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Ch. 33


adolescent person from approximately age 12 to age 18
cerumen yellow or brown waxy substance produced in the cerumunous gland of the ear
child person from age 1 to around age 12
circumcision surgical removal of the prepuce
infant child between ages 1 month and 1 year
neonate newborn baby to age 28 days
pediatrics medical science relating to the care of children
pediatrician specialist in the treatment of children's diseases
vaccine preparation used prophylactically to improve immunity or prevent a particular disease
2 months gross motor development- can lift head briefly in prone position. Fine motor development- follows object vertically when in supine position
4 months gross motor- rolls front to back and can hold head up in prone position w/ arms extended fine motor- brings toys to mouth and looks at objects in hand
6 months gross- sits leaning with arms forward and bears full weight on legs when held in standing position fine- reaches for toys with one hand and reaches after dropped toy
10 months gross- walks using two hands on a rail or furniture and lets self down from standing w/ partial control fine- performs thumb-finger grasps for small objects and grasps toys by hands
12 months gross- walks a few steps, stands well alone, climbs stairs on hands and knees fine- helps to turn pages in a book, imitates scribbling
congenital present at birth
immunization protection from disease in the form of vaccination
dysplasia abnormal development
atrophy lack of development or growth, decrease in size of an organ or tissue
attention deficit disorder behavior marked by inability to focus attention or engage in quiet activities
attention deficit hyperactive disorder behavior marked by inability to focus attention or engage in quiet activities and uncontrolled compulsive disorder
cerebral palsy disorder characterized by muscle weakness, loss of control, spastic muscle; due to birth defects or infection acquired soon after
down syndrome mild to moderate mental retardation and physical characteristics due to three copies of chromosome 21
failure to thrive health status assigned to infants with insufficient weight gain
febrile pertaining to fever
obesity body weight that is 20% or more over the patient's ideal weight
otitis media presence of infectious fluid in the middle ear
pediculosis parasitic skin disorder caused by lice
scoliosis lateral curve of the spine
stridor shrill harsh respiratory sound heard during inhalation or in the presence of obstruction to the larynx
tonsillitis inflammation of the tonsils, usually due to a viral infection
ADD attention deficit disorder
ADHD attention deficit hyperactive disorder
AGA appropriate for gestational age
APGAR activity, pulse, grimace, appearance, respiration
BSA body surface area
DDH developmental dysplasia of the hip
DPT diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus
Hep B hepatitis B vaccine
HiB haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine
IPV inactivated poliovirus vaccine
MMR measles, mumps, and rubella (combo vaccine)
PCV pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
PDA patent ductus arteriosis
ROP retinopathy of prematurity
SIDS sudden infant death syndrome
15 months gross- walks well, moves on hands and knees backwards down stairs, can get to standing position without support fine- stacks two or three 1" cubes, scribbles with colors on paper, attempts feeding self with spoon
24 months gross- jumps, kicks ball, throws ball overhead fine- turns door knobs, stack six to seven cubes
normal respiratory rate for neonates and infants 30-60 breaths per minute
respiratory rate for children 1-7 18-30 breaths per minute
respiratory rate for children 8-18 and adults 12-20
normal heart rate for neonates 130-160 beats/minute
normal heart rate for infants 110-130 beats/minute
normal heart rate for children 1-7 80-120 beats/minute
normal heart rate for children 7-18 80-90/ minute
normal bp <1 yr 95/70
normal bp for toddler to school aged children 100/70
normal bp for children ages 6-13 110/74
normal bp for children 14-18 120/76
Created by: rewebb
Popular Clinical Skills sets




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