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Path 1 Exam 2 Renal

Dr. Kashif

Simplest filtration unit nephron
Kidneys function Formation of urine, Vit D activation, formation erythropoietin, regulate BP
What is filtered in the kidneys blood
4 processes that take place in kidneys filtration, reabsorption, secretion (toxic back into urine), excretion
What is not being filtered in the blood Proteins, too large and negatively charged
Normal urine protein range is how much mgm per 24 hrs 100-150 mgm
what is the test for protein in urine Urine D/R
Urine culture (CS) evaluates presence of bateria in urine
IF GFR is decreased this is called Prerenal Azotemia
IF urine flow is obstructed postrenal Azotemia
Two type of syndromes that result in glomerular disease Nephritic syndrome vs Nephrotic syndrome
Nephritic vs Nephrotic, primary defect is decreased GFR Nephritic
Nephrotic syndromes Primary defect is increased permeability of__________ Glomerular to filter protein
Define oliguria less output than input (not enough urine)
Nephritic vs Nephrotic results in Oliguria Nephritic
Nephritic vs Nephrotic results in proteinuria Nephrotic
Nephritic vs Nephrotic, ass. w/ hematuria Nephritic
Nephritic vs Nephrotic Proteinuria less than 3.5grams/day Nephritic
Nephritic vs Nephrotic Increase blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine Nephritic
Define hypoproteinemia Decreased plasma proteins in blood (albumin) loss of protein in urine
Why do we loose water in the blood in hypoproteinemia Proteins are lose and they exert osmotic pressure resulting in edema of face and feet, water out of cell into interstitial
Nephritic vs Nephrotic Hypoproteinemia Nephortic
Nephritic vs Nephrotic Proteinuria (loosing proteins) >3.5grams Nephrotic
Nephritic vs Nephrotic Hypertension Nephritic
associated with inflammation in glomeruli nephritic
Nephritic vs Nephrotic edema may or may not be present Nephritic
Nephritic vs Nephrotic always ass. w/ EDEMA
Proteins retain _______ in the blood water
Nephritic vs Nephrotic HyperLipidemia Nephrotic (increase lipoproteins)
Nephritic vs Nephrotic Lipiduria lipoproteins in urine
Nephritic vs Nephrotic RBS in urine nephritic
If kidney diseases are not taken care of they will result in Renal Failure
ESRD stands for End Stage Renal Disease
The degree of renal failure can be measured by determining _____ GFR, =125ml/minute
When GFR is decreased from 125ml/minute to 10-20ml patient requires use of Renal dialysis
T or F Renal failure always developes quickly False, can develop acutely or slowly over many years
T or F, high dose of Vit C can cause kidney stones TRUE
2 chemical markers in blood that are increased in Renal Failure Creatinine, BUN
ESRD or ESRF is ass. w/ dialysis ESRF
3 conditions ass. w/ Nephritis syndrome 1st Acute Prolif PostStrep Gnephritis, 2nd IgA nephropathy, 3rd Rapidly progressive Gnephritis
What syndrome first occurs 1-4 wks after a streptococcal infection Acute Proliferative poststreptococcal GlomerulonephRITIS…. Ass/ w/ red-brown urine
Acute Proliferative poststreptococcal GlomerulonephRITIS cases occur in what age group 6-10 years old
Berger disease is a IgA nephropathy ("immune response")
in APpSGnephritis do most patients recover? yes most cases do, some progress to crescentic Gnephritis
Berger disease age group children and young adults
Mesangial deposition of IgA in children is which disease Berger disease
Henoch Schnolein is another name for Berger disease/IgA nephropathy
T or F 50% of cases of IgA nephropathy lead to renal failure True
Which disease is ass. w/ recurrent microscopic and gross hematuria berger disease
Crescents composed of cells and protein in the glomerulus is ass. w/ RPGN Rapidly progressive (crecentic) GlomeruloNephritis
What 3 Typediseases can lead to RPGN
Nephritic syndromes can lead to _ _ _ _ if not treated succesfully ESRD
Created by: kfrancis
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