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Ch. 19

Infection control and medical asepsis

antibody immunoglobulin produced by white blood cells in response to a specific antigen
antigen marker that identifies a cell as being part of the body or not part of the body
asepsis practice of maintaining an environment free frompathogens
bacteria one celled organism, some of which are capable of producing disease
disease any condition characterized by subjective complaints, a specific history, clinical signs or symptoms, and laboratory or radiographic findings
fomite any object that adheres to and transmits infectious material
fungi kingdom of organisms that includes yeasts, molds, and mushrooms and is usually not pathogenic
incubation interval between exposure to infection and the appearance of the first symptoms
infectious disease any disease caused by a micro organism that may be directly or indirectly transmitted between individuals, causing infectionq
microorganism living organism too small to see with the naked eye
normal flora organisms found on or in the body that do not cause disease
parasite pathogen requiring another living organism in order to survive
pathogen disease producing microorganism
phagocytosis process in which specialized white blood cells engulf and destroy microorganisms, foreign antigens, and cellular debris
prodromal interval between earliest symptoms and appearance of a rash or fever
protozoa organism mainly found in soil that is capable of producing disease.
purulent consisting of or containing pus
reservoir host organism that provides a hospitable environment in which pathogens can grow
rickettsia genus of bacteria that are intracellular parasites
sanitize to remove microorganisms from reusable equipment and surfaces by using chemicals, heat, or ionizing radiation
spores bacterial or fungal cells that are resistant to temp. extremes
symptomatic having symptoms, such as fever, sore throat, nausea, and vomiting
vector a carrier usually a bug that transmitt a disease from a unhealthy person to a healthy one
virus pathogen that can grow and reproduce only after infecting a host cell.
what are the five main types of pathogens? bacteria, rickettsia, virus, fungus, protozoa
what are the elements of the chain of infection pathogen, reservoir host, means of exit, mode of transmission, means of entry, susceptible host
what are the different types of infection acute, chronic, latent
what are the stages of disease incubation, prodromal, acute, declining, convalescent
what are the different deense mechanisms mechanical, chemical, cellular
what are the three levels of asepsis sanitization, disinfection, sterilization
what is the difference between medical asepsis and surgical asepsis medical protects others from the patients microorganisms while surgical protects the patient
what are 5 examples of PPE's gloves, mask, eye protection, shoe covers, and gown
what are some examples of mechanical defense mechanisms skin, mucous membranes, protective reflexes, and the flushing of bodily fluids
what are some examples of chemical defense mechanisms secretion of sebaceous glands, acidic fluids in stomach, fluids of tears, and the urinary tract
Created by: rewebb
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