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Module One Review

Review of Module One concepts and information

What is Shravana? Listening attentively, without mental comment - Important in the learning process as it facilitates taking in information.
What is Manana? Reflecting on what you have heard so you can get clarification, identify contradictions and implications.
What is Nididhyasa? Meditating on the meaning behind learnings - inculcating what you have learned.
How do you effectively receive feedback? Listen to feedback w/o interrupting - concentrating on listening & understanding; Be aware of non-verbal responses; Be Open; Understand the message - asking clarifying questions; Reflection & assessing the value of the feedback; & Following up
How do you effectively give feedback? Prioritize your ideas and understand their value; Concentrate on behavior and not the person; Balance the content - identify strengths and encourage more of that and identify areas for improvement and specific suggestions for making changes.
What energy does the Ganesh Chant Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha impact? The Ganesh Chant removes obstacles via the characteristics of Ganesh - Listening, Thinking, Concentrating, Moving toward goals, Retaining good/discarding bad; Keeping desires under control; releasing attachments; digesting all of life.
What is a Drishti? A Dristhti is a point of focus where the gaze rests during asana and meditations practices.
How many Drishtis are there? There are eight gazing points: Thumb, Brow Center, Nose, Palm, Right/Left, Up (Infinity), Navel and Feet/Toes
Ardha Half
Adho Downward
Urdva Upward
Parvritta Revolved
Prasarita Spread Out
Parsva Side
Purvo East Facing
Pashima West Facing
Uttana Out Stretching
Sirsa Head
Mukha Face
Pada Feet
Big Toe Padagusta
Janu Knee
Karna Ear
Mula Bandha Root Lock - toning of the pelvic floor - pull hip points toward each other
Uddiyana Bandha Belly Lock - flying up belly - a hug of the abdominal organs - draw pit of the belly and ribs up
Jalandhara Bandha Throat Lock - Chin to chest - instant trigger for mental relaxation - helps to regulate circulation and respiratory systems (always practiced with Mula and Uddiyana Bandhas.
Voice Clarity The quality of being heard
Voice Modulation Adjusting pitch and tone to convey clarity
Authentic Voice Sounding like you and not someone else, scripted or robotish.
Yamas Universal Morality
Niyamas Personal Observances
Asanas Body Postures
Pranayama Breath control
Pratyahara Control of the senses
Dharana Concentration and cultivation of inner perceptual awareness
Dhyana Devotion, Meditation on the Divine
Samadhi Union with the Divine
Ahimsa Compassion for all living things - Do No Violence
Satya Truthfulness
Asteya Non-stealing
Brahmacharya Sense Control
Aparigraha Neutralizing the desire to acquire and hoard wealth
Pillars of Meditation Concentration and Mindfulness
The Five Precepts Refrain from Killing; Refrain from Stealling; Refrain from sexual misconduct; Refrain from false, harsh, idle speech; Refrain from intoxicants that cloud the mind
Points of Posture in Meditation Legs Arms Back Eyes Jaw Tongue Head and Shoulders
What are the three fundamental sun salutations in flow yoga? Surya Namaskar A - Sun A Surya Namaskar B - Sun B Classic Surya Namaskar - Sun C
Muladhara Root Chakra - Earth Element - Red Color - About survival and grounding; self preservation and physical aspects; develops in the womb - 12 mos. Cultivates the right to have. Seed sound LAM; feed it protein
Feet in Alignment Theory All corners grounded; two fists' width apart
Thighs in Alignment Theory Spin in, up and back
Pelvic Floor in Alignment Theory Drawn up (think "drawstrings" by pulling hip points toward midline - pelvis neutral)
Ribcage in Alignment Theory Lift the ribcage (think zippers as you lift the pit of the belly and the ribs without splaying ribs forward)
Arms in Alignment Theory External rotation of the upper arms; Internal rotation of the lower arms; wrists in neutral; Shoulders neutral; shoulder blades on the back
Skull in Alignment Theory Neck is long; Skull slightly lifted; Chin parallel to the floor
Created by: adyer108
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