease excessive cortisol, truncal obesity, moon face, buffalo hump, purple abdominal striae, hypokalemia, hypernatremia, elevated cortisol, pituitary adenoma
conn's disease excess secretion of aldosterone, adrenal cortical adenoma or hyperplasia, hypertension, headaches, muscle weakness, polyuria and polydipsia, hypokalemia, hypermatremia with elevated serum aldosterone levels
diabetes mellitus metabolic condition due to absolute or relative insulin levels, type 1 occurs in juveniles while type 2 occurs in overwieght adults, polyuria, polydipsia and polyphagia with complications such as peripheral neuropathy and pre-senile cataracts
hemochromatosis autosomal recessive disorder resulting in increase accumulation of iron in the body, fatigue, polyuria, polydipsia with increased skin pigmentation, joint pains, hair loss, and deceased libido, excessive serum iron, beak like osteophytes on MCPs
lambert eaton syndrome autoimmune, small cell lung cancer, men over 60, fatigue, bilateral ptosis, negative tensilon test, antibodies to calcium gated channels at the neuromuscular junction
lead poisoning fatigue, anemia, blue gum line, clumsiness, difficult behavior and epileptic seizures or emesis (vomiting), microcytic hypochromic anemia with basophilic stippling of red blood cells
leukemia malignant white blood cell disease, genetic predisposition- philadelphia chromosome in chronic myelogenous leukemia, fatigue, weight loss, generalized lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, recurrent infections of bleeding gums, WBC >25000 and thrombocytopenia
lymphoma malignant lymph node disease, hodgkins or non-hodgkins type, may be related to HHV type 4, fatigue, painless cervical lymphadenopathy, anemia, weight loss, cyclical (per-epstein) fever, night sweats, sob or recurrent infections
paget's diseaes metabolic bone disorder characterized by repeated episodes of osteolysis and excessive but ineffective osteoblastic activity, may be caused by paramyxo viral infection, fatigue, increased hat size, visual hearing defects, cotton wool appearance in skull
pernicious anemia vit B12 deficiency, lack of intrinsic factor caused by autoimmune destruction of parietal cells in stomach, beef tongue, paresthesia in fingers, toes, or balance problems, macrocytic normochromic anemia, hyperhsegmented granulocytes
renal failure fatigue, pale mucosa, puffy eyelids, bilateral pitting edema and fishy breath, elevated BUN and creatinine
riboflavin deficiency fatigue, magenta tongue, angular stomatitis and cheiliosis (cracked lips) low B2 in blood
sick sinus syndrome damage to sinoatrial node due to ischemic heart disease, tachycardia, and bradycardia
benign prostatic hypersplasia age related fibroglandular hyperplasia of the prostate, poor steam, frequent urination, dribbling, nocturia, prostate is smooth and enlarged with the median sulcus still palpable
bladder cancer malignant, transitional epithelial origin, associated w/ chronic smoking and schistosoma, infection of bladder, painless hematuria, weightless,
diabetes insipidus loss ADH secretion, often associated with head trauma, polyuria, polydipsia, unable to concentrate urine, constant specific gravity <1.006
glomerulonephritis inflammation of glomeruli, post-streptococcal infections, puffy eyelids, smoky urine, hypertension, blood in urine
interstitial cystitis inflammation of the bladder wall, autoimmune, pain worse with full bladder relieved by urination, dysuria, frequency, and nocturnia
normal pressure hydrocephalus ventricular dilation in the elderly, incontinence, reversible dementia, and ataxia
renal carcinoma malignancy of renal tissue, smoking, genetics, painless flank mass, hematuria,
renal colic stone in kidney or ureter, sweating and high temps, decreased fluid intake, painful hematuria, pain radiating from flank to inguinal region
urethral syndrome hormonal or psychological factors, fibromyalgia, urinary frequency, dysuria, NO NOCTURIA
urethritis chlamydia or gonorrhea, mucoid or thick purulent urethral discharge with dysuria and frequency of urination
chronic mesenteric ischemia narrowing mesenteric blood vessels, atherosclerosis, recurrent cramping after meal, anorexia in fear of pain after eating
diabetes mellitus type 1 insulin deficiency due to destruction of islet of langerhans in children, polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, kussmauls breathing, acetone breath
endometrial carcinoma malignancy of lining of uterine cavity, exposure to unopposed excess estrogens, more common in childless women
pancreatic cancer adenocarcinoma, LBP, weight loss, jaundice and pruritus ( if common bile duct is obstructed by a tumor in the head of the pancreas)
internal opthalmoplegia dilated pupil with ptosis and lateral deviation. Does not react to light or accommodation. MS**
mydriasis dilated and fixed pupils seen with anticholinergic drugs (atropine/ mushrooms/ death)
miosis fixed and constricted pupils that react and accommodate to light. severe brain damage, pilocarpine medications, narcotics. Horner's syndrome**
anisocoria unequal pupil size
adie's pupil sluggish pupillary reaction to light that is unilateral and caused by a parasympathetic lesion of CN III.
arroyo sign sluggish pupillary reaction due to hypoadrenalism (addison's disease)
horner's syndrome ptosis, mitosis, anhydrous on the same side as an interruption to the cervical sympathetics* PAM is horny** pancoast tumor
glaucoma increased interocular pressure, cupping of the optic disc**blurring in vision esp in peripheral fields and rings around lights. crescent sign*** present with tangential lighting of cornea
papilledema aka choked disc swelling of optic disc due to increased intracranial pressure** NO visual loss (visual loss with optic neuritis) May be seen with brain tumor of brain hemorrhage.
retinal detachment painless sudden onset of blindness, closing curtains. lightning flashes, floaters
macular degeneration most common reason for blindness in elderly*, central vision loss*Drusen is early sign (blurred margins of macula) yellow deposits under retina
hypertensive retinopathy damage to retinal vessels/background will show these signs; copper wire deformity, silver wire deformity, a-v nicking, flame hemorrhages and cotton wool soft exudates
diabetic retinopathy affects veins more that arteries and present with micro aneurysms, hard exudates, and neovascularization***- DISH
emmetropia, myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia normal, nearsighted, farsighted, loss of lens elasticity due to aging
acute otitis externa infection of outer ear. swimmer's ear. tugging on pinna is painful
prebycussis sensorineural hearing loss occurs in people as they age, genetic or acquired factors
acute mastoiditis bacterial infection in mastoid process. signs and symptoms same as acute otitis media with placatory tenderness. hearing loss**
purulent otitis media aka bacterial otitis media bacterial or viral infection of middle ear. tympanic membrane is red*, dilated blood vessels and bulging*
serous otitis media effusion of middle ear resulting from incomplete resolution of acute otitis media or obstruction of eustachian tube** chronic condition. fluid amber with bubbles***
vertigo abnormal sensation of rotary movement associated w/ difficulty in balance, gait, and navigation of the environment
meniere's aka endolymphatic hydrops recurrent prostrating vertigo* sensory hearing loss* tinnitus* fullness in the ear**
benign paroxysmal positional vertigo brief episode of vertigo brought on by a change of head position** (ex. female getting hair washed) Diagnosed w/ Dix-Hallpike maneuver - pt moves from sitting to supine w/ head tuned 45degrees to left and wait 30 secs. repeat on rt side if nystagmus
acoustic neuroma aka schwannoma benign tumor CN VIII, hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, presence of tumor on CT or MRI
Eustachian tube block retraction of tympanic membrane***
angular stomatitis aka cheilosis red sores at corner of mouth B2 deficiency ribolflavin
atrophic glossitis deficiency of B vitamins or iron that causes the tongue to appear smooth and glossy
atelectasis air escaped. collapse of lung usually result of bronchial obstruction due to mucous plug*** mediastinal shift to same side
asthma Type I hypersensitivity IgE. tachycardia, tachypnea, decreased tactile remits, eosinophils and IgE rise. Curshmanns spirals, Charcot Laden Crystals (crystals and spirals in sputum from IgE***
emphysema dilation of alveoli. deficient alpha I anti trypsin. narrowed compressed heart ( stove pipe heart) horizontal ribs, flattened diaphragmatic domes
hodgkins caucasian males <30. fever. night sweats. weight loss. intense prurutis*** from IgE release. enlarged spleen* Reed Sternberg cells**. unilateral hilar lymphadenopathy
cystic fibrosis aka salty baby syndrome hereditary disease of mucous glands. abnormal glands that secrete sweat or mucous. loss of excessive amounts of salt. thick accumulated mucous in intestines and lungs. COPD*, barrel chest. pancreatic insufficiency meconium ileus***suck
Created by: polystachya
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