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Sci Explosion ch 3

Science Explosion v4, chapter 3

aquifer Layers of sand, gravel or bedrock that hold and move groundwater
coal Formed from plant material quickly buried in sediment
crude oil Petroleum
geothermal energy Heat from the earth produces steam to produce energy
ground water Rain water stored beneath the surface of the ground
humidity Amount of water vapor in the air
hydroelectric energy Energy produced as water flows and turns turbines
hydrosphere All of earth’s water (lakes, oceans, streams, rivers, underground water)
malleable Soft and shapeable metal
mineral Solid substance found naturally in the earth’s surface (salt, sand, iron, gold)
natural gas Fossil fuel found in a gaseous state
natural resources Materials on earth that are available for our use
nuclear energy Energy dependent on uranium.
ore Materials in a vein which contain usable amounts of metal
petrochemicals Chemicals produced from oil
petroleum "liquid rock" - a liquid form of fossil fuel
phytoplankton Small plants that make up the first link in the ocean’s food chain
recycle Conserve resources by taking products to a recycling center where they will be remade into other products
reduce Preserving our resources by limiting the amount you use
refinery Factory that separates crude oil into different products
reservoir Holding area for water
reuse Preserve our resources by finding ways to use materials again, be creative
smelting Process used to separate metal from ore
solar energy Energy from sun
uranium Mineral used to produce nuclear energy
vein Concentrated areas of specific minerals
Wind energy Air movements
Created by: marchscience
Popular Science sets




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