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CH. 20 and 22

Economic Crisis of 18933-97 overbuilt economy and insufficient manufactured goods, along with too much output
The World's Columbian Exposition (The World's Fair) celebration of industrial and innovative America, and 400th anniversary of Columbus's arrival to America
Josiah Strong "imperialism of righteousness" by white Americans are obligated to civilize and Christianize non-Anglo-Saxons.
White Man's Burden Rudyard Kipling
Foreign Missions Women's Union Missionary Society of Americans for Foreign Lands; Student Volunteers for Foreign Missions "commerce follows the missionary"
Republican stalwart James G. Blaine Good Neighbor policy
Pan-American Conference create foreign dependency on American goods
Great White Fleet Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, in 1884, for officer corps training
Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan: helped define American foreign policy at the time. THE INFLUENCE OF SEA POWER UPON AMERICAN HISTORY, 1660-1873 (1890) international strength not only from open markets, but the control of colonies. addvocated annexation of bases in Caribbean and Pacific to enhance navy's ability to threaten or wage warfare
annexation of Hawaii (July 7,1898) January 16, 1898 Queen Liliuokalani was deposed Cleveland refused annexation, but McKinley did not
Pearl Harbor 1887
American China Development Company (1896) consortium of New York bankers afraid that the Manchu Dynasty would be taken by Europe, Russia, or Japaneses colonial powers
John Jay Open Door Policy note to six superpowers that America may advance its commercial interests anywhere on same terms with other imperialist nations.
1898-99 Chinese Rebellions Harmonious Righteous Fists (Boxers) Boxer REbellion
Second Open Door notes indicated American intentions to trade with China set base for twentieth century foreign policy
Ten Years war 1868-78
Jose Marti led the insurgents against Spanish reign of Cuba died as a martyr in 1895
Cuba Libre America sympathized, except for Grover Cleveland 1896: Congress passed resolution recognizing the independence of Cuba
February 15, 1898 USS MAINE explosion in Havana harbor "Remember the Maine, to hell with Spain"
April 25, 1898 Congress passed war resolution Senator Henry Teller of Colorado gave disclaimer.
Spanish-American War lasted ten weeks; U.S. victory after the surrender of Santiago Cuba protectorate
Platt Amendment (1901) Senator Orville Platt of Connecticut have control over Cuba for the interests of American
Cuban-American Treaty (1903-1935) sugar industry/ anti-American sentiment
Philippines (until 1946) obtained 1899; George Dewey; Manila Bay Filipinos rebel until 1902
Anti-Imperialist Society prominent Bostonians
Roosevelt: Big Stick Policy "speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far." EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE CH.22 #############33
Roosevelt Corollary T.R.'s policy asserting U.S. authortiy to intervene in the affairs of Latin American nations; an expansion of the Monroe Doctrine
Monroe Doctrine Dec. 1823, Monroe declared to Congress that "Americans are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European power."
Open Door (1899) american policy of seeking equal trade and investment opportunities in foreign nations or regions. Secretary of State John Hay
Russo-Japanese War (1904) endangered U.S. trading relations with China
Root-Takahira Agreement (Elihu Root and Takahira Kogoro) affirmed "existing status quo" in Asia between U.S. and Japan
Taft: Dollar Diplomacy; Secretary of State: Philander C. Knox assumption that political influence would follow increased U.S. trade and investment
Wilson: Moralism and Realism opposed Militarism and Imperialism; for capitalist development,, democracy and free trade Mexican war policies 1914: refused to recognize Mexican gov until the Great War's presence was felt around 1916
Porfirio Diaz overthrown by Porfirio Madero killed by Victoriano Huerta, then overthrown by Venustiano Carranza Francisco "Pancho" Villa
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Bosnia June 28,1914 killed by Gavrilo Princip
May 7, 1815 Sinking of Lusitania, British liner 128 American deaths
Triple Alliance Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy Central Powers
Triple Entente Great Britain, France, Russia Alliies
Committee on Public Information Govt agency during WWI, sought to shape public opinion in support of the war effort through newspapers, pamphlets, speeches, films, and other media George Creel
Selective Service Act established the military draft for WWI
Women's Peace Party (1915)
Zimmermann Note
American Expiditionary Force (AEF) led by John J. Pershing intense six month training before battle
War Industries Board (WIB) The federal agency that reorganized industry for maximum efficiency and productivity during WWI Bernard M. Baruch
Food and Fuel Act, August 1917 Food Administration Herbert Hoover
Liberty Bonds interest-bearing certificates sold by the U.S. govt to finance American WWI effort
National War Labor Board (NWLB) "supreme court for labor" Samuel Gompers appointed
Espionage Act law prohibited against obstruction the nation's war efforts. used to omit all criticism and dissent during WWI.
Women in Industry Service (WIS)
National American Women Suffrage Association Carrie Chapman Catt
Alice Paul National Woman's Party
Created by: pakamor
Popular U.S. History sets




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