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MBLEx StudyGuide

MBLEx Study Questions

What is a stress management technique commonly used and creates an endorphin release? exercise
What is made out of oils and creams? liniments
What is the temperature of a cool bath? 75 degrees
What represents the life force that flows through the body? Ki, Chi, or Prana; Kyo DOES NOT.
Lotions are used for massages are... -good for moisturizing the skin -thinner than oil -they are not water soluble They are NOT a combo of oil/cream!
What are the 2 meridians that represent the metal element? lung and large intestine
What is an essential oil used for deodorant? cypress
What type of muscle tissue is responsible for the contraction of the heart? cardiac
What flexor muscle brings the held to the chest? sternocleidomastoid named for its attachment sites
What lines muscles, vessels, and nerves? fascia
What is an active immunity induced? acquired immunity obtained when an individual receives a vaccine (ie: flu vaccine)
What is abduction of the humerus? moving away from the body
If an individual is having trouble with one of their kidneys, they are... having trouble regulating body fluids
When is the motor unit stimulated? during contraction of skeletal muscles; this actions occurs immediately after the brain receives impulses
What is a foramen? a rounded hole MNEMONIC: "four"men can't fit in a hole
What lubricates and makes joints moveable? synovial membrane
What is the process of meiosis responsible for? produces sperm & egg cells
Central Nervous System brain, meninges, and spinal cord *does NOT include spinal nerves
How many lobes does the right lung contain? 3 lobes superior, middle, and inferior lobes
Pathway of blood through the body: vena cava>RA>tricuspid valve>RV>pulmonic valve>pulmonary arteries>lungs
What muscles group(s) are requires to move the fingers? flexors and extensors
What are the antagonists to the elevator muscles? depressors and retractors
If the massage is being conducted for the "client's direct therapeutic care"... it is for "direct" muscle relaxation *MNEMONIC- direct is in both the question and the answer
When visually assessing a client's ROM, you are looking for at... joints, muscles, and ligaments *NOT bones
What system does a massage improve circulation and delivery of oxygen cells for? cardiovascular system
If a client is receiving a massage as part of a "complementary medicine"... the client is having a massage to "help" the healing process *MNEMONIC- complementary = compliments always help
What is used to notice a client's profound energy or fatigue? energetic sense
Which bodily system is benefited by massage by removal of toxins and metabolic waste? cardiovascular system
What type of diseases are Addison's & Cushing's? diseases of endocrine system
What are the purposes of creating a client/practitioner agreement? -protect yourself from unrealistic expectations -acts as reinforcement for client's consent -clarifies nature of services *It is NOT to better understand the client's needs
What are the 3 stages of injury? acute, subacute, and chronic
acute immediate pain and injury
sub-acute 72 hours-8 weeks after injury
chronic long-lasting pain from injury
Will an autoclave sterilize equipment related to massage therapy practices? yes
trigger point therapy aka neuromuscular therapy & myotherapy
What is the first type of manipulation in massage of the upper limb? effleurage
What should never be used over the tibia because there is nothing between the tibia and the skin? hacking
voluntary muscles striated muscle
involuntary muscles non striated/ smooth
In general massage, manipulations are repeated how many times? 3x
What is the main function of muscles in the arm? articulation/movement
How many tarsals does the human body have? 14 total; 7 on each side
organs located in thoracic cavity trachea, lungs, esophagus,thymus, and heart
special sense organs eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin
nervous system aka the master system
What is the largest part of the brain? cerebrum
What do you call lymph vessels near the skin? superficial lymphaticus
What type of fluid is found in the synovial cavity? articular fluid
What joins the lungs to the trachea? the bronchi
tricuspid valve right side of heart
bicuspid valve left side of heart
The head receives its main blood supply from.... the left and right common carotid arteries
In hacking only the therapist's____________ should come into contact with the client? fingers
What allows for nerve sand blood vessels to pass into the legs? obturator foramen
Why would pressure be applied to the face during a massage? pressure is applied in petrissage to the face becauuse it is a kneading stroke, not a gliding (effleurage) stroke
What action(s) can the shoulder not perform? supination and pronation
hamstring biceps femoris
quadriceps rectus femoris
What is the cartilage found in glenoid fossa that aids in structural support of the shoulder? labrum
tumor aka neoplasm
Which two muscles share an attachment site at the xiphoid process? rectus abdominus and the diaphragm
feather stroke aka nerve stroke (effleurage)
how many phalanges are in each hand? 14
What is the most common form of hepatitis? hepatitis A
Waste moves through the large intestine in the following order: ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid
perpendicular stance horse
vertical stance archer
4 hand massage 2 therapists working on 1 client
sole proprietors submit schedule C
James Cyriax deep transverse friction
sagittal suture connects 2 parietal bones
coronal suture connects frontal and parietal bones
squamous suture connects temporal to parietal bones
lambdoid suture connects occipital and parietal bones *MNEMONIC- lamb-chops occipital and parietal form OP like in lambch-op-s
superior above
inferior below
anterior front
posterior back
proximal closer to the midline (medial)
distal further from midline
medial middle
lateral side
deep more internal
superficial towards the surface
flexion decreasing the angle of a joint
extension increasing the angle of a joint
adduction moving toward the midline *MNEMONIC- "add" back to the middle (bring back)
abduction moving away from the midline
protraction moving a structure anteriorly eversion of the foot is protraction *MNEMONIC- eve was a pro^
retraction moving a structure posteriorly
inversion turning the sole of the foot toward the midline also known as supination
eversion turning the soul of the foot out away from the midline also know as pronation
elevation moving a structure superiorly
depression moving a structure inferiorly
supination rotating a palm so it is facing upward like holing a bowl of soup
pronation rotating a palm so it is facing downward
rotation turning a structure around its long axis
circumduction turning a structure around the circumference of a joint
opposition moving structures in opposite directions
lateral deviation moving a structure from side to side
compression friction
proximal attachment is the anterior surface of lumbar vertebrae psoas major
stirrup muscles insert at the base of 1st metatarsal
3 muscles in the corocoid process short head of biceps brachii, corocobrachialis, and pectoralis minor
the thoracic and sacral region both share this type of curve kypohotic curve
lumbar region has this type of curve lordotic
controls survival behaviors limbic system
Bell's palsy 1/2 facial paralysis due to Herpes Simplex virus
spinous processes bony projections that extend dorsally
transverse processes bony projections that extend laterally
tsubo like Amma but instead from Japan
pronation and supination take place at this joint proximal radioulnar
osteoblasts build
osteoclasts break down
radial fossa located on humerus
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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