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Ch. 36

Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology

acoustic pertaining to hearing
audiometry measurement of hearing
blepharitis infection and inflammation of the eyelid
corneous pertaining to the cornea
diplopia two images of an object seen at the same time
iridesis surgical repositioning of the pupil by bringing a portion of the iris through an incision in the cornea
keratocele herniation of the cornea
myringoplasty surgical repair of the tympanic membrane
nasopharyngeal pertaining to the nose and pharynx
oculomycosis any disease of the eye caused by fungus
ophthalmalgia pain in the eye
orofacial concerning the mouth and face
otorrhea flow or discharge from the ear
phacomalacia softening of the lens, usually as a result of a cataract
pharyngoparalysis paralysis of the muscles of the pharynx
presbyopia age related loss of lens accommodation
retinopathy any disorder of the retina
rhinoplasty plastic surgery of the nose
sclerectasia protrusion of the sclera
stomatosis any disease of the mouth
tympanosclerosis hardening of the tympanic membrane
diplopia double vision
exophthalmia abnormal protrusion of the eyeball
hyperacusus abnormal sensitivity to sound
myopia nearsightedness
ophthalmoscope instrument used for the examination of the interior of the eye
exotropia abnormal outward turning of one or both eyes
anacusis total deafness
chalazion benign hard tumor of the eyelid
retinal detachment separation of the inner visual layer of the retina from the outer pigment layer
epistaxis nosebleed
gingivitis inflammation, swelling, and redness of the gums
glossoplegia paralysis of the tongue due to injury of 12th cranial nerve (commonly from a stroke)
hordeolum localized swelling of one or more glands of the eyelid AKA stye
nyctalopia inability to see in low light or at night
nystagmusd involuntary eye movement that may be back and forth or circular
otosclerosis hardening of the oval window causing progressive deafness
pharyngitis inflammation of the mucous membranes and lymphoid tissues of the pharynx
ARMD aged related macular degeneration
CK conductive keratoplasty
EOM extraocular movement
IOL intraocular lens
iop intraocular pressure
lasik laser assisted keratomileusis (surgical correction to the lens)
LTK laser thermal keratoplasty
OD right eye
OS left eye
OU both eyes
PERRLA pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation
RK radial keratotomy
ROP retinopathy of prematurity
RP retinitis pigmentosa
VA visual acuity
VF visual field
AC air conduction
AD right ear
AS left ear
AU both ears
BC bone conduction
BOM bilateral otitis media
EAC external auditory canal
ENT ears nose and throat
heent head eyes ears nose and throat
nihl noise induced hearing lose
pnd post nasal drip
pe tube pressure equalizing tube (placed in eardrum)
SOM serous otitis media
T & A tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
TM tympanic membrane
TMJ temporomandibular joint
accommodation ability of the eye to be able to see objects in the distance and then adjust to a close object
astigmatism abnormality of the eye in which the refraction of a ray of light is spread over a diffuse are rather than sharply focused on the retina
audiometer instrument to measure hearing
cataract opacity (clouding) of the lens of the eye
cerumen yellow or brown waxy substance produced in the ceruminous glands of the ear
color deficiency genetic or acquired abnormality in color perception
conjunctivitis inflammation of the conjunctiva caused by bacteria or virus
corneal abrasion injury to the translucent anterior structure of the eye
equilibrium state of balance which is controlled by structures of the inner ear
glaucoma disorder that involves increased intraoccular pressure resulting in atrophy of the optic nerve and possibly blindness
gustation sense of taste
hyperopia error of refraction in which affected people cab see distant objects clearly but cannot see near objects aka farsightedness
meniere disease syndrome characterized by recurring episodes of hearing loss tinnitus ans vertigo that can progressively lead to deafness
myopia error of refraction in which light rays are focused in front of the retina enabling the person to see distinctly for only a short distance aka nearsightedness
olfaction sense of smell
Otitis inflammation of the ear
otoscope handheld instrument used to view the internal structures of the ear, ear canal, and ear drum
presbyopia permanent loss of accommodation of the crystalline lens that occurs in people over age 40
sinusitis inflammation of the sinuses which can be caused by a virus, bacteria, or an allergy
tinnitus ringing in the ears
what type of glaucoma causes blindness in 2-5 days acute
How is glaucoma diagnosed with an IOP reading of 22 mm Hg or higher
what are two types of ARMD wet and dry
which type of ARMD causes blindness wet
what is another name for otitis externa swimmer's ear
what is the usual cause of otitis media cold or sore throat
what is epistaxis bleeding from the nose
what is another name for oral thrush candidiasis
what is rhinitis inflammation of the nasal mucosa
what is the most common cause of tonsillitis streptococcus
ophthalmologist medical doctor who diagnoses and treats disorders and diseases of the eye and can preform eye surgery
optometrist doctor of optometry who prescribes corrective eye-wear and diagnoses and treats disorders and diseases of the eye
optician specialist who fills prescriptions for corrective lenses for eyeglasses and contact lenses (not a medical doctor)
otorhinolarygologists medical doctor who diagnoses and treats diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, and throat as well as mouth as it pertains to the structural needs of eating and breathing aka ENT
what is the jaeger test for near vision eye acuity
what is the ishihara test for color visual acuity
Created by: rewebb
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