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Elements of Comm.

C132 - (WGU) elements of effective communication

What are the five principles of communication? Be aware, interpret verbal messages, interpret non-verbal messages, listen and respond, and adapt messages.
What does effective communication improve? Your employability and your relationships.
Define communication. The process of acting on information.
Define human communication. The process of making sense out of the world and sharing that sense with others by creating meaning through verbal and non-verbal messages.
Define symbol. A word, sound, gesture, or visual image that represents a though, concept, object or experience.
What are the goals of public speaking? To inform, to persuade, or to entertain.
In small groups, what is usually the main goal? To solve problems and make decisions.
Define ethics. The beliefs, values, and moral principles by which we determine what is right or wrong.
Universal cultural norms consist of...? Value of truth, respect for another persons dignity, and the expectation that innocent people should not suffer harm.
Define the communication-as-action model. It is when communication takes place when a message is sent and received only.
Define source. The originator of a thought or emotion who put it into a code that can be understood by a receiver.
Define encoding. The process of translating ideas, feelings and thoughts into a code.
Define decoding. The process of interpreting ideas, feelings and thoughts that have been translated into a code.
Define receiver. The person who decodes a message and attempts to make sense of what the source has encoded.
Define message. The written, spoken, and unspoken elements of communication to which people assign meaning.
Define channel. The pathway through which messages are sent.
Define noise. interference, either literal or psychological, that hinders the accurate encoding or decoding of a message.
What is the communication-as-interaction model? Includes same elements as comm.-as-action model but also has feedback and context.
Define feedback. The intentional or unintentional response to a message.
Define context. The physical, historical, and psychological communication environment.
What is the communication-as-transaction model? All interactions are simultaneous in which we send and receive messages concurrently. Occurs within a context.
Define mediated communication. Any communication that is carried out using some channel other than those used in face-to-face communication.
What are some of the ways mediated communication is different than face-to-face comm? Anonymity, less emphasis on personal appearance, distance, and timing/pacing of messages.
Define asynchronous communication. Communication in which timing is out of sync; there is a time delay between when the message is sent and received.
Define synchronous communication. Communication in which messages occur in real time; response to a message is immediate.
What are common characteristics of communication? It is inescapable, irreversible, and it is complicated.
Define content dimension. The new info, ideas, or suggested actions that a communicator wishes to express.
Define relationship dimension. Aspect of a communication message that offers cues about the emotions, attitudes, and amount of power/control the speaker directs toward others.
Define rule. A followable prescription that indicates what behavior is required or preferred and what behavior is prohibited in a specific situation.
What is intrapersonal communication? Communication that occurs within your self, including your thoughts and emotions.
Define language. A system of symbols (words or vocab.) structured by rules (grammar) that makes it possible for people to understand one another.
What is non-verbal communication? Communication by means other than written or spoken language that creates meaning for someone else.
What is interpersonal communication? Communication that occurs simultaneously between two people who attempt to mutually influence each other.
What is impersonal communication? Communication that treats people as objects or that responds only to their roles.
What is small group communication? Transactive process of creating meaning between a group of people who share a common purpose, feel a sense of belonging to the group and exert influence on one another.
A small group consists of how many people? Three to fifteen people.
Define group. Collection of people who have a common goal, feel a sense of belonging, and influence one another.
What is presentational communication? Communication that occurs when a speaker addresses a gathering of people to inform, persuade, or entertain them.
Define rhetoric. Process of using symbols to influence or persuade others.
What is mass communication? Communication accomplished through mediated message that is sent to many people at the same time.
Define organizational communication? Study of human communication as it occurs within organization.
What is health communication? Study of communication that has an effect on human health.
What is critical thinking? Process of logically evaluating reasons and evidence and reaching a judgment on the basis of this analysis.
What is selective exposure? The tendency to seek and discover data that supports personal perceptions.
What is cause and effect? Relationship between an event (the cause) and a second event (the effect) that is a direct consequence of the first.
Define reasoning. Systematic process of reaching conclusions, inferences or judgements from the review of info, facts and evidence.
What is parataxic distortion? The interpretation of a situation that has little or no basis in reality.
What is a syllogism? A deductive scheme of a formal argument consisting of a major and minor premise that leads to conclusion.
Define self-awareness. The capacity to observe and reflect on one's own mental states.
Define symbolic self-awareness. Unique human ability to develop and communicate a representation of oneself to others through language.
Define self. The sum of who you are as a person; your central inner force.
Define self concept. Your interior identity or subjective description of who you think you are.
Define self-image. Your views of yourself in a particular situation or circumstance.
What is the material self? The element of the self reflected in all tangible things you own; your body, possessions, and home.
What is the social self? Your concept of self as developed through your personal, social interactions with others.
What is the spiritual self? Your concept of self based on your beliefs and your sense of who you are in relationship to other forces in the universe.
What is avowed identity? An identity you assign to yourself and portray.
What is ascribed identity? An identity assigned to you by others.
What is reframing? Process of redefining events and experiences from different points of view.
What are the stages of perception? Attention and selection, organization, and interpretation?
What does the stage attention and selection of stages of perception consist of? Act of perceiving stimuli in your own environment and the act of choosing specific stimuli in your environment to focus on.
What does the stage organization of stages of perception consist of? Converting information into convenient, understandable, and efficient patterns that allow us to make sense of what we have observed.
What does the stage interpretation of stages of perception consist of? Attaching meaning to what is attended to, selected, and organized.
What is indirect perception checking? Using your own perceptual abilities to seek additional information to confirm or refute your interpretations of someone's behavior.
What is direct perception checking? Asking someone else whether your interpretations of what you perceive are correct.
What are the five elements of perception? Stimulation, organization, interpretation, memory and recall.
What are some common communication barriers? Culture, experiences, stereotypes, media, influences, filters and expectations.
Define denotative meaning. The restrictive or literal meaning of a word (objective).
Define connotative meaning. The personal and subjective meaning of a word.
Define concrete meaning. Meaning that refers to something that can be perceived with one of the senses.
Define abstract meaning. Meaning that refers to something that cannot be perceived or experienced with one of our senses.
What is allness? Word barrier created through the use of language that reflects unqualified, often generalizations that deny individual differences of variations.
What is supportive communication? Language that creates a climate of trust, caring and acceptance.
What is defensive communication? Language that creates a climate of hostility and mistrust.
What is polarization? Tendency to describe things in extremes as though no middle ground exists.
What are ways to create a supportive environment? Describe your own feelings using "I" statements, focus on problem solving, be genuine and empathize.
What are affect displays? Nonverbal behavior that communicates emotion.
What is a regulator? Nonverbal behavior that helps control the interaction or level of communication between people.
What is an adaptor? Nonverbal behavior that helps satisfy a personal need and allows a person to adapt or respond to the immediate situation.
What are the key elements of culture? Society, learning, individual, and environment.
What are some ways to connect interculturally? Empathy, collaboration, willingness, questioning, and similarities.
What is a brainstorming group? Group in the work place that is created to generate ideas.
What is an informational group? Group created to share information related to a particular topic or objective.
What is a learning group? Group created to foster education and to create understanding.
What is a problem solving group? Group created to help address a problem or issue.
What is a task group? Group created to complete a job.
What is groupthink? Process of members coming together in a dysfunctional manner to limit input, discussion, or alternate ideas.
What skills will help you be effective in a group? Interpersonal skills, identifying with the group, staying focused, critical thinking skills, and being understanding.
What is public speaking? Teachable, learnable process of developing, supporting, organizing and orally presenting ideas.
What are the eight steps of presentational speaking? Select a topic, identify purpose, develop central idea, generate main ideas, gather supporting material, organize presentation, rehearse presentation, and deliver presentation.
What is speaker anxiety? Anxiety about public speaking is manifested in physiological symptoms.
What is illusion of transparency? The mistaken belief that the physical manifestations of a speaker's nervousness are apparent to an audience.
What is habituation? Process of becoming more comfortable as you speak.
What is systematic desensitization? Anxiety management strategy that includes general relaxation techniques and visualization process.
What is performance visualization? Anxiety management strategy that involves viewing a videotape of a successful presentation and imaging oneself delivering that presentation.
Define general purpose. Broad reason for giving a presentation; to inform, persuade, or to entertain.
Define specific purpose. Concise statement of what listeners should be able to do by the time the speaker finishes the presentation.
Define central idea. Definitive point about a topic.
What is a declarative sentence? A complete sentence that makes a statement as opposed to asking a question.
Define main idea. Subdivisions of the central idea of a presentation that provide detailed points to focus for developing the presentation.
What are ways you can organize your main ideas? Chronologically, topically, spatially, cause-and-effect, and problem and solution.
Define inform. To share information with others to enhance their knowledge or understanding of the information concepts, and ideas you present.
What is cognitive dissonance? Sense of mental disorganization or imbalance that may prompt a person to change when new information conflicts with previously organized thought patterns.
What is the elaboration likelihood model (ELM)? Contemporary theory that people can be persuaded both indirectly and directly.
Created by: lextron
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