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Study Cards for the SPEX Exam

Describe the Dx and management of Osteochondritis Dissecans OD is a disorder characterized by necrosis and separation of suchondral bone. It most commonly occurs on the medial femoral condyle and is the most common cause of loose body in the joint space in Peds patients. Due to repetitive stress to the bone. P
Presentation and mgement of Rotator cuff injuries result from falling or repetitive are motions. can be tears, tendonitis or bursitis. Present with pain, weakens and deceased ROM difficulty with abduction and internal rotation. Dx on Hx and Physical, MRI often used for tears, Tx rest, pain meds, PT. O
Define Mallet finger, Jersy finger and boutonniere deformity Mallet finger = Jammed finger, occures playing basket ball or baseball Jersey finger = avulsion of finger tendon (often ring) Sx repair
Describe Dx of hepatitiis B (HPV) infection HBV affects millions of people, 15 - 20% develope cirrhoisis. Primary transmission = Sexual, needles, mother to newborn, Dx signs of liver failure, RUQ pain & Jaundice, serologic blood work. elevated anti-HBc IgG show past infection, Ainti-HBc IgM ind
Describe Dx and treatment of acute pharyngitis Unflammation or infection of the pharynx/tonsils. Most cases Viral, then bacterial, GERD, tumors. Viral = throat pain, low fever, cough, Rhinitis, Bacterial = fever > 38C, acute throat pain, headach, N&V, exudate usually S pyogenes group A strep.
Dx and Management of Septic Arthritis Caused by trauma, surgery,immunocompromised, IV Drugs. Present with fever, chills, severe joint pain, warmth, erythema decreased ROM Workup = CBC, Blood culture, Sed Rate, and C-reactive Protien. Culture fluids from joint. Treatment appropriate Abx,
Describe the management of bronchitis Bronchitis is inflammation of the trachea and bronchi most often cause by a virus, (RSV, rhinovirus, adenovirus and flu. Bacterial includ M pneumoniae and pertussis. Chest X/Ray to r/o focal pneumonial. Viral tx is supportive, Abx used onlyfor a bacter
Treatment and prophylaxis of Hepatitis B Tx include post exposure hepB immunoglobulin (HBIG) with first dose of vaccine within 24 hours of exposure. Infants should recieve HBIG in delivery room and first dose of vaccine within 24 hours of delivery Pediatric 3 dose - 1 post birth, 2 one month a
Created by: Caduseus
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