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Fisher US Review 3

US History Regents Review Packet 3

Nationalism Pride in and loyalty to one's country
Sectionalism Loyalty to a particular part of one's country
Slavery Ownership of humans for the purpose of forced labor
Missouri Compromise 1820 agreement attempting to solve slavery issue by banning slavery in the northern part of the Louisiana Purchase
Compromise of 1850 Agreement that California was a free state and new territories would decide the slavery issue by popular sovereignty
Popular Sovereignty Rule by the people
Fugitive Slave Act 1850 law that required all escaped slaves to be returned to their owners
Kansas-Nebraska Act Overturned Missouri Compromise and allowed Kansas and Nebraska to decide the slavery issue by popular sovereignty
Bleeding Kansas Violent confrontations between pro-slavery and anti-slavery groups in Kansas resulting in the deaths of 60 people
Dred Scott v Sandford Supreme Court decision that slaves were property and owners could not be denied their property wherever they lived
Abolitionists People who oppose slavery
William Lloyd Garrison Abolitionist, founder of the American Anti-Slavery Society, publisher of The Liberator calling for an end to slavery
Frederick Douglass Escaped slave who became a key abolitionist leader of the American Anti-Slavery Society
The Liberator Anti-slavery newspaper published by William Lloyd Garrison
John Brown Abolitionist who led a raid on a federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry, VA to start a slave uprising. Executed for treason
Civil War 1861-1865 conflict between the North (Union) and the South (Confederacy) mainly over slavery and states' rights issues
Union Northern states during the Civil War
Confederacy Southern states who seceded from the US during the Civil War
Emancipation Proclamation 1863 law signed by Lincoln freeing all slaves in the Confederacy
13th Amendment 1865 Abolished all slavery in the US
Reconstruction Period after the Civil War of rebuilding the South and repairing relationships between Northern and Southern states
Radical Republicans Political group who blamed the South for the Civil War and opposed forgiveness. Also supported the rights of freedmen
Freedmen Former slaves freed after the 13th amendment
Black Codes Racist laws passed after the Civil War to restrict the freedom of former slaves
Sharecropping Farming system used to keep freed slaves in an economic and social condition similar to slavery after the Civil War
Tenant Farming Another term for sharecropping
Scalawags Southern Republicans who supported Lincoln and the rights of freedmen, hated by white supremists
Carpetbaggers Northerners who bought land in the south cheaply after the Civil War, supported freedmen's rights. Hated by southerners
14th Amendment 1868 Blacks granted citizenship
Due Process The right of citizens to all the steps of the legal process before being convicted/punished
Equal Protection Under the Law The right of all citizens to equal treatment in the legal system
15th Amendment 1870 Black men granted voting rights
Literacy Tests Exams requiring proof of ability to read before being allowed to vote. Designed to fail blacks to deny their voting rights
Poll Tax Requirement of property ownership and payment of a fee before voting. Designed to deny blacks their voting rights
Grandfather Clause Illiterate men or those who didn't own property could vote if their grandfather had. Increased white men's ability to vote
Jim Crow Laws Segregation laws in the South. Discriminated against blacks by enforcing racial separation
Plessy v Ferguson 1896 Supreme Court decision that segregation was legal as long as the facilities for blacks were separate but equal
Created by: fisher_lisa
Popular U.S. History sets




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