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To kill a mockingbir

ch 1-2, 9-13, 25-27

Inordinately to great or too many, not within proper or reasonable limits
Ingenuous simple, innocent
Analogous similar, comparable
Guilelessness plain, open honesty, with out any tricks
Trousseau all the new clothes a bride brings to her marriage
Ambrosia a dessert made up of a mixture of fruit, nuts and coconut
Obstreperous noisy, unruly
Invective abusive terms, curses, insults, cuss words
Articulate able to speak and express oneself, speaking clearly
Passé old fashioned
Umbrage offense-annoyance, displeasure
Rectitude uprightness of character
Interdict prohibition, restraint, forbidding
Palliation less sever, less serious
Reconnaissance inspection, examination, observation
Cantankerous disagreeable, to deal with, contenous
Altercation heated or angry dispute, noisy argument
Habiliments outfits, clothing
Rotogravure process of printing pictures, often photographs of picture
Ecclesiastical relating to a church or the clergy
Austere stern and severe
Prerogative exclusive right or privilege
Obliquely indirectly
Alleged doubtful, suspect,supposed
Taciturn almost always silient
Vapid dull, without spirit or liveliness
Repertoire special skills a person has, valid; boring or uninteresting
Malevolent evil
Culprit a person guilty of or responsible for an offense or fault
Predilection preference or preferred way of doing something
Flivver an automobile,small and inexpensive
Foray you go somewhere or do something that is unusual
Condescended to agree to do something that you believe to be beneath your dignity
Illicity unauthorized or improper
Indigenous belonging to a particular region or country
Entailment a legal situation regarding the use of inherited property
Smilax a bright green twinning vine, holiday decoration
Vexations something that causes annoyance problems
Persecuted to purse with harassing or oppressive treatment
Notoriety fame
Purloined to take with dishonesty, to steal
vehemently marked by great energy or extertion
guff bodly rude or disrespectful talk
Created by: Brightonvball
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