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Civil War Causes

Causes of the Civil War

What kind of economic base did the North have? Industrial
What kind of economic base did the South have? Agriculture
Where did the Northerners live? Urban/Cities
Where did the Southerners live? Country/Rural
What diversity was in the North? Great deal of diversity
What diversity was in the South? Almost no diversity
What is nullification? States having the right to rule federal laws unconstitutional, south wanted states to be able to rule a federal law illegal
What did the southern states want to nullify? 1. Economic Policy 2. Slavery
How did Missouri enter the Union? Slave State
How did Maine enter the Union? Free State
How were slave or free states decided after the Missouri Compromise? ABove 36 degrees was free below was slave
How did California enter the Union? Free State
How did Utah and New Mexico enter the Union? They were given popular sovereignty
What happened in Washington D.C. because of the Compromise of 1850? Slave trade was abolished
What to the Compromise of 1850 do to Fugitive slaves? Strengthened the Fugitive Slave Act which forced escaped slaves to go to Canada instead of the North
What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act? Act where both states were given popular sovereignty which lead to the first acts of violence between pro-slavery and anti-slavery groups which was known as Bleeding Kansas
What was an abolitionist? Person that was against slavery and wanted to get of it
What was Harriet Beecher Stowes' book titled and about? Uncle Tom’s Cabin, it was a fictional story about the life and trials of a slave living on a plantation. It was widespread through the North which helped the people understand the problems with slavery
Who was Dred Scott and what did he do differently from other slaves? Dred Scott was a slave who sued his master for his freedom. The case gets to the Supreme Court
What was the verdict of the Dred Scott Case? They decided to keep him a slave and said that slaves were property not citizens and could not sue their masters and the master had a right to take his property into any state or property into any state
What were the Douglas-Lincoln debates? Lincoln-Douglas Debates *Running for an Illinois Senate seat in 1858 *Traveled around Illinois and debated each other 7 times *Douglas favored popular sovereignty
What happened to Lincoln after the election? Lincoln lost the election but the debates gave him national fame and the Republican party choose Lincoln as their presidential candidate for 1860
What was the result of the 1860 election? Lincoln only received less than 40% of the popular vote, however he won the electoral college with 180
What did the election show the South? This election showed the South how little political power they had because Lincoln had not won a single Southern state yet still became president
What party was Abraham Lincoln? Republican
What Party was Stephen Douglas? Democratic, North
What party was John Breckinridge? Democratic, South
What party was John Bell? Constitutional Union
What is popular sovereignty? It says that the states could choose for themselves (free or slave)
How did Kansas and Nebraska decide if they would be free or slave states? They decided by popular sovereignty
Created by: 19mcdougallc
Popular U.S. History sets




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