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Chapter 5

Infection Control pt. 1

AIDS acquired immune deficency syndrome, a disease caused by the HIV virus that breaks down the body's immune system
allergy reaction due to extreme sensitivity to certain foods, chemicals, or other normally harmless substances
antiseptics agents formulated for use on skin
bacilli short, rod-shaped bacteria, the most common bacteria
bacteria one-celled microorganisms, some are harmful, some are harmless
bactericidal capable of destroying bacteria
bloodborne pathogens disease-casuing microorganisms carried in the body by blood or body fluids
cilia slender, hair-like extentions that permit locomotion in certain bacteria
cocci round shaped bacteria that apper singly or in groups
contagious disease disease that can be easily spread to others by contact
diagnosis determining the nature of a disease or infection
diplococci spherical bacteria that grow in pairs and cause diseases such as pneumonia
disease abnormal condition of all or part of the body, organ, or mind that makes it incapable of carring out normal function
disinfectable an item that can be disinfected
disinfectants chemical agents that destroy most bacteria, fungi and viruses, but not spores, on surfaces
disinfection process that eliminates most microorganisms, but is not effective against bacterial spores
efficacy effectiveness with which a disinfecting solution kills germs, when used according to the label
Created by: almolito
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