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Manual Muscle Testing

Strong and Painless a. No lesion to ms/tendon b. No Neurological lesion to ms/tendon
Strong and Painful a. Minor lesion of tested ms/tendon b. Usually the tendon
Weak and Painless a. May be some interruption or nerve supply to muscles being tested. Findings must be correlated with those other ms/neuro test b. May be complete rupture of tendon/ms
Weak and Painless a. there may be partial rupture of ms/tendon in which there are still some intact fibers taht are being stressed b. May be a result of painful inhibition in association with some serious pathological condition such as fracture, neoplasm, or acute inflamm
Shoulder Flexion Anterior deltoid, Coracobrachialis
Shoulder Extension Larissimus Dorsi, Teres Major, Posterior Deltiod
Shouder Abduction Middle Deltoid, Supraspinatus
Horizontal Abduction Posterior Deltiod
Horizontal Adduction Pectoralis Major
External Rotation Infraspinatus, Teres minor
Internal Rotation Subscapularis
Scauplar Elevation Upper Trapezius
Scapular Adduction Middle Trapezius
Scapular Depression and adduction Lower Trapezius
Scapular Adduction and Downward Rotation Rhomboids
Elbow Flexion Biceps Brachii, Brachialis, Brachioradialis
Extension Triceps Brachii
Forearm Supination Supinator, Biceps Brachii
Pronation Pronator teres, pronator quadratus
Wrist Flexion Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, Flexor Carpi Radialis
Wrist Extension Extensor Carpi Radialis Long, Brevis and Ulnaris
Hip Flexion Psoas major, iliacus
Hip Flexion, Abduction, Ext. Rotation and Knee flexion Sartorius
Hip Extesion Gluteus Maximus, Hamstrings
Hip Abduction Glutues medius and minimus
Hip Adduction Adductor Magnus, Brevis, Longus, Pectineus, and Gracilis
Hip External Rotation Obturator Internus and Externus, Gemmelae Superior and Inferior, Piriformis, Quadratus Femoris, Gluteus Maximus
Internal Rotation Gluteus Minimus and Mediua, TFL
Knee Flexion hamstring groups
Knee Extension Quadricep group
Ankle Plantar Flexion Gastrocnemius, Soleus
Ankle Doriflexion and inversion tibialis anterior
Ankle Inversion tibialis posterior
Ankle Eversion and Plantar flexion peroneus longus and brevis
Ankle Eversion and Dorsiflexion Peroneus Tertius
Trunk Extension Iliocostalis thoarcis and Lumborum, Longissimus Thoracis, Spinalis thoracis, Semispinalis thoracis, Multifidi, Rotators
Trunk Elevation Quadratus Lumborum, Latissimus Dorsi, External and Internal Abdominal Oblique, Iliocostalis Lumborum
Trunk Flexion Rectus Abdominis, External and Internal Abdominal Oblique, Psoas Major and Minor
Trunk Rotation External and Internla Abdominal Oblique, Latissimus Dorsi, Rectus Abdominis, Deep back muscles
Neck Capital Flexion Rectus Capitus Posterior Major and Minor, Obliqus Capitis Superior and Inferior, Longissimus Capitus, Splenius Capitus, Semispinalis Capitus
Neck Cervical Extension Longissimus, Semispinalis, Iliocostalis and Splenius Cervicis
Neck Capital Flexion Rectus Capitus Anterior, Rectus Capitus lateralis, LOngus Capitis
Neck Cervical Flexion Scalenes, SCM, Longus Colli
Neck Cervical Rotation Rectu Capitus Posterior Major, Obliqus Capitus Inferior, Longus capitis, Semispinalis Capitus and Cervicis, Splenius Capitus and Cervicis, Iliocostalis Cervicis, Anterior and Posterior Scalene, SCM, LOngus Colli
Definition A technique performed for evaluating the relative strength and/or weakness of a prime mover by assessing its ability to effect voluntary movement in a selected position, and develop resistance to a force specifically opposing that movement
Purpose To assess the strengths of prime movers in relation to the principal joints in each segment of the body
Applications and Limitations used to evaluate the degree of muscular weakness resulting from disease, injury, or disuse, primarily involving contractile elements, the myo-neural junction, and the lower motor neuron.
Validity Whether a test actually measures what it is intended to measure 1. positioning of client 2. Stabilization by you 3. Palpation by you 4. Observation by you
Reliability whether the results are predictably reproducible a. by another examiner b. at another time within a short period of time
MMT has been shown to have high reliability, given that the following factors are taken into account: 1. 0 substitution of muscles other than the prime movers 2. Variations in relative strength due to age, sex, length and bulk of body parts 3. variation in force that a muscle can exert at various points though the ROM 4. always performed in the same
Fixation structure held in stationary position, contracting isometrically, part of stabilization, support, and counter-pressure
Substitution using muscles otehr than the prime movers
Stabilization holding limb proximal to joint in order to ensure a valid test, motion is isolated
Counter-pressure equal opposite pressure, influenced by firmness of table, body weight, muscular fixation, and examiners stablization
Subjective 1. examiners impression of the amount of resistance to give before test 2. actual amount of tolerated during test
Objective 1. client can perform full ROM 2. client can hold position once placed there 3. client can move part against gravity or is unable to move it at all
The Grading System 1. Observed and/or palpated presence of contraction of the prime movers 2. Degree of ability of the prime mover to move a body segment through a complete ROM against gravity, 3. Amount of resistance developed by the PM by an opposite force
Normal 5 - holds against resistance and can hold break test
Good 4 - holds against resistance but can't hold break test
Fair 3 - full ROM with gravity only
Poor 2 - full ROM with gravity reduced/elminated
Trace 1 - noticeable contraction by no movement
Zero 0 - no contractile activity
The client may influence the results of MMT by: varying the true effort expended the client's willingness to endure discomfort or pain may vary the client's ability to understand test requirements motor skills for test may be beyond some clients cultural, social, and gender issues (palpating, explo
Preparing for MMT client should be free of any discomfort a quiet non-distracting environment firm table know the sequence of tests beforehand to minimize client's position changes have available all the materials - texts, documents, sheets, references
Scapular Elevation PT: short sitting, hands on lap TH: standing behind patient with hand on top of both shoulders VC: shrug your shoulders or raise your shoulders towards your ears, Hold it, dont let me push you down *test both sides at once, check asymmetry is scapulae
Scapular Depression and Adduction PT: prone with arms overhead 145o abduction, thumb is pointing towards the ceiling TH: stand at test side, resist proximal to elbow, palpate along side of thoracic spine with other hand VC: Raise your arm off the table as high as possible. Hold it . . .
Scapular Adduction PT: prone with shoulder at edge of table. Shoulder is at 90o of abduction and slight elbow flexion and externally rotated TH: stand on test die close to patients arm, stabilize contralat scap; with other hand placed prox. to wrist, resistance is to floor
Scapular Adduction Continued VC: lift your arm/thumb towards the ceiling. Hold it, dont let me push it down
Scauplar Adduction and Downward Rotation PT: same as scapular adduction test, but thumbs are down TH: same as above VC: Lift your arm towards the ceiling, Dont let me push you down VC: Lift your arm up towards the ceiling, Dont let me push it down
Shoulder Flexion PT: short sitting with arms at sides, with forearm pronated and elbow slightly flexed TH: Stand on test side, slightly behind patient, Hand resists prox to elbow while other stabilizes shoulder VC: Raise your arm to shoulder height. Hold it....
Horizontal Adduction Pectoralis Major Whole muscle PT: Supine shoulder abducted to 90o, elbow flexed to 90o TH: stand at test side, resistance applied proximal to wrist. Other hand palpates pectoralis major muscle VC: Move your arm across your chest. Hold it, dont let me pull it back
Horizontal Adduction Pectoralis Major Clavicular Head PT: shoulder in 60o abduction, elbow flexed to 90o TH: stand at test side, resistance applied proximal to wrist. other hand palpates muscle VC: Move your arm up and in. Hold it, dont let me pull it back
Horizontal Adduction Pectoralis Major Sternal Head PT: shoulder in about 120o abduction with elbow flexed to 90o TH: Stand on test side, resistance applied proximal to wrist. Other hand paplates muscle VC: Move your arm down and in. Hold it, dont let me pull it back
Shoulder Abduction
Created by: lazerbeam
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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