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Chapter 17 Vocab


vigilantes self-appointed law keepers
subsidies grants of land and money
transcontinental railroad a railroad line that spanned the continent
travois small sleds
tepees cone-shaped tents made of buffalo skins
reservation land set aside for a Native Americans to live on
Sitting Bull Native American tribe leader and general who led attacks to keep whites off his land
open range unfenced land
cattle drive the herding and moving of cattle over long distances
vaquero the Spanish word for cowhand or cowboy
cow town settlement at the end of a cattle trail
cattle kingdom the region dominated by the cattle industry and its ranches, trails, and cow towns
homesteaders settlers who acquired free land from the government
sod a surface layer of earth in which the roots of grasses tangle with
sodbusters Plains farmers
sooner person who sneaked onto the land before the start of the Oklahoma land rush
granges groups of farmers who met for lectures, sewing bees, and other events
farm cooperatives groups of farmers who pool their money to make large purchases of tools, seed, and other supplies at discount
inflation a general rise in prices
William Jennings Bryan took part of the presidential election of 1896, William McKinley's opponent and also known as the "Great Commoner"
Created by: AnimalAnderson
Popular U.S. History sets




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