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PSYC 168 MT 2 Part 2

More tears but nearly halfway

SLD Characteristics (LDisabilities is policy term while SLD is the clinical term) -spec impairment (potentially just one domain)& related 2 neuro dysfn -heterogenous group -not as global as ID -not due to ID/biological impairment(like vision or hearing)/social reasons -I fning=normal -kids can show dif deficits in dif subprocesses
SLD: DSM-5 Criteria -difficulties in learning & using academic skills ->=1 symptom in reading/writing/math >=6 mo. despite targeted interventions (wrong, slow, or effortful reading; problems getting meaning; spelling; written ecpression; numbers, calc., and math reasoning)
SLD: Severity -Mild:some diffi. w/ 1/+ but not super issue(may use some training & support) -Moderate:marked diffis w/ 1/+ domain,usually fine w/ training,some supportive services -Severe:skills in many domains affected,persisting problems,lots of supportive services
Reading SLD (aka Dyslexia) -Diffi might be in any of the following:Word recog,Pronunc, Vocabulary,Reading fluently,Comprehension,Mem -can be due to phonological processing deficits (phonological awareness- understanding basic sounds of lang-, phon. encoding-letters 2 sounds)
Reading SLD: Prevalence -~5% of school age pop -boys>girls -less reading problems if language is more phonetic (transparent) [fluency problems become more prominent at this point) -potentially less problems with logographic langs. (extra act. in right hem w/ V processing)
Reading SLD: Course -issues tend to persist but may improve w/ early intervention -most can be diagnosed by 1st/2nd -late emerging poor readers (1/3)- could sightread but poorphonological proc.-> diagnosed by 4th (as reading gets harder
Writing SLD -deficits in: Storing letters in mem,Spelling,mem retrieval connecting phonemes and words, Word recognition,Understanding the goal of writing,Developing a plan for writing,Organizing points to be made, Linking ideas, Monitoring and revising work
Writing SLD: Prevalence -~1% of school-age kids -may decrease over time with interventions and accomodation but may also persist (practice and modeling) -prevalence for all SLD has increased compared to general ID diagnosis
Writing SLD: Course -Diagnosis usually around 2nd grade and after age 8
Math SLD -deficits in math,skills(reading #s, performing simple ops,memorizing math,understanding terms & symbols,spatial org.,# names,quantity concept),& math-learning delay -issues with cardinality,order,&correspondence(1-to-1 btw label & number), couting flex.
Math SLD: Prevalence -~0.5-1% school age kids -even lower numbers for just pure form -boys=girls
Math SLD: Course -CMD w/ SLD Reading and ADHD and behavioral disturbances(worst outcomes) -likely to persist, esp w/o intervention and when comorbid w/ ADHD
SLD Causes: Genetics -general reading ability is largely heritable and gen, linked (multi gene loci) -SLD reading has been linked to deificits in speech sound processing (reading is based on lang sounds) -higher concordance for Iden. Twins for SLD Math and SLD Reading
SLD Casues: Brain and Brain Structures -more frontal activity w/ more activity in posterior right than left w/ reading SLD -Wernicke's Area:phon processing;integrating AV aspects of lang -Broca's area:word analysis(decoding word & semantics) -Occipito-temporal:rapid word recog, automaticity
SLD Casues: Cognitive and Social -information-processing capacity limitations and speed of processing deficits (hold less in WM) -Slow processing of brief, rapidly successive auditory events like speech (may occur even as early as aud. brainstem response) -poor phon. STM
SLD: Direct Instruction -take new material in steps & make sure that they are w/ you w/ every part -repeat things & make child repeat after you -positive feedback -targets the specific skills that are an issue -Select & state goals -Monitoring progress
SLD: Interventions -intervention for a steady period of time->Increased act in L posterior&frontal systems,decreased act in two R hem -cont improv poss -eg:slow down speech(and grad increase)->increase rate of neural proc(FastForWord) -as inclusion classes possibly
SLD: DSM-5 Criteria Cont. -skill level is below those expected for the individual’schronological age, and cause significant interference -no better diagnosis -begin during school age years but tends to manifest when demands for skills goes above the person's limited capacities
Normal Reading -involves Identifying words in running text, understanding the meaning of the text, retaining this meaning -utilize lang abilities, cog skills, real-world knowledge, conventions of written text
Teaching Phoneme Awareness - can be taught with phoneme isolation, identity (common sound in diff words), categorization (what doesn't belong), blending, segregation, deletion (recognizing the word that remains when the phoneme is deleted
Reading SLD: Risk and Resiliency Factors -Mother’s reading ability -Initial severity of reading problems -Instruction -Ability to attend -Reading models
Reading SLD: Course -parents often think problems will pass -early academic failure can start a cycle of negative thinking and low self-esteem -Increased risk of anxiety, suicidal ideation, school dropout, antisocial behaviors -Worse prognosis with comorbid ADHD
Math Skills Normal -can count by 5 -more complex skills and short-cut strategies develop later -More advanced strategies free up working memory, allowing children to perform more complex calculations in their heads
Math SLD Characteristics Continued -slower to obtain advanced strategies and when they get it, they do it less frquently, less well, and less quickly -deficits may be seen in underlying cog proc. like WMem -often CMD with Reading SLD
SLD: Social and Cognitive Continued -lower social competence -difficulty reading but also diffi reading people (ABR and more is also important for emotional prosody (music of speech) -risk for peer rejection, poor relationships, and bullyin -teachers associate SLD w/ problem behaviors
SLD: Social and Cog Continued #2 -lowered sense of self-worth -Teacher criticism -Greater likelihood of helplessness orientation -Math anxiety and stereotype threat -Avoidance and lack of practice -cycle of failure and disbelief in self and giving up
SLD: Social and Cognitive Continued #3-Parents -parents interact with kids less and ask them less & in simpler manner (more words spoken to child, better their language ability) -parents can also provide motivation to read and modeling for kids
SLD: Cognitive Approach -emphasizes executive processes and metacognition -Increasing child’s awareness of task demands -Increasing use of appropriate strategies -Monitoring success of strategies -Switching to new strategies as needed
Attentional Capacity the amount of info that can be remembered and attended to for a short time (not an issue on ADHD patients)
Selective attention ability to focus on relevant stimuli and not be distracted by irrelevant stimuli
Sustained attention ability to maintain persistent focus on a task over a period of time, or when fatigued
ADHD Overarching Symptoms and Presentation Types -Hyperactivity (more active esp at night), Impulsivity, and Inattention -Types: Predominantly Inattentive Presentation, Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Presentation, Combined Presentation
ADHD-Predominantly Inattentive Presentation (DSM-5) -at least 6/9 symptoms (eg. careless mistakes, diffi and dislikes sustaining attention, doesn't seem to listen when spoken to directly, doesn't follow through on instructions, diffi organizing stuff, loses things, easily distracted, forgetful)
ADHD-Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Presentation (DSM-5) -at least 6/9 -fidgets or squirms , leaves seat when sitting is expected, runs/climbs when inappropriate, unable to have fun quietly, often on the go, talks a lot, blurts out answers for question is completed, cant wait, interrupts or intrudes on others
ADHD- Combined Presentiation (DSM- 5) -at least 6/9 of Inattentive Presentation and 6/9 of Hyperactive-Impulsive Presentation
ADHD Overall DSM-5 -several symptoms before age 12, present for at least 6 months, and occur in at least 2 settings -at least 5 for adolescents and adults -inconsistent w/ developmental level -make sure differential diagnosis doesn't work better
Associated ADHD Characteristics -sleep difficulties -more accidental injuries -not well liked/accepted OR neglected(if inattentive presentation)OR rejected (hyperactive-impulsive) -may seek friendships with other rejected kids
ADHD Prevalence -9% kids -combined pres is most common -boys>girls -girls: inattentive> H-I -prevalence varies according to cultural norms -may be higher w/ lower SES -CMD: SLD, ODD, CD, SUD (mediated by CD), anx, dep, DMDD -ADHD->ODD->CD
ADHD Course -diagnosis decreases from childhood to adolescene -a good amount (less than majority) maintain symptoms as adult -hyperactive symptoms become less obvious into adol. -increased risk for child w/ less B inhib, effortful control & more novelty seeking
ADHD Theories -under-arousal -motivation deficits (immediate gratification) -behavioral inhib deficits -self-reg deficits
ADHD Causes: Neurobiology -smaller frontal lobe -longer maturation time and less pruning with basal ganglia -NTs: dopamine (too little) (receptors located at basal ganglia) and NE
ADHD Causes: Genetics -runs in families (similarity to bi parents over adoptive parents) -likely gene associated with dopamine system
ADHD Causes: Birth-Related -low birth weight -injury at birth -prenatal drugs
ADHD Causes: Psychosocial -Affect severity, continuity and nature of symptoms -family factors (hostile-intrusive parenting does not help-from ADHD or for ADHD)
ADHD Assessment -consider dev. history, multiple info sourcesm ad differential diagnosis -interviews (for parents, teachers, and parent-child) -ratign scales -standardized tests of intelligence, procedures to evaluate inattention and impulsivity
ADHD Asessment: Continued PerformanceTest (CPT) -subject is told to follow specific instructions on computer program -press button too early->impulsivity, don't press on time-> inattention -no testing for hyperattention
ADHD Treatment -medications: stimulants(increase dopamine activity), non-stimulants (SNRIs) to block NE reuptake *mainly for core symptoms and for school kids *BUT not permanent, not effective for all, side effects,over-prescribed poss., inapprop prescription fears
ADHD Treatment: Psychosocial -behavior mgmt (imm, tangible rewards -parent training: get parents more involved -multimodal Psychosocial Therapy (MPT) : educational and social skills training -WM training: could reduce inattentiveness -combining pharm & psychosoc is most effective
ADHD: Associated Characteristics Continued -deficits in executive fning(goals, WM, self-reg, inhib, plans) -deficits in adaptive fning and academic achievement
Created by: ymazil
Popular Psychology sets




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