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Chapter 8 DA

Embryology and Histology

What phase does the development of various tissue take place? Histodifferentiation.
In which week of prenatal development will the face begin to form? Fourth.
What is the last developmental stage before eruption? Calcification.
Enamel-forming cells are called? Ameloblast.
The final stage of the life cycle of the tooth is? Attrition.
The study of the microscopic structure and function of tissue is? Histology.
The hardest living tissue in the body is? Enamel.
Primary teeth may erupt with a covering over the enamel, called? Nasmyth's membrane.
What is softer than enamel but harder than cementum and bone? Dentin(bulk of the tooth)
What tubules pass through the entire surface of the dentin? Dentinal tubules.
What are the functions of pulp? 1. To provide nourishment 2. To support dentin 3. To provide maintenance for dentin 4. To transmit sensory information to the brain 5. To identify temperature changes 6. To identify chemical changes.
If the pulp is damaged due to injury, the tissue may become inflamed, causing? Pulpitis.
What consist of portions of the tooth structure, supporting hard and soft dental tissues, and the alveolar bone? Periodontium.
What is the last tooth structure of the Periodontium? Cementum.
The collagen fibers that act as anchors between the alveolar bone and teeth are called? Sharpey's fibers.
The bones of the mandible and the maxilla are formed by? Osteoblast.
Osteoblast are also known as? Bone forming cells.
At the........., two cortical bones plates come together between each tooth. Alveolar crest.
On a dental radiograph the radiopaque line, or ........... represents the thin, compact alveolus bone lining the socket. Lamina dura.
What are the characteristics of healthy gingiva? 1. Firm tissue surrounding the teeth. 2. stippled texture. 3. can be attached to underlying bone.
Free gingiva is also known as? Marginal gingiva.
The mucogingival junction is the line of demarcation between the .......... gingiva and the .......... mucosa. Attached, alveolar.
The space between the unattached gingiva and the tooth is the? Gingiva sulcus.
In a healthy mouth, the gingival sulcus space would not exceed? 2 to 3 millimeters in depth.
What repairs and is reactive to irritations? Tertiary.
What forms after completion of apical foramen? Secondary dentin.
What is found between the tubules? Intertubular.
What forms the bulk of the tooth? Primary dentin
What is the layer of dentin that surrounds pulp? Circumpulpal.
Two weeks through the eighth week. Embryo.
Nine weeks through birth. Fetus.
Conception through the first two weeks. Zygote.
The study of prenatal growth and development process of individual? Embryology.
What are the three phases during pregnancy? 1. Zygote/cells proliferate 2. embryo (2-8 weeks) 3. fetus(9 weeks to birth)
What are the three embryonic layers? 1. Ectoderm 2. mesoderm 3. endoderm
In what embryonic layer is the lining of the digestive tract? Endoderm layer.
In what embryonic layer is the enamel of the teeth, and the lining of the oral cavity formed? Ectoderm layer.
In what embryonic layer is the dentin, cementum, and pulp of the teeth formed? Mesoderm layer.
Shallow depression between the maxillary and mandibular processes? Stomedeum/primitive mouth.
Triangular mass forms the anterior hard palate, separates oral cavity from nasal cavity? Primary palate.
Formed by 2 palatal shelves, forms 2/3rds of hard and soft palate? Secondary palate.
During week 12 primary and secondary fuse? Final palate.
During what week does the face begin? 4th week of prenatal development.
During what week of fetal development do tooth buds appear? week 11.
During what week of fetal development do the palate and tongue form? Week 7.
During what week of fetal development are the swallowing and reflexes are present? Week 12.
Cleft in or separation of the upper of the upper lip; also known as harelip; failure of the maxillary processes to fuse with the medial nasal process? Cleft lip.
What can cause developmental disturbances? Genetic and environmental factors, drugs, infections, fetal alcohol syndrome.
What may be hampered in a patient who has a cleft palate? Eating and speaking.
What is the study of the tissues of the teeth and the structures of the oral cavity that surround the teeth? Oral histology.
In what stage does the tooth begin formation from dental lamina? Bud stage.
In what stage does proliferation happen? Cap stage.
Rapid increase in numbers? Proliferation.
In what stage does Histodifferentiation and morphodifferentiation occur? Bell stage.
What is Histodifferentiation? Cells develop into different tissue.
Forming organ takes shape and further resembles a bell shape? morphodifferntiartion.
Connective tissue forms an enclosed area called a dental sac? Mesenchyme tissue.
Layers becoming calcified? Calcification
Different cells? Cytodifferentiation.
The growth from the oral epithelium that gives rise to the tooth buds? Dental lamina
During formation of tooth, connective tissue will form an enclosed area within which dentin, cementum, and pulp form this enclosed area? Dental sac.
What is responsible for the laying down of each enamel matrix? Tomes process.
What are the four primary structures of the tooth? Enamel, dentin, cementum, pulp.
What are the characteristics of enamel? Covers the outside of the crown, hardest living tissue in the body, provides a strong surface for crushing, formed by Ameloblast, thicker on the biting surfaces, translucent, rod core, interprismatic substance.
What are development lines that appears as incremental lines around the enamel? Lines of Retizus.
Grooved and pitted teeth due to malnutrition, restorative work. Enamel dysplasia.
Characteristics of dentin. Bulk of tooth, not normally visible, surrounds the pulp cavity, under enamel of crown and cementum of the root, softer than enamel, harder than cementum and bone, yellowish white color, cuspids appear more yellow.
What is capable of continued growth and repair? Dentin
What are the different types of dentin? 1. Primary dentin 2. secondary dentin 3. tertiary dentin.
Forms bulk of tooth, formed prior to the completion of the apical foramen? Primary dentin.
Forms after the completion of the apical foramen, and slowly throughout life? Secondary dentin.
Forms quickly in response to an injury caused by caries, cavity prep, recession, attrition, or erosion? Tertiary.
Antibiotic that chemically binds to the dentin and causes permanent staining? Tetracyline.
Happens when exposed dentin is painful? Dentinal hypersensitivity.
Opening at the apex of the root? Apical foramen.
What is larger in primary and newly formed permanent teeth, as we age it decreases in size? Pulp cavity.
What is part of the tooth and Periodontium? Cementum.
What is the primary function of cementum? To anchor the tooth to the bone.
What is softer than enamel and dentin? Cementum.
Has a grainy surface? Cementum.
What continues to grow throughout life like dentin and pulp? Cementum.
Thicker at apex helps to maintain the total length of the tooth? Cementum.
Bone that surrounds the root of the tooth: socket? Alveolus.
Compact bone on facial and lingual surfaces? Cortical bone.
Two cortical bone plates come together between each tooth? Alveolar crest.
Secures the tooth in the socket by a of organized fiber groups? Periodontal ligaments.
Mucosa that surrounds the neck of the teeth and covers the alveolar processes? Gingiva.
What is an overgrowth of gum tissue, can appear red and swollen, can usually be treated with better hygiene. Gingival hyperplasia.
What is an extension of free gingiva between the teeth? Interdental gingiva or interdental papilla.
Gingiva on the floor of the sulcus that attaches to the enamel above the Cementoenamel junction. Epithelial attachment.
What condition is characterized by thickening of the cementum around the apex of the tooth? Hypercementosis.
Created by: zckmyrs85
Popular Dentistry sets




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