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Ancient Rome Part 1

Where is Rome located? Italy
What does Italy look like? A boot
In what ways is Italy similar to Greece? Not much of Italy is flat; Crossing from one side of the peninsula to the other is difficult because of the rugged land; Not a lot of farmland
Where did people build cities in Italy? Along rivers
What is a republic? A government in which people elect leaders to govern them
Explain how the early republic worked. Romans elected officials to rule the city; Officials had many powers, but only stayed in power one year; System was designed to prevent one person from becoming too powerful
Was Rome a Democracy? Explain why or why not. Rome was NOT a democracy; City's officials came from small group of wealthy and powerful men; these people held ALL power and other people had little to no say in government
Dictators Rulers with absolute power
What was the purpose of dictators? During times of crisis, or emergency, Romans chose dictators to lead the city; Dictators only held power for 6 months
Plebeians Common people (peasants, craftspeople, traders, other workers); wanted more say in how government was run
Patricians Nobles; Only people allowed to be elected to government; held all political power
In 494 B.C., the Plebeians formed their own council and elected their own officials. Why is this important? 1. Patricians feared Rome would fall apart if the two groups couldn't cooperate 2. Patricians decided to change the government
What was a major change made to the Roman government? Patricians create offices that can only be held by plebeians; these offices protected the rights of plebeians
What is a tripartite? A government with 3 parts; each part has its own powers and responsibilities
What were the Magistrates? Elected officials; each was elected for one year and each had its own duties and powers
What are consuls? The two most powerful magistrates; elected each year to run the city and lead the army; only two, because one could become too powerful
What were some of the other jobs of the magistrates? Judges; managed the cities finances; organized games and festivals
What was the Roman Senate? Council of wealthy and powerful Romans that advised the city's leaders
Describe how the Roman Senate functioned. Senators held office for life; Senate had approximately 300 members; most were patricians; wealthy plebeians became senators over time; Senate gained control of city's finances, which allowed them to become very powerful
What were the Assemblies? Made of plebeians and patricians; primary job was to elect the magistrates
What were the Tribunes? Group of elected officials by the plebeians; had the ability to veto; veto power makes tribunes very powerful; only held office for one year
What are checks and balances? Method for balancing power; kept one part of a government from becoming stronger or more influential than the others
What was an example of checks and balances in the Roman government? Laws proposed by the Senate had to be approved by magistrates and ratified by assemblies
Veto Prohibit
What does veto mean in Latin? I forbid
Created by: NYongue
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