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Ben's psycho crap

Side ASide B
types of love passionate and compassionate
prenatal developement G - 0-1.5 conception E- 2-8 organ developement G - 9 to birth sensory exp and learning
reflexes infant relexes - video -
Piaget stages 1=sensorimotor- birth to 2- object permanence 2=preoperational- 2 to 7- egocentrism 3=concrete operational- 7 to 11- conservation- 4=formal operational- 11+ abstract ideas, logical
Vygotsky learning scaffolding - parents structure environments for learning and gradually remove it, learning from people(social)
Piaget learning more cognitive developemental, stages, learning from physical world
Mozart effect supposed enhancement in intelligence after listening to classical music
Ekman's research genuine smile or not?
universal emotions- cross culture primary emotions- big seven - differ in display rules
physiological responses to emotion heart rates, digestion, facial expressions
nature v nurture its both, idiosyncratic, Impact of genes on behavior depends on environment where behavior develops
interpersonal attraction- 3 key elements proximity, similarity, and reciprocity
Baillargeon study violation of expectation (VOE)
AKA theory - Adolescent developement personal fable - felling like your situation is unique. theory of mind- the ability to attribute mental states to oneself and others and to understand that others have beliefs, desires, intentions, and perspectives that are different from one's own
Adult dev - what declines what gets better? decline - recall info, speed of processing better- cued recall, pertinent info, vocab
temperament and attachment monkey experiment temperament- childrens social and emotional styles
temperament - cross culture can be shaped by environmental influences
imprinting phase-sensitive learning independent of behavior
higher risk for stress-life events? know the chart comparisons
clinicians illusion bias error in which a person who works with a troubled or unhealthy population develops a distorted perception of a phenomenon based on the cases they deal with
define stress raised heartbeat
3 views of stress in literature stimuli, transaction, response
Coping strategies optimism, spirituality, rumination, social support, etc
Corticosteroids stress hormones from the adrenal cortex
Eustress good stress
Diabetes diseases that result in too much sugar in the blood, high blood glucose
Stress and the immune system stress weakens the immune system, heart diseases, herpes/std
"Ulcers and stress" stress doesnt cause it
mindfulness and rumination mindfulness- present moment rumination- focusing on negative and over analyzing(mindfulness reduces this)
types of personalities and stress hardiness- boost stress resistance, optimism- good for you
Created by: hcmeek
Popular Psychology sets




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