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MrsVanDyke Chapter10

Abnormal Psychology

Psychopathology Any pattern of emotions, behaviors, or thoughts inappropriate to the situation and leading to personal distress or the inability to achieve goals
Hallucinations False sensory experiences that may suggest mental disorder
Delusions Extreme disorders of thinking, involving persistent false beliefs
Affect Term referring to emotion or mood
Medical Model View that mental disorders are diseases that, like ordinary physical diseases, have objective physical causes and require specific treatments
Social-Cognitive-Behavioral Approach Psychological alternative to the medical model that views psychological disorder through a combination o the social, cognitive, and behavioral perspectives
DSM-IV Fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Assoc.
Neurosis Before the DSM-IV, this term was used as a label for subjective distress or self-defeating behavior that did not show signs of brain abnormalities or grossly irrational thinking
Psychosis Disorder involving profound disturbances in perception, rational thinking, or affect
Mood Disorders Abnormal disturbances in emotion or mood, including bipolar and unipolar disorder
Major Depression Form of depression that does not alternate with mania
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Technically Seasonal Pattern Specifier, this DSM-IV course specifier for mood disorders is believed to be a form of depression caused by a deprivation of sunlight
Bipolar Disorder Mental abnormality involving swings of mood from mania to depression
Anxiety Disorders Mental problems characterized mainly by anxiety; include panic disorder, specific phobias, and OCD
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Psychological problem characterized by persistent and pervasive feelings f anxiety, without any external cause
Panic Disorder Disturbance marked by panic attacks that have no obvious connection with events in the person's present experience
Agoraphobia Fear of public places and open spaces, commonly accompanying panic disorder
Phobias Group of anxiety disorders involving a pathological fear f a specific object or situation
Preparedness Hypothesis Notion that we have an innate tendency, acquired through natural selection, to respond quickly and automatically to stimuli that posed a survival threat t ur ancestors
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Condition characterized by patterns of persistent, unwanted thoughts and behaviors
Somatoform Disorders Psychological problems appearing in the form of bodily symptoms or physical complaints, such as weakness r excessive worry about disease
Conversion Disorder Type of somatoform disorder, marked by paralysis, weakness, or loss of sensation but with no discernable physical cause
Hypochondriasis Somatoform disorder involving excessive concern about health and disease
Dissociative Disorders Group of pathologies involving "fragmentation" of the personality, in which some parts of the personality have become detached, or disassociated, from other parts
Dissociative Amnesia Psychologically induced loss of memory for personal information, such as one's identity or residence
Dissociative Fugue Essentially the same as dissociative Amnesia, but with the addition of "flight" from one's home, family, and job
Depersonalization Disorder Abnormality involving the sensation that mind and body have separated, as in an "out of body" experience
Dissociative Identity Disorder Condition in which an individual displays multiple identities, r personalities, formerly called "multiple Personality disorder'
Schizophrenia Psychotic disorder involving distortions in thoughts, perceptions, and/or emotions
Diathesis-Stress Hypothesis In reference to Schizophrenia, the proposal that says that genetic factors place the individual at risk while environmental stress factors transform this potential into an actual schizophrenic disorder
Personality Disorder Condition involving a chronic, pervasive, inflexible, and maladaptive pattern of thinking, emotion, social relationships, or impulse control
Narcissistic Personality Disorder Characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, a preoccupation with fantasies of success or power, and a need for constant attention r admiration
Antisocial Personality Disorder Characterized by a long-standing pattern of irresponsible behavior indicating a lack of conscience and a diminished sense of responsibility to others
Borderline Personality Disorder An unstable personality given to impulsive behavior
Autism Developmental disorder marked by disabilities in language, social interaction, and the ability to understand another person's state of mind
Dyslexia Reading disability, thought by some experts to involve a brain disorder
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Developmental disability involving short attention span, distractibility, and extreme difficulty in remaining inactive for any period of time
Insanity Legal term, not a psychological or psychiatric one, referring to a person who is unable, because of a mental disorder or defect, to conform his or her behavior to the law
Created by: MrsVanDyke
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