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14-15 Vocab Final

abysmal (adj) extremely poor or bad
accumulate (v) to gather (something) gradually as time passes
adversary (n) an enemy or opponent
amend (v) to change and improve (something, such as a mistake or bad situation)
authenticate (v) to prove that something is real, true, or genuine
compel (v) to force (someone) to do something
cumbersome (adj) hard to handle or manage because of size or weight
decipher (v) to find the meaning of (something that is difficult to read or understand)
declare (v) to say (something) in a strong, official, and confident way
defiance (v) a refusal to obey something or someone
delegate (v) to give (control, responsibility, authority, etc.) to someone
ecstatic (adj) very happy or excited
efficiency (n) the ability to do something or produce something without wasting materials, time, or energy
elaborate (v) to give more details about something
embark (v) to begin a journey
embrace (v) to accept (something or someone) readily or gladly
enhance (v) to increase or improve (something)
erratic (adj) acting, moving, or changing in ways that are not expected or usual
fatigue (n) the state of being very tired
flippant (adj) lacking proper respect or seriousness
fret (v) to become vexed or worried
gratitude (n) a feeling of appreciation or thanks
grim (adj) gloomy or depressing
hesitant (adj) slow to act or speak especially because you are nervous or unsure about what to do
hiatus (n) a period of time when something (such as an activity or program) is stopped
idyllic (adj) very peaceful, happy, and enjoyable
improvise (v) to speak or perform without preparation; to make or create (something) by using whatever is available
inadvertently (adv) not intended or planned
interrogate (v) to ask (someone) questions in a thorough and often forceful way
jubilation (n) great happiness or joy
lament (v) to express sorrow, regret, or unhappiness about something
livid (adj) very angry
modify (v) to change some parts of (something) while not changing other parts
nucleus (n) a central or most important part of something
oblivious (adj) not conscious or aware of someone or something
pioneering (adj) creating or developing new ideas or methods
ponder (v) to think about or consider (something) carefully
precarious (adj) not safe, strong, or steady
revolutionary (adj) causing or relating to a great or complete change
saunter (v) to walk along in a slow and relaxed manner
stature (n) the level of respect that people have for a successful person, organization, etc.
suppress (v) to keep (something) secret
trudge (v) to walk slowly and heavily because you are tired or working very hard
venture (v) to start to do something new or different that usually involves risk
weary (adj) lacking strength, energy, or freshness because of a need for rest or sleep
Created by: bcarvajal
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